Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Sr Member
I've been streaming the Sarah Connor chronicles on nexflix and I have to say, I'm about a dozen episodes into the series and I dig it. I have NO idea where it's going, but the show isn't terrible. The plot is a bit thin, but not every tv show can be Blade The Series. (HAHAHAHAHA) The main actress is amazing, a real badass in my opinion. The young man playing John Connor is a good actor for his age. He brings real weight to the role.

What I DONT understand is how it seems like every 3 episodes, someone else is sent back in time, in the little lightning-bubble-naked-thingy. It's starting to get alarming.

Anyone else like this show? YES, I know there were other threads about this show, please dont be a jack head and post them here. I'm starting a new discussion.

Anyone else like this show? Anyone else like the lead actress and John's casting?
Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

I enjoyed and was disappointed when it was canceled. I liked the different angles it had and also liked that they did away with what happened in T3 and T4. It definitely came unto it's own. Hope you enjoy the rest of the episodes!
Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

I liked it and was really surprised by Sean Austin Green on the series.
Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

I definitely liked it, was sad when the cancelled it.


Pretty bad when they took out that one character, just boom and it/she/he's gone. I liked how they also brought it/she/he back. But they took out it/she/he the same way they took out (OTHER SPOILER ALERT FROM DOLLHOUSE) paul too.

Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

Loved the show and mourned it when it was cancelled!
Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

I liked it, and watched all of season one, but for the life of me I can't remember a single episode.
Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

I liked it, and watched all of season one, but for the life of me I can't remember a single episode.

Now that you talked about it, I can't really remember what happened either. Everything is just a blur and all I can remember is some terminators fighting and the random characters.
Re: Finally watching the Sarah Connor Chronicles.....

Anyone else like this show? Anyone else like the lead actress and John's casting?


I bought the first season boxset a couple of years ago. Loved it!

It was only eight episodes so I was salivating for the second season to be released on dvd.

The second season... went in a direction I wasn't expecting. There were episodes I thought the writers had "butchered" the series.

However there were some really great episodes as well. And of course the "arc" episodes (as opposed to the stand alone ones) were really beginning to take shape. Once again my interest level went up.

And then I had watched them all. Two seasons. All done. No more.

That sucked.

This show really did have potential. However I can see how the ratings may have fallen leading to it's demise.

Anyway- I've actually accepted Lena Headey as Sarah Conner more than Linda Hamilton!

Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I had seen the original pilot before it was re-shot and re-edited but seriosuly, how did that concept and even then, after the horrible pilot, after the re-edit and re-shoots, being still terrible, did it get picked up, and then, continue to air? The stories were terrible, the characters dont mesh, the horrible shakey cam stuff, some terrible casting, I could go on and on.

If there ANYTHING redeeming about this show? Its painful to watch. Ive tried numerous times the past six months being down with an injury yet whenever its on, I end up counting hairs on my hand or balancing the tv remote on my fingertip. Its disappointing when something so basic as the "Terminator" can be jacked up time and again.

Where is Jetbeetle, im sure he could do something with this train wreck.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I agree. The Terminator wasn't meant to be a PG 13 movie franchise or a tv friendly show. I saw scifi was showing it tonight and made sure to skip it. I really did try to like the show but it just wasn't what it could have been even with it being a totally alternate Terminator universe from the movies.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

Ahhh dang it, I was wanting to get into this show but I guess I won't now.....bah...I was seriously going to start watching first season tonight.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

The first season was pretty decent with Cromartie. The second really dragged after a while before picking up. It was better than most everything left on Fox after it was cancelled, as usual.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I liked the show and was unhappy when it was cancelled. It just wasn't a show for everyone. You either enjoyed it or hated it.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I liked it better than a lot of shows that are still airing.

There were some issues of course but I liked Cromartie. And he is hilarious on Raising Hope.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

They blew their cash wad on the pilot -- which i remember thinking wasn't bad at all. Subsequent episodes couldn't afford chases, fights, explosions, so you got a LOT of talking heads scenes... which weren't all that mesmerizing considering peoples expectations from the Terminator Movies. Too bad.

I think The Terminator could be a great TV show... but as a high-end HBO or SHOWTIME series where you don't have to worry about language and have fewer episodes and more money to spend on action. That's how I'd do it, anyway.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I liked the show more than Terminator 3 and most of 4.

Shirley Manson's T-1000 was becoming a really interesting character, given her questionable loyalties.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I think even FX could have done pretty good with a Terminator show as it's able to do edgy stuff like The Shield. I liked the pilot and had high hopes but then it just didn't grab me. I even bought season 1 on dvd so i could get into it as i was always forgetting it was on.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I didn't live up to the first two films, but I found it to be closer in spirit to them than the other two movies. It sort of got lost in season two, but was slowly getting back right before it got cancelled.
Re: Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, paiiinful

I liked it. I thoroughly enjoyed the first seasons, but never got round to finishing the 2nd. When I heard it was canceled on a cliffhanger, I didn't bother going back.