Terminator: Genisys

So.... time displacement equipment?

Well that was certainly underwhelming. The endo hand looks terrible. I'm sorry, if I hear "I'll be back" or "she'll be back" or ANYONE will be back one more time.....it'll pull me right out of it.
Time displacement device looks close to what i imagined. That endo arm was a big WTH moment. I think i did better liquid metal fx in photoshop :lol
Time displacement device looks close to what i imagined. That endo arm was a big WTH moment. I think i did better liquid metal fx in photoshop :lol

You see me signature image? Even that is better :p I would have preferred Cameron's time machine-look

Call me crazy but CGI is for the things you can't do physically. CGI arm is just lazy.

I love CGI, probably more than most people. With that said... you are SO right. The more real you have in your shot, the more real it will look. So you should always, ALWAYS go with physical effects before resorting to CGI. Just compare the scene in T2 where arnie cuts open his arm, exposing the endo skeleton. It's all fake, yet it looks real because it IS real. One hell of an animatronic.

I really miss Terminator movies NOT made by lazy hacks :( :( :(
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I'm really looking forward to this, irrespective. I love the terminator series, one and two were perfect, and four was pretty good minus the cyborg.

what? there was a third movie? ok. I liked PARTS of that... like the truck driving scene and the toilet destroying scene. that was about it. I'm hoping this has all the right nods.. and I love the way they're going with a massively altered timeline.. as that's probably the most likely scenario. all this travelling back will change the story.. the information they have is based on a future which happened already. who knows.. the next time kyle reese gets sent back, he may find that sarah connor is an android and the entire human race has been wiped out apart from a few hundred breeding pairs, because of the choices they keep making.

ok I'm over-tired and ranting. BRING ON THE NEXT TRAILER
The time displacement unit looks just like the one in the graphic novel......thinks its Terminator Twilight but its been awhile since I read it.
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