Terminator: Genisys

re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

When I first read the headline, I thought this was a terrible idea, but the more I think about it, I think it could work, and that's a movie I would watch.
It would make it ok that Arnie is aging (although a little contrived that a future robot would look like him even given the article), and I think the Rock could work well in that role, and I'd like to see him as the personality-less villian, as it worked so perfectly for Arnie in T1.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

I think The Rock could work in the role, but when Arnie was The Terminator, in the original I mean, he was almost a complete unknown which for me added to the mystique of the character, he was this big scary dude who looked odd and so if The Rock ends up being The Terminator will we be looking at him and saying 'yeah but its THE ROCK!'. Personally I'd be up for seeing someone obscure take the role of The Terminator?
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

How hard is it to give people the Future War we've all craved since we first saw Kyle Reeces flashbacks.

Not hard at all, but REAL hard (it would seem) for the folks in Hollywood, just look at the non-Terminator "Terminator Salvation"

Cameron did some brilliant work with just 6-7 million with The Terminator...
I'm not a writer and even I would be able to come up with something far better than T3 and TS combined!
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Wanna know why it's hard? Probably because it's the end. The "Future war" is basically the end of the story. The resistance fights, wins, and then the cycle starts over.

So, how would Hollywood continue to milk the franchise if they showed you the end of the story?
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Wanna know why it's hard? Probably because it's the end. The "Future war" is basically the end of the story. The resistance fights, wins, and then the cycle starts over.

So, how would Hollywood continue to milk the franchise if they showed you the end of the story?

Nah, then they can reboot it after that.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Nah, then they can reboot it after that.

Then six months after that re-release it in 3D, then fast forward a month and they'll start working on a prequel that takes place in the wild west, which bombs worse than Wild Wild West aaand then fast forward seven months and they'll announce a reboot :lol

re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Kyle Reese: There was a nuclear war. A few years from now, all this, this whole place, everything, it's gone. Just gone. There were survivors. Here, there. Nobody even knew who started it. It was the machines, Sarah.
Sarah Connor: I don't understand.
Reese: Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination.
Sarah Connor: Did you see this war?
Kyle Reese: No. I grew up after. In the ruins... starving... hiding from H-K's.
Sarah Connor: H-K's?
Kyle Reese: Hunter-Killers. Patrol machines built in automated factories. Most of us were rounded up, put in camps for orderly disposal.
[Pulls up his right sleeve, exposing a mark]
Kyle Reese: This is burned in by laser scan. Some of us were kept alive... to work... loading bodies. The disposal units ran night and day. We were that close to going out forever. But there was one man who taught us to fight, to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal mother****ers into junk. He turned it around. He brought us back from the brink. His name is Connor. John Connor. Your son, Sarah, your unborn son.

That's ever detail you need to make a great movie, not a prequel or yet another frign reboot:facepalm just the "full" story of the war, ending with Reese being sent back at the end.... Everyone knew what the end of Titanic was going to be and it was still a great film... Why are the they so scared to close the loop in the story, instead of the weak ass chip at it, that was Salvation....
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

While Terminator 3/4 did screw them over slightly if they want to continue the overall canon, I don't like the idea of a full reboot at all. I think most people would be perfectly happy for them to just ignore that 3/4 ever happened (even though I didn't mind T3 unlike many people).

We'll see what happens.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Eh, at this point, I don't really see an effective way to continue the story. The timeline's too muddied. What would be interesting to see is if the terminator goes back in time for someone OTHER than John Connor or Sarah Connor, and the film is thereby less a reboot and more a side-boot.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

That would be my favourite solution. If you can't get the original characters, I don't see any reason it has to be a Connor anyway. I'm sure there were plenty of other people to target in the future war.
The potential issue I see there is that if you want it to remain consistent with every movie, you'd have to set it before the judgement day that's already established, unless of course they just want to push back the date of judgement day again due to the continuing timeline changes. The timeline always seems to be in a bit of flux, so I'd be ok with that.

I'd also like to see them try something a bit different with the formula, while sticking to that style. While I don't mind T3 for what it is, it was entirely redundant, because we'd already seen a movie of Arnie playing the good Terminator against a more powerful bad Terminator. And I enjoy seeing Arnie as the bad guy in the first movie. It sets it apart nicely.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Just said on my radio that its a reboot. No idea if they mucked up though

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re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

Sort of related,
Edward Furlong was arrested for beating and threatening his GF in her apartment while she had a restraining order.

The guy has problems. He was in that Night of the Demons remake and I didn't realize it was him at first. I think that's the first movie I've seen him in since T2. Monica Keena is in it as well.

Horrible idea. I haven't seen many of The Rock's movies. But it would take an amazing director to get a strong Terminator worthy performance out of him. And right now he's just too well known. So it would be a bit of a parody just like Arnold Schwarzenegger's performances in part 3 and 4.

Besides, every director that even tries after Terminator 1 and 2 just shows how poor their story handling and directorial skills are compared to James Cameron.
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

If It's going to be a reboot they had better keep the same Endo and not do a robocop on us:facepalm I think there would be a real uproar if they change that :darnkids
re: Terminator 5 (Reboot)

If It's going to be a reboot they had better keep the same Endo and not do a robocop on us:facepalm I think there would be a real uproar if they change that :darnkids

Not by the same weirdos that before Salvation went all: "Oh cool it's like Transformer-terminators, awesome!" :facepalm :facepalm
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