Technomage Coat from B5/Crusade?


New Member
Has anyone seen hide or hair of the full length Great Coat worn by Galen the Technomage? It looks like a wool and heavy leather combo. The coat and a unique staff and 'ya got a full costume.

Right. That's what I thought. One coat, staff and a Bic Razor and there's your costume.
Why do Technomages have an issue with hair I wonder?

Just finished watching Crusade and was interested in Galen's coat as well. More specifically, a pattern though it would be interesting to find out who owns the original. Does anyone know of a commercial pattern(s) that can be modified to make this coat?

Right. That's what I thought. One coat, staff and a Bic Razor and there's your costume.
Why do Technomages have an issue with hair I wonder?
