Strider/Aragorn build


Well-Known Member
I’ve undertaken the overwhelming task of putting together Aragorns ranger outfit.

I’m wanting to make as much of this myself with three things in mind accuracy, functionality and authenticity.

I’m not aiming for 100% accuracy, more like 90% just so I don’t drive myself crazy with details!

Functionality, I want all items to function as they are meant to, for example his tobacco pouch will hold tobacco, his bedroll can be slept in etc.

Authenticity. By this I mean all leather items will be made of leather, his bow will be crafted from wood etc.

So far, I’ve made a start on some of the leather accessories.

I purchased some 2.2-2.4mm veg tan leather and will make the bedroll, quiver, belt and braces from it.


I first started with the bedroll. Nice and easy.

I cut the pieces from leather and bought a army surplus wool blanket


I used Fieblings pro dye dark brown and neatfoots oil to keep the leather supple and darken areas


Dyed and assembled

I might go over it with another coat of oil to darken it a little more and need to use a wire brush on the wool to weather it a little.


Next up, the quiver.


I used a mixture of dark brown and black dye


I got some ranger buckles from Etsy. They’re not quite accurate and are the ones worn by Faramir and the Gondor rangers (Aragorns are slightly different and a fair bit smaller). They’re good enough for now, but I’ll probably eventually make some more accurate buckles.


I’ve got some heavy duty linen for the soft insert that I need to dye and then I’ll be moving on to his Ranger cloak.
Nice job! I've just completed a set of Boromir vambraces - I'll be posting a thread shortly with some pics. Are you hand sewing the leather?
Happy to share my insight and things i'd do differently if I made another set.
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Yeah, I'm hand sewing everything.

I'm making the 'Ranger/Strider' look first and then once those bits are done, I'll start on Boromir's bracers. I have the leather pieces cut out and I'm 3D printing the Tree and side detailing and then hand embossing the rest of the details!

Yours look good!

The quiver is serviceable. Once I’ve finished a few more items like the cloak and boots, I’ll circle back and make some more accurate buckles. The problem with these ones is the straps need to be thicker and that throws the look off a little.

Those are great! I dont have either of those in my costume... yet.

Its funny how things change after dyeing and waxing. The plain veg tan doesn't do the final project justice.

I have made a fellowship cape, but struggled to find fabric that was the right colour. That blanket you have looks pretty close. Mine is more green than grey, and fleece.
Those are great! I dont have either of those in my costume... yet.

Its funny how things change after dyeing and waxing. The plain veg tan doesn't do the final project justice.

I have made a fellowship cape, but struggled to find fabric that was the right colour. That blanket you have looks pretty close. Mine is more green than grey, and fleece.
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That's a really nice cloak mate! To be fair, colours are a nightmare with this film so I'd say go with whatever suits. I'm making the ranger cloak in a charcoal linen that I've dyed dark olive and then will wax. For the Fellowship cloak, it's difficult to get a good match, Stansborough have a unique breed of grey sheep which gives the cloak its unusual colour. They still sell copies of the cloak but are really pricey! I think yours looks great and as long as you're happy with it!
Quick question. Are you skiving your own straps? This was probably my least favourite part, and I think I might try to find 3/4 inch straps ready skived.
Knocked together his glove from bits I had lying around. Used different thread types to give the impression he has repaired it over time.


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