Tarfful WIP Finished Costume On PAGE 3

Darth Serberus

Well-Known Member
I've been plodding away at this costume since last October. Rarely getting the chance to work on it between other projects but lately had a bit of a push on it.
Being inspired by the likes of Dougiefett's 'best ever' Chewie, Nitroopers sterling work on Merumeru and more recently Torment's awesome Tarfful.
This is my first foray over to the light side with costumes and totally out of my comfort zone... namely HAIR and lots of it.
Therefore I have been easing myself in gently and leaving the hair till later in the build.
I first started on a head sculpt to make the skin, under skull and teeth.

The underskull is fiberglass with an articulated jaw.

The teeth are dental acrylic and the gums a dental monymer.

The skin is a latex and foam hybrid. Soft enough to take the jaw articulation and lip curl yet strong enough to take the weight of all that hair.

This solution came from making the first skin in silicone and it weighing a ton!

I may well do a better, lighter silicone version later on too.

The feet/stilts have been fun to work on, although I made a supremely stupid mistake early on.
I bought some plasters stilts off Ebay. After trying them on I decided they were just too tall and not strong enough to hold my weight (255lbs) plus that of the costume and accessories. So I chopped them down added a new strengthening spar and uprated the springs. This left the stilts at around 14".

I did a rough sketch on photoshop to see if the stilts would work in proportion. The red outline is my image on the stilts underneath the sketch.

When I was happy with the stilts I sculpted a symmetrical wookie foot around it. Now this is where the almighty mess up happened.
Can you spot the mistake?

Unfortunately it was already in the mould when I realised. That'll teach me to be lazy and not have the reference pics at hand when sculpting!
So I had to resculpt the front and add a toe.
When the mould was done I skinned up the inside of the mould with many layers of latex, a tough fabric and stretch panels. To the base of the stilt I added a section of rubber door mat. Then the stilt was dropped into the mould and filled with soft expanding polyurethane foam.

Pulled these out of the mould and made a quick test video of them yesterday.
YouTube - Wookie Feet Test.
I've made a start on some extended fingered gloves to help the proportion.
I still have to make a mannequin before I start on the muscle suit and the dreaded HAIR!!!!!!:wacko
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Re: Tarfful WIP

Alot of work involved for sure. You certainly have done a great job, and you were able to fix a pretty big mistake...where many of us would have thrown the piece out in frustration!
Re: Tarfful WIP

Fantastic work so far, and like MooCricket said, having to redo the feet would've weeded a lot of people out. Love the stilts vid as well.:thumbsup
Re: Tarfful WIP

wow. impressive!!

All of these wookies are coming out of the woodwork! I love it!!
Re: Tarfful WIP

Bout friggin time too!

This will be "off the scale" awesome, can't wait to see it in the flesh!
Re: Tarfful WIP

That is some amazing work you have going on. Looking forward to seeing more of it!
I've been plodding away at this costume since last October. Rarely getting the chance to work on it between other projects but lately had a bit of a push on it.
Being inspired by the likes of Dougiefett's 'best ever' Chewie, Nitroopers sterling work on Merumeru and more recently Torment's awesome Tarfful.
This is my first foray over to the light side with costumes and totally out of my comfort zone... namely HAIR and lots of it.
Therefore I have been easing myself in gently and leaving the hair till later in the build.
I first started on a head sculpt to make the skin, under skull and teeth.

The underskull is fiberglass with an articulated jaw.

The teeth are dental acrylic and the gums a dental monymer.

The skin is a latex and foam hybrid. Soft enough to take the jaw articulation and lip curl yet strong enough to take the weight of all that hair.

This solution came from making the first skin in silicone and it weighing a ton!

I may well do a better, lighter silicone version later on too.

The feet/stilts have been fun to work on, although I made a supremely stupid mistake early on.
I bought some plasters stilts off Ebay. After trying them on I decided they were just too tall and not strong enough to hold my weight (255lbs) plus that of the costume and accessories. So I chopped them down added a new strengthening spar and uprated the springs. This left the stilts at around 14".

I did a rough sketch on photoshop to see if the stilts would work in proportion. The red outline is my image on the stilts underneath the sketch.

When I was happy with the stilts I sculpted a symmetrical wookie foot around it. Now this is where the almighty mess up happened.
Can you spot the mistake?

Unfortunately it was already in the mould when I realised. That'll teach me to be lazy and not have the reference pics at hand when sculpting!
So I had to resculpt the front and add a toe.
When the mould was done I skinned up the inside of the mould with many layers of latex, a tough fabric and stretch panels. To the base of the stilt I added a section of rubber door mat. Then the stilt was dropped into the mould and filled with soft expanding polyurethane foam.

Pulled these out of the mould and made a quick test video of them yesterday.
YouTube - Wookie Feet Test.
I've made a start on some extended fingered gloves to help the proportion.
I still have to make a mannequin before I start on the muscle suit and the dreaded HAIR!!!!!!:wacko

Very nice job
Re: Tarfful WIP

love it.. would love to know how you did the mold for the feet.. dumb question but is the wip on becoming a wookie the best set of instructions for making a wookie costume or is there a better set out there as the first week in November my friend was going to do cast my head so i could start to make my Tarfful head
Re: Tarfful WIP

great work man....my wook doesnt come close to the talent you guys put into it. The hair is going to be fun man but you can get thru it. subsribed:)