TARDIS Console - Original 1963


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I'm wondering if anyone has ever studied the Doctor's original TARDIS Console and identified all the parts used for the switches, levers, gages, meters, etc that were used in it's construction.

I've searched through the forums and done a general search on the web, but couldn't find anything. Iconic Replicas is going to be doing what looks like an incredible 1/6 scale replica of this particular console, but I would still like to be able to find as many of the real-world parts that were used as possible.

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Yesterday I was sitting in traffic (not an unusual occurance for the Chicago area) and found myself behind a PACE bus. My attention wandered to the bus' license plate and the lights on either side and I suddenly realized that the shielded lights that appear prominently on the original TARDIS console could have been license plate lights from a car or trailer. Here's the original TARDIS console:


And here is an example of some license plate lights I found on eBay:


Not exact, but I think I'm on the right track. Any eagle eye experts out there know your European cars circa 1963 and prior?
As I recall, a quote from one of the early production staff in one of Peter Haining Who-books said that many of the items on the early console were black and white or reflective patches that would appear to change by aiming appropriate light at them. I am not sure exactly when your photo dates from as the show was filmed in B&W from 1963 - 1970 then filmed in color but released in both B&W and color for the Pertwee era from '70 to '74. The console changed every season or two, probably as things wore out or story ideas suggested new items that could be added (like the "randomizer" from the Key to Time season in the later 70's)

I've always thought the dome lights on the early Daleks were automotive or trailer lights so car parts would be a likely suspect.

No idea if it's the same or not, but a lot of the pieces on that console picture look similar to stuff on the inside of a Cessna 180 series we're working on (1969, I think). The cover over the big lever reminds me of the one over the flap (or ski) lever, and the small levers remind me of cowl flap levers. Also, the half-shielded light mounts are used on the wingtips for position lights in some a/c.

All that said, I've never seen anything exactly like the ones there, just eerily similar. But it might be another avenue for you to explore.
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I don't remember where I found that particular photo, but I'm pretty sure it's a capture from a DVD and not one that I did. My guess is that this is the console from Troughton's time since the next photo I have in sequence shows Troughton, Jamie and Zoe around the console.

This particular console in its entirety made it's last appearance in the Pertwee story "Inferno" and some color photographs do exist even during Hartnell's and Troughton's time which were taken on set during rehearsals.

I have a number of Hainings books, but it's been a long time since I've read them. However most of the lights on the console were definitely self illumanated and not illumanated by off camera lights reflecting on them. Many times the lights can be seen flashing off and on sequentially which would have been needlessly cumbersome and expensive to do with pin spots. There are also a set of controls with lights under them that flash sequentially to give a spinning effect much like the Jupiter 2's engine core. This can clearly be seen along with other flashing lights at the end of the last episode of An Unearthly Child as they escape from the cavemen.

Off the top of my head, the first significant change to the console I can think of was the Time Path Detector indicator light shown in The Chase...