Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - new pics, post #15


Sr Member
Hey gang,

This is the build I've been rushing through so that I could start the Group Build, on time :).

Anyway, Tamiya 1/35 and plenty of photo etch add-ons (because I broke a piece and the only way to replace it was with a PE set). I decided to go with very minimal weathering - kind of like it's a parade piece.



As always, constructive criticisms are welcome.

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Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

This is a really cool kit! I got mine off ebay from a guy in China . I had to wait almost two months for it to clear customs,and arrive. I didn't know about the backdoor on the turret until I got it. This is never mentioned in the auctions I've seen so far. This is nice,and big for the $26.00 I paid for it. I bought this for another kit that I was going to bash,but after seeing the quality that this is,I decided to cast this in resin,and save the original from a destructive fate. I'm just going to spray clearcoat over mine,and not bother with paint - it looks too nice in the original olive drab colour. The decals,as well as the rest of the model are still new in their original unopened packages.

The weathering on this looks great! I'm glad to see some armour on this site,and not all the same old sci-fi done to death. Did you do any scratch parts for this,or is this all stock?
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

Thanks, BT. It really is a nice kit, with great detail and really good fit - especially for a kit that's 30+ years old. Only problem is the decals. They're really kind a thick and don't settle down so well, even with multiple applications of decal set and solution.

I didn't scratchbuild anything on this kit as I really didn't have any reference material other than a few shots on the web. But, there is a lot of photoetch parts thanks to Eduards. If you can track down the OOP pack, it's well worth it. I think I got mine from RedFrogHobbies.com.

Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

It's a shame they don't offer that kit anymore! I had almost forgot what good quality the Tamiya Kits had, as a kid I built quite a few Tamiya Models! Looking at this almost gives me the urge to again get a Tamiya Kit and dive right in! Thanks for posting the pictures you did an excellent job with that model.
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

Thanks for the link! I stand corrected must have had a Brain Fart:lol
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

I wasn't correcting you.
I thought so too, then recently learned differently & bought 2 of em!!
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

The decals are a bit too visible. Try a little patch of gloss varnish underneath before putting a matte coat on top. This will make them blend in perfectly with what is otherwise a very well made model. I like it.
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

Microsol and Microset are great for the decals.

You won't get the silvering anymore.

Great build!

Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

The decals are a bit too visible. Try a little patch of gloss varnish underneath before putting a matte coat on top. This will make them blend in perfectly with what is otherwise a very well made model. I like it.

Microsol and Microset are great for the decals.

You won't get the silvering anymore.

Great build!


Thanks, everyone.

The model is still easily had. I think I bought it from spruebros.com for $25, or so.

The decals are the worst part of the kit. They're very thick - even with multiple applications of microsol and set.

What you're seeing is the aftermath of trying to tone down the glossiness of the decal. They're extremely glossy, so I tried to brush on some PollyScale flat finish. Well, that just fogged over the entire decal and turned it a nasty shade of grey-ish white. So I dipped a q-tip in some windex (with ammonia) to try and remove the flat coat from the decal. Nothing happened. So then I went a bit stronger, using Mr. Thinner (gunze sangyo). All that did was start to remove the paint from around the decal. And that's what you see here. I've since scraped off the decal and I'm waiting (hopefully) on a replacement from a fellow modeller over on the FSM forums.

Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

Another thing you can do is cut the decal film right up to the edge of the printed elements, so that the thick edge is flush with the graphics and doesn't show that much.

Here is a shot of one of my tank models I did with gloss and matte varnish. No glazing, no shine, works fine.

Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

I spray on some future, then apply the decals. Once dry I use testers dull coat. That seams to do the trick for me. Great build..
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

Thanks, guys :cool.

It's not that this is my first time putting on decals, it's just these were particularly bad decals. Unfortunately, you don't really know how bad a decal is going to be until it's already on.

Thankfully, there are replacements on their way, so as soon as I get them on, I'll take new pics.

Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build

Very nice. Remember building this kit as a kid.... Oh the fun we had building just about every WWII German Tamiya kit.
Re: Tamiya FlakPanzer Gepard - my latest build


Loosk good, I love the line of padlocks. I served in a mech unit in the Army and know they secured everything. This is where most armor modelers fail badly, showing gear that isn't secured down tightly.
You did a good, job, gives me flashbacks of being run off the highway by a Dutch Gepard at the approach to the main bridge at Deventer, Netherlands, the same bridge they used for "Arnhem Bridge" in the film A Bridge Too Far...
Beautiful! But i can't help looking at the turret in an upside down fashion and think of some remote sensor hanging upside down in a spaceship......

Darn. Now I need to find one too........
"Beautiful! But i can't help looking at the turret in an upside down fashion and think of some remote sensor hanging upside down in a spaceship......"

So true, look at the Tempest scratch build..