SyFy's Krypton (TV Series)

DC needs to give up live action and go back to the Bruce Timm era of animation. Anything on scifi is doomed.

problem is, based on something i read somewhere, is that at least the film division poo poos it's nose at the animation division, thinking them not good enough, or not worthy.

yet, the animated stuff always wins the constant praise, because it's consistently good. where as the live action stuff tends to not be :)
The animated stuff? Consistenly good?
Eh... they've had a very questionable streak lately. The much hyped Killing Joke ended up flopping pretty badly with fans. They also have all those things with Damian Wayne which I can't personally stand.

This does look terrible though, your negativity is justifiable.

problem is, based on something i read somewhere, is that at least the film division poo poos it's nose at the animation division, thinking them not good enough, or not worthy.

yet, the animated stuff always wins the constant praise, because it's consistently good. where as the live action stuff tends to not be :)
yeah. The animated Movies ARE hit or miss... mostly due to the dull 'celebrity' voice actors, but also sometimes due to badstory.

But I think their TV series, at least ones done by Bruce tim, are usually top notch. Even Justice League Action, which shouldn't work at all, has a fun charm to it that's refreshing. I just wish it wasn't so short.

I also have hopes for young justice....first two seasons had promise.

but their live action tv division, I find, still needs alot of work, as does their movie division.
This will suffer through pure ignorance before it even gets going out of the gate:

People assuming Superman will be in it.
People assuming it will tie in heavily to Man of Steel.
People assuming it will, for some reason, include superpowered people.
People assuming it will be on par with stand out TV (big budget) and movie acting/production.
People somehow believing that Krypton can only serve as a footnote in Superman's history.

^ A lot of people fall into those categories. Which is unfortunate for the show.

I'll definitely watch a few episodes to see how it goes. What on earth is wrong with telling original stories within established worlds and frameworks?? As long as there is an intriguing idea being explored, all stories are worth a shot.

Gotham - similar complaints. And yet in it's third season, it's still breaking new ground, telling fun stories (the seasons actually get better as they go IMO, first season wasn't fantastic overall) with great nods to the mythos, and hasn't had Batman in it. If you can enjoy it as a catch all for all mediums of Gotham, it's great. I think if you can view this show the way it is probably meant to be viewed, as stories connected by the IP but seperate to other media, I bet it will be worth a shot.

Of course it could be terrible, but only one way to find out. :thumbsup
So... Krypton. Anyone else watch it? Spoilers Ahoy!

I admit, I gave it a shot. It was somewhat better than I thought it was going to be, but it's paint by numbers drama, meaning you can point and go "Oh, he's gonna bang her cause it'd be PLOT RELEVANT" and "Oh, they are gonna die because we are on a planet of Sean Beans".'s just not good. Maybe episode 2 will change my mind, but Superman, without Superman seems kinda weird. At least Smallville had the actual GUY. When was the last time you wondered "Wtf was up with Riddick's grampa anyway?".

Never. You never wondered that. No one has. Now, we have a sci fi show based on "You know that famous dude? What if we cared about whatever happened to his family before the entire ****ing planet blew up and ceased to be any sort of importance other than the occasional irradiated rock?" and the answer is "Sweet **** all. We care sweet **** all."

I admit Brainiac looked cool. I admit the little crystal thingie was neat, and I enjoyed the cape, but honestly this show kinda sucks. The Krypton we knew from the movies was hardcore science based, and this is more of a weird religious fanatic theocracy.

Cool props, interesting costume designs, neat plot idea, paint by numbers script and overall just boring show.

The coolest coat/cape was on grampa and they killed him off in like 10 mins man.

I'll try to watch an episode or two more, but right now it's just not looking like something I'm gonna dig.

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It’s like watching the world’s slowest idea conveyor belt. It actually makes commercials seem fascinating.

Killing my dvr sub.
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