SyFy's "Collection Intervention"

Collecting isn't always a sickness but it can be. Sometimes intervention makes sense; a collection should be a fun pastime, not a life-ruling monster.

If I'd spent the last ten years collecting, say, cats, for example, damn right my neighbours would intervene. :lol
If anything, that show made me look less like a collector. My collection is contained very well, only occupies 2 rooms safely. But then again, I just listed a bunch of stuff I am selling, so I am at least willing to let go.

I don't think they did it to make it a slap in the face to us collectors, but, they do make the person look a little less stable.

The one with the Star Wars, judging by the commercial, made it sound like the guy was the one with the issues, when in turn, it was his wife. I don't understand why she even thought of selling the vintage, she had plenty of more common modern stuff to sell from the collection.

That guy with the Catwoman stuff though. Even I know better than to just toss that stuff in the garage year round in random boxes...

I'll keep watching the show, but, I sense more drama than there really is. I can't wait to see the Transformers one.
I meant to record this yesterday but forgot to schedule it. I am curious about it, but really more interested in seeing people's collections. The amount of stuff people amass is incredible.
I meant to record this yesterday but forgot to schedule it. I am curious about it, but really more interested in seeing people's collections. The amount of stuff people amass is incredible.

You might check the TV schedule in your area...they are rerunning it again today this evening.

I also would'nt put too much thought into this kind of show. It looks to me like they are going to concentrate only on over zealous overly obsessive horder-like collectors. I wouldn't compare alot of this to the average collector.
Watching that makes me feel so much better about my own collecting.

Here is what I don't understand:
I know people who have family/game rooms stuffed with collectables from their College. It's all over their house, bumper stickers, they even buy cars in their college colors. No one blinks an eye. But you collect Sci-fi stuff and you're 'weird'.
I watched it. The "collectors" were definitely hoarders. But I do like the show even if it feels like a mix of Intervention and Hollywood Treasure at times.

First up. The Star Wars wife. You know she has problems when she started to cry about selling something in her 20s. She had to get it back seeing all the other stuff in the "collection." I sold/traded the majority of my Star Wars vintage collection for more high end pieces. I was extremely happy about it. No way will I sell the high end pieces as they are what I always wanted from Star Wars. But I did keep my vintage Wicket figure and a few others.

The Catwoman guy is also a hoarder. Seriously, hiding everything in a garage just thrown in randomly. You are supposed to be pleased with a collection and have it displayed. Their house seemed empty of Catwoman items. I'm surprised that his wife even put up with it. She didn't seem to be a Catwoman cosplay type either.
Wife and I were watching it last night. She started getting ideas and so *yawn**click* time for bed. :lol

That catwoman guy was a fool. The guy thought that his collection was worth $100,000, sadly that's probably what he paid for it all before throwing it into his garage.

ultimately catwoman stuff is not the worst thing to horde. It's better than hardcore porn :behave
Wife and I were watching it last night. She started getting ideas and so *yawn**click* time for bed. :lol

That catwoman guy was a fool. The guy thought that his collection was worth $100,000, sadly that's probably what he paid for it all before throwing it into his garage.

ultimately catwoman stuff is not the worst thing to horde. It's better than hardcore porn :behave

There was a creepy twinkle in his eye talking about Cat Woman... I think the was a type of "hardcore porn" to him. Probably a twisted fantasy that stems from his childhood.
I thought it was pretty good. I don't get how some people are so attached to their stuff though. If I had to I could sell my entire collection and not break down or anything.
I was present for the set up and then the auction of the Star Wars items at Rancho Obi-wan. I am friends with the collectors Garet and Consetta, and also Steve Sansweet. Heck, I even got some close ups in the show. I was also a stormtrooper in their wedding held in the old Lucasfilm building in Marin.

The auctioneer sucked. He was so bad I wanted to get up and take over. He had no clue what Star Wars even was. Another problem was lack of collectors. They had scrambled to put together this auction in a few days and not a lot of buyers could show up. I recall at least fifteen people who didn't make it that day that they were expecting. To fill out the crowd they threw some jackets and sweaters on us to fill in the crowd, you can see me wearing some brown sweater a crewman had over my Rancho obi wan shirt, my wife was in the back chairs but wore her T-shirt openly. Some items did not sell at all, those that did usually sold for extremely low prices. There were a few good sales and a couple fierce bidding wars but most pieces had only one bid. Because I was 'working' that day I didn't have a paddle. I wish I had, some good stuff went cheaply that I would have happily bought.
After the auction Garet and Consetta donated all proceeds from the sale to Rancho Obi Wan, a place they truly love. The show did not mention that, sadly enough.

Everything they filmed was in three hardcore days. Two long days at their house. The auction day alone was ten hours. Thankfully late in the evening crew bought pizzas for everyone and we hung out on Steve's porch eating and laughing while the crew checked their footage in case they needed more shots. Then Garet and Consetta began worrying about how the editing would portray them. I think the editor did an decent job with what he had to work with to make it interesting, at least from the auction standpoint. Consetta is a really emotional person and I think perhaps they used her crying in spots where....well, you know.

As for whether I think they got a fair shake on that show........mostly.
I really enjoyed seeing their collection. That's why I mostly watched the show. Everything was displayed nicely and I thought they had some really nice stuff. I would not want to get rid of anything vintage either! The Cat woman collector obviously had a few issues if he had to hide his collection and just threw it in boxes haphazardly in the garage. I don't know if I will watch any other episodes but I will probably watch last nights again just because of their collection. Thanks for the behind the scenes scoop. And I agree, that auctioneer was HORRIBLE!
This show will not succeed because it fails every potential audience.
Real collectors won't watch it because it focuses too little on the collections and the stories that go with the work and excitement of acquiring them.
It won't appeal to the, "point fingers and look at the freaks" crowd because the show has to try not to alienate the people they want to feature, so they can't get as much of the "you're crazy and need help" vibe going.

Collectors will also back out of involvement because,
although it is sometimes a good idea to sell items to improve a collection or relationship,
it is NEVER a good idea to rush your items to a low-ball sale that costs you money.
In the post show interview on the show's website the catwoman collector Mark says,
"I'd be much more selective about what I sold in a mass lump sum and what I kept to sell individually on EBay," and "Most of the best stuff was poached, other than the comics."

I'll watch it, but I don't expect it to get picked up for more than the six episodes already made.

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I couldn't help but feel sorry for the 'collectors'. I realize if your collection is a damaging aspect on your life (ie not paying the mortgage in favor of purchasing more 'toys') then clearly it's not a good thing. Still if my partner loved something so much it was bringing a tear to the eye at the thought of getting rid of it I'd be like "nope, just keep it" lol. Plus if you truly LOVE something and you're getting a pittance for it, it seems kind of silly to sell it.

The Star Wars auctioneer did see a bit rubbish, his voice alone could put you to sleep.
Watching that makes me feel so much better about my own collecting.

Here is what I don't understand:
I know people who have family/game rooms stuffed with collectables from their College. It's all over their house, bumper stickers, they even buy cars in their college colors. No one blinks an eye. But you collect Sci-fi stuff and you're 'weird'.

I have always felt this way too..........I spend 3.5K on a Jango Fett and do conventions and charity events and I am weird......another guy spends 30K on a Harley and another 3K on leathers and an outlaw biker costume and rides around aimlessly on weekends and he is normal somehow.
I have always felt this way too..........I spend 3.5K on a Jango Fett and do conventions and charity events and I am weird......another guy spends 30K on a Harley and another 3K on leathers and an outlaw biker costume and rides around aimlessly on weekends and he is normal somehow.

That's because people are afraid to make fun of a leather clad burley biker... But a geek in costume...easy pickins :lol
That's because people are afraid to make fun of a leather clad burley biker... But a geek in costume...easy pickins :lol

well I am not scared of some middle aged overweight computer jockey, which is what most of them really are..........but I guess you are right.
Still if my partner loved something so much it was bringing a tear to the eye at the thought of getting rid of it I'd be like "nope, just keep it" lol.

And that's pretty much how Garet is. He just wants Consetta to be happy. If their house is full of Star Wars stuff, fine. They can afford it.

Here is a picture from the show. I can see eight Rancho volunteers in it, including me. You can also see the horrible sweater they handed me to wear up close and personal, apparently by this time in the auction I had given up on hiding my t-shirt. Slightly earlier in the show is an almost identical shot where I have no sweater. It was a reaction shot of "everyone look here" done well after the auction ended but they had to get shots of buyers holding up their numbers and so forth but by this time they had taken their sweater back. I was very hot in that sweater, but if you look you can see a fellow in glasses and goatee in a tan coat. He was REALLY hot hiding his t-shirt. One fellow was smart and changed into a black t-shirt. The production had specified very clearly that no logos should be visibie so they did not have to blur them, which apparently costs a decent sum of money. Of course the Rancho logo was fine, but no Star Wars clothing.


So Steve buys the Rex statue, the auction thus endeth. Steve's partner Bob is soon resting on a chair after a hard day of running around, looks at me and asks who bought Rex.
Steve did.
Bob's jaw drops. I get the feeling Steve isn't supposed to blow that much dough since he retired.
It's okay Bob. They donated all proceeds back to the Ranch. Steve just paid himself for Rex.
Oh good.
Unless Anne demands that Steve transfer the funds properly.
Oh crap.
I wonder if the have a show called "Fashion Intervention" where it is about a womans clothing/shoe collection getting out of control.

They have a show like that on Lifeti.... I mean... I wouldn't know what you're talking about... Because with the sports watching and the action movies....
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