Switching FX blade color

cayman shen

Master Member
Is it possible to swap blades on the FX lightsabers. I've thus far resisted the temptation to buy one, but with the announcement of a Dooku, I kinda want a blue version like he carries in the Open Seasons comic. Anyone tinkered with this kinda thing?
I've taken my mace windu apart, the blade is just a long strip of LED's that plugs into a electronics board, so I guess it would be pretty easy to change the blades out, the hard part would be taking the sabers apart without damaging them, the windu had scuffs and scratches after I took it apart
You seek the forums at http://www.fx-sabers.com/

It's devoted soley to modding FX sabers, and there are a million and one tutorials on how to go about what you want to do.

So to answer your question, yes it is possible, and it shouldn't cost you more than $50 or so to do a basic color swap. If you want to do a blade upgrade or upgrade the string of SM leds for a single Luxeon led, then you'll be looking at spending anywhere from $100 - $200.
A lot of the custom saber smiths on that board have left over LED strips from doing conversions. An LED strip can be had for as little as a few dollars. I wish you would have spoken earlier as I just tossed out several red and blue strips I had standing in a tube in the corner a few weeks ago!

Great people over there. If your into FX style sabers or sabers in general, that's a great palce.