Suicide Squad

i am in the Joker is really Jason Todd camp too any clues the same scars as Todd had the same J on his face as Todd and what looks like a tattoo of a robin on his left arm and the metal teeth .but we have to wait to see i guess
i am in the Joker is really Jason Todd camp too any clues the same scars as Todd had the same J on his face as Todd and what looks like a tattoo of a robin on his left arm and the metal teeth .but we have to wait to see i guess

I'm actually hoping it is Jason Todd. I still think Crispin Glover would've been the ideal choice for Joker.
I've actually gotten used to DC's movies/TV shows not making ANY sense,sometimes they do good and sometimes....well it sucks The Flash and Gotham are both decent,Green Lantern was okay,Superman always sucked to me,Batman was anything from horrible to good.

Batman Vs. Superman I'm up in the air about,Suicide Squad looks...well I ain't taking any bets folks.

Found a higher quality pic.

Totally off topic, but does his face look off to anyone else? Something with how it's positioned is really skewing the anatomy. Looks like they badly photoshopped a pic of his face looking straight on over a photo of him looking down and its really weird.

EDIT: Looking at it more carefully, it may just be the prosthetics covering his brows and the bridge of his nose throwing me off. Poor color match and edge blending. Spent too much time in the makeup chair applying those tattoos I guess! :lol
View attachment 547082

Found a higher quality pic.

Totally off topic, but does his face look off to anyone else? Something with how it's positioned is really skewing the anatomy. Looks like they badly photoshopped a pic of his face looking straight on over a photo of him looking down and its really weird.

EDIT: Looking at it more carefully, it may just be the prosthetics covering his brows and the bridge of his nose throwing me off. Poor color match and edge blending. Spent too much time in the makeup chair applying those tattoos I guess! :lol

Most likely Photoshop in a hurry. Sometimes the boss just wants it now, no time for worrying about light direction.

But the light direction is not correct. Backlit on the sides, but in front some downward frontal light, except for his eyes which pick up the incredibly bright light source he's holding in his hands that doesn't seem to touch the rest of his head. Basically: in the real word that lightning isn't real and isn't lighting him up, it's added later, but they didn't have time to really adjust the rest of the lighting to account for it.

Thats VERY nitpicky though, and I could honestly see an artist leaving it alone intentionally...the downlight on the cheeks, chin, and below the eyes looks better and the fact that it's "off" actually works with the character of it.
It looks well made, but I can't help feeling like this is just DC's response to Guardians of the Galaxy. Even the bright colors seem to be taking a cue from that film. I hope I'm wrong.
This is just absolutely WHY this is top of my "movies 2016 to watch" list!!! I like the look of a new trailer first thing on a morning,it sounds like victory!!!! (personally I get more of a super hero version of "The Dirty Dozen" but then I'm older than most.

PS: The only downside is the amount of bright P's in this film. Bright pink and purple, the most obnoxious colours in the world, designed to be absolutely and immediately noticed by everybody ,only to then to make you instantaneously wish you'd never looked. Which is why they are the choice colours of psychopath's I guess.
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Wow... this all wrong.
So... who or what are they fighting? Almost looks like Venom symbiotes or something...
I guess they're not going for the same, serious tone of Man of Steel and BvS...
I'm sorry, but I have to respectfully disagree. It looks about as good as the garbage I took outside tonight. I REALLY hope I'm wrong when the film comes out and end up seeing a great film because I would LOVE to be wrong, especially about the Joker, Harley... all of it.
I'll be letting you guys see it first. If most people here are praising it, then I'll go. a non batman fan...Harley Quinn...saw a few clips of the old cartoon (which were great and make me think I should watch that whole thing). Also, anyone who has ever been to a con has seen 58484737382 Harley Quinns walking around.

but a lot of things have happened to the character...especially considering that this is the first time to my knowledge she's ever made it to the big screen. At some point she stopped having anything at all to do with being a harlequin and it seems like no one cares.

i assume that there's some kind of evolution there, but for a lot of people like myself who didn't follow all of the incarnations and video games, it's a bit jarring. For one thing, her name no longer makes sense.

As for for the's impossible to tell from just a trailer, but the little bits of dialogue and story we got felt like it was MORE comic bookish than recent films,not less...which makes the costume and makeup choices for all of the characters less 'real' and more 'still comic book, but poochie-ized because the kids today won't identify with those comics'.

I still hope it's good, but I guess I just am not as enticed by what we've seen so far as most people are. If I am wrong I promise to come back and eat a few I told you so's from the people who like what we've seen.
It looks well made, but I can't help feeling like this is just DC's response to Guardians of the Galaxy. Even the bright colors seem to be taking a cue from that film. I hope I'm wrong.

Bingo. That and they're trying to push back against the chorus of "Oh great. Another gritty grimdark DC comics movie."

Basically, this looks like a Netflixer to me. Might be entertaining, but I don't want to spend $10 to see it in a theater.
Some ideas just don't translate to "gritty & dark." If you're telling a completely ridiculous story, stop taking yourselves so seriously. Guardians of the Galaxy functioned on more than bright colors and a vintage soundtrack. In the "real world," there's absolutely no reason to set these people loose. One of them can aim really well? One is a completely crazy, bubblegum chewing 30-year-old woman obsessed with the DC equivalent of Charles Manson? One has scaly skin? Wow. Who else could possibly get the job done? :rolleyes

I'm not saying there can't be a worthwhile, fun story in there - but nothing about this trailer looks fun at all. Lighten up, comic book films. Play to your strengths.
Some ideas just don't translate to "gritty & dark." If you're telling a completely ridiculous story, stop taking yourselves so seriously. Guardians of the Galaxy functioned on more than bright colors and a vintage soundtrack. In the "real world," there's absolutely no reason to set these people loose. One of them can aim really well? One is a completely crazy, bubblegum chewing 30-year-old woman obsessed with the DC equivalent of Charles Manson? One has scaly skin? Wow. Who else could possibly get the job done? :rolleyes

I'm not saying there can't be a worthwhile, fun story in there - but nothing about this trailer looks fun at all. Lighten up, comic book films. Play to your strengths.

Orrrr don't make it so "No, really, this is the REAL world. And that's why we're setting free a guy who shoots fire from his hands."

I think it's also worth noting just how much DC's marketing department has veered on this one. Initial promo stuff was all set at night, featuring shots of dirty-looking actors with a lot of black makeup and such, followed by the creepy-and-dangerous "I started a joke" trailer.

But NOW we're showing shots of them in broad daylight set against bright blue skies, changing their logo to neon smiley-death faces, and setting everything to the delightfully bombastic, highly irreverent Bohemian Rhapsody. It's like they fired one marketing department and brought in another, and YET AGAIN it tells me that DC has no idea what the hell it's doing.

If this movie is entertaining, it will be so in spite of the DC/WB C-suite's approach to getting it made.
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