Suicide Squad

Speculation continues.

Umberto Gonzalez ‏of Heroic Hollywood

elmayimbe: " Guys, also that isn't Common as Tattooed Man in Subway shot of Suicide Squad. "

elmayimbe: "It's INCUBUS, a cg character per my sourcing. Cosmicbook is wrong as always. We're updating now & wanted to give you guys a heads up"
Umberto is also the guy who knew who was cast as young Han Solo... even before the directors started casting :lol

Dude has a bad rap but he does get some scoops right, not counting his 'scoops' which are basically common sense. I always take whatever he prints with a truckload of salt, but in this case Incubus sounds like the better guess than Tattooed Man, the villain's look and powers appear to be more magic-based.
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He did get that Han Solo info wrong recently and indeed had other missteps depending on his sources, but he has gotten dozens of scoops right in the last couple of years, including so many cast/crew ones weeks before official announcement, especially many Marvel ones.

All that goes beyond just guesswork, there is lot of work and sleuthing involved. It's not Pulitzer material, but it's movie journalism which drives the fandom discussion months and years before the movie release.

There is also the Colin Trevorrow directing Star Wars Episode 9 scoop from him months before it was confirmed. He got the whole Suicide Squad new trailer breakdown pretty much beat to beat three weeks before it went up.

Credit when credit is due. Some people write insightful articles, while some dig up movie scoops from their sources which leads to more discussion among fans. And Umberto is currently the best in the industry when it comes to getting early movie scoops.
David Ayer ‏just posted this photo.

She's a very beautiful woman..absolutely no question about it.

and at the same time, that one picture manages to somehow embody everything I hate about what DC has been doing with their movies.

this somehow manages to be even more cartoony than the cartoon or comic books were, all capped off with those ridiculous shoes. I'm sure meth addict Barbie would be real scary, right up until someone just pushes her over because she's trying to fight balanced on her toes.

Everryone keeps saying "give it a chance we don't know much yet" and I really was trying....but the more I think about it the more I realize that no one who green lights this much goofiness is going to create a movie that isn't stupid.

(edit: yes I know it's a doll...but it presents the whole character, rather than just a passing glimpse).
Odd, I don't see the picture - I don't even see the link in the post. But, when I quote I do see the link... still no pic, though.
Weird. Not sure why it's not showing up for you. But I directly embedded the image on the forum, without posting the link separately.

I am guessing you're now able to see it after visiting that link. If not, JLeezy23 has posted it again.

David Ayer then followed up the image with this tweet.

David Ayer: ‏"@DCCollectibles is going to kill it with the #SuicideSquad series"
Weird. Not sure why it's not showing up for you. But I directly embedded the image on the forum, without posting the link separately.

I am guessing you're now able to see it after visiting that link. If not, JLeezy23 has posted it again.

David Ayer then followed up the image with this tweet.

David Ayer: ‏"@DCCollectibles is going to kill it with the #SuicideSquad series"

opinions about the movie aside...that does seem like a decent quality collectible. At least from the picture.
She's a very beautiful woman..absolutely no question about it.

and at the same time, that one picture manages to somehow embody everything I hate about what DC has been doing with their movies.

this somehow manages to be even more cartoony than the cartoon or comic books were, all capped off with those ridiculous shoes. I'm sure meth addict Barbie would be real scary, right up until someone just pushes her over because she's trying to fight balanced on her toes.

Everryone keeps saying "give it a chance we don't know much yet" and I really was trying....but the more I think about it the more I realize that no one who green lights this much goofiness is going to create a movie that isn't stupid.

(edit: yes I know it's a doll...but it presents the whole character, rather than just a passing glimpse).

For me, the tone of the previous trailer was just too dour to make me that interested. It looked like a generic comic book movie the same way that the most recent Fantastic Four movie did.

The most recent trailer, and the almost 180 in tone tells me that DC/WB is flailing to find a strategy for this film. It smacks of total disorganization at the executive level, which, let's be honest, is critical to making these movies work. There really needs to be a unity of vision, or the creative forces involved will end up working at cross purposes, and what you'll end up with will either be generic or actually undermined by the meddling.

I mean, the first trailer at least struck me as having a very particular vision of what this film was supposed to be. I didn't like that vision, but it was clear. The second trailer is completely different and -- to me -- is much more appealing just in general, but knowing how the sausage got made makes me think "This movie is not going to be worth my money unless it's on Netflix Instant or some other subscription I already pay for."

It's not a question of "give it a chance," either. Frankly, I'm over that line of thinking. "Give it a chance" means "Pay them your money and hope for the best."

Screw. That.

I'm done paying money for products where I have serious doubts. I'm not interested in wasting my time or cash on a movie that isn't gonna satisfy. There is too much other good, entertaining stuff out there to bother with "give it a chance" merely because it's yet another film in a genre I happen to like. Plus, I've been watching movies for long enough now that I can pretty easily spot a stinker, and I don't feel the need to actually see it to recognize that where there's stench, there's probably crap at the source.
A few things to keep in mind though : the "first trailer" wasn't a proper trailer, it was a first look that was meant for the fans at comic con, and it wasn't meant to leave comic con. It leaked, and WB decided to release it ultimately, but this "new" trailer is the first real trailer of the movie, aimed not just at the fans but everybody. I don't think the first one was conceived for the masses. Had it not leaked, our first look would have been this trailer.
Now the shift in tones confuses me a bit too, because the movie itself isn't going to completely change its tone, it's already shot and most likely finishing up the editing, so now I'm wondering which preview we saw was closer to the movie. I'd say somewhere in between, closer to the real trailer probably, but now I'm waiting to see more official marketing to see where they're going from here.
The first SDCC trailer was from Waller's point of view, this one is from The Skwad's point of view. The first was to introduce them from an outsider's look, this one is right in the middle of their madness. Sometimes we get a trailer that is calm and quiet, to get a glimpse ae what we'll be seeing. Then the 2nd trailer and tv spots show the stars in their action and comedy scenes to get audiences pulled in
It looks interesting,also have to give credit it looks like something that'd happen in a DC comic so I'll watch it at some point.
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