Sucker Punch: The worst movie I've seen in the last five years!

Actually, if they were really accurate to Spartan culture, there would've been a whole HELL of a lot more nudity since Spartans actually fought naked... would've been awesome, in my opinion, but a lot of guys aren't okay with that much schlong in their films so I can see why they didn't go that route.

So how did you know that firesprite? Listened closely to history lessons and fantasizing about naked Spartans? :love:lol
I was talking with my cousin last night while he was watching it.. he was bored to tears until the action kicked off.
I think he's in love with Emily Browning now :lol (I prefer her as a brunette.. perfect height though)
He didn't really LIKE the film but he did enjoy the action bits. He said the story was somewhat incoherent and the film was really dark (visually and tone).
He was glad he only spent $1.00 renting it from the redbox.
Anyway, I decided to make it a redbox night and give the film a try. I usually see eye to eye with him but at least this way I only dropped $1.00 instead of the $5.00 the cable company charges for "On Demand".

I'll post my thoughts later. Right now I'm watching the trailers. :lol
Actually, if they were really accurate to Spartan culture, there would've been a whole HELL of a lot more nudity since Spartans actually fought naked... would've been awesome, in my opinion, but a lot of guys aren't okay with that much schlong in their films so I can see why they didn't go that route.

Ancient Greek Armour
I'm not too certain about that whole naked thing... or did I miss the punch line? :confused (wouldn't be the first time a joke slipped past me)
I really wanted to see Sucker Punch in the theater but having a 4-year-old means I got to see Toy Story 3 and Rio and Kung Fu Panda 2 in the theater instead. I pre-ordered the BD set on Amazon and had it the day of release, but because of the aforementioned 4yo I still haven't been able to sit down and watch the whole thing. I got about halfway through the extended cut and had to turn it off. That was at least two weeks ago, so that must say something. (Or not. It took me several sessions to get through Inception.)

I was enjoying it, but it wasn't knocking my socks off like I'd hoped it would. Visually sumptuous, but missing something. Heart? Soul?
Alright, I agree with everything my cousin Paul said.
The film WAS dark in tone and visually but I expected that after 300.
The ending was literally given away at the beginning if you didn't blink.
With exception of the Bjork song (a complaint Paul also had.. we can't stand Bjork) the soundtrack was pretty decent.
Fight/battle scenes were fairly well choreographed though the guns seemed to have ZERO recoil and I also have SERIOUS doubts that a 5'2" girl could sheath and unsheath a katana strapped to her back in that way but thats a minor complaint.
The panzer troops (for lack of a better term) looked strangely familiar. VERY near the look of the Helghast from Killzone.. red eyes and all.
The robots reminded me of micronauts.
Honestly, I liked the ending as it reminded me of the end of an old episode of the outer limits (or twilight zone... one of those) where this guy was trying to escape a prison of some sort which he finally did but the final reveal was that it was all a simulation in his head and he was actually strapped into some life-support device and drooling all over himself.
As bad as it was, Sucker Punch was like Shakespeare compared to Planet Terror.

Whaaaaaat?!? You must be too young to appreciate the source material. :)

If I saw the Iron Man pose one more time, I was gonna hurl!

Is this the pose you mean? I wasn't aware that Iron Man was its originator.

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My point was that unless Iron Man did it in the comics years ago, it's not really an Iron Man pose. They've been doing that in martial arts movies for years. (I don't know and I'm not going to look it up, but I'll bet that a/the fight choreographer for IM made his bones in the HK film industry.)

You are, of course, free to call it whatever you wish. :)

Saw the movie last Sunday with my guy friend and he's roommates. We thought there would be dance scenes in it (he can be kinda pervy so he was looking forward to the dance scenes).

I mean even I was wanting to some dancing to actually live out Baby Doll's fantasy of the brothel. But sadly there was no dancing, didn't even see why men went into total shock when they watched Baby Doll dance.

Oh well, not the worst movie I saw but not the best either. Glad I made him rent the movie. Redbox FTW!
I enjoyed the movie, but only because it was soooooo different from anything else I have seen as of late that it held my attention.

But I also liked Avatar because everything about the environment and people and such was deeply detailed. Except the story. And the acting...

The last movie I saw that I hated a lot was... Insidious... It was REALLY good in the beginning.... But then it got paranormal. :-/
How is it folks have trouble with the "Iron Man" pose? It's been done a million times before, but you have to go with what people know. Anecdotally, if you had said FLY DOWN TO KNEE SLAM THEN STAND UP AWESOME to my wife, she'd know what you were talking about if you called it the IRON MAN pose... maybe'd get it if you said, that cool thing in UNDERWORLD, and would have no idea what you were talking about were you to reference SILVERHAWK.

So maybe IRON MAN isn't so bad if you want to put yout point across. Anecdotally.
So maybe IRON MAN isn't so bad if you want to put yout point across. Anecdotally.

You're right, Larry. The next time I need to reference that pose--which happens more often than you might expect--I will certainly call it the Iron Man Pose.

For example, to my son: "Get out of that Iron Man Pose and get to bed!"

Or to my wife: "Honey, it's whoopie time. Would you mind doing the Iron Man Pose?"

Or to the Pop Warner football team: "Fifty Iron Man Poses and then hit the showers! --Johnson! I told you, no Black Widows!"
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