Sub-Zero Costume/Cosplay WIP (for Halloween)

Very nice... I like it, but after all Im not a big fan of the newer costumes of Sub Zero. I like the classic ones from MK1,2,UMK3,Trilogy, Mythologies....

Maybe you should add some details. I remember a user around here, I think it was Slimer_7, who made an awesome Sub Zero costume... Just check the RPF, Im sure there are some pics anywhere...
Maybe you should add some details. I remember a user around here, I think it was Slimer_7, who made an awesome Sub Zero costume... Just check the RPF, Im sure there are some pics anywhere...
Like what kind of details? I'm always up for improving, but I felt it was pretty detailed already...haha.
And I searched for the other costume but couldn't find anything...! The username doesn't seem to exist, and I couldn't find much under "Sub-Zero". Also, I wish we could search for less than four letter words... couldn't search "sub zero" because "sub" didn't have enough letters!

Agreed! And the paint method for the Ice!

Ive been researching foam for armor after I read this post and found how versatile it can be. Love the pics! Thanks for the inspiration.
The ice was actually pretty easy! Just layer different colors of blue from dark to light with a sponge. The sponge gives it that icy texture!
And the foam method is sweet! I'm already planning my next project with it! :lol
Like what kind of details? I'm always up for improving, but I felt it was pretty detailed already...haha.
And I searched for the other costume but couldn't find anything...! The username doesn't seem to exist, and I couldn't find much under "Sub-Zero". Also, I wish we could search for less than four letter words... couldn't search "sub zero" because "sub" didn't have enough letters!


costume looks great! i wish i would have had mine all together in time for halloween. i had made a mask simular to the one you have. heres a link to my thread.
If you guys didn't notice, I entered the local costume contest!
If you like my costume, please vote!!!
I'm number 38! :p

Fantastic job! The frosting really makes your stand out. Plus you got the proper fit instead of being too baggy as many people tend to do. I'm glad your laid out some steps too because this is definitely something I have in my mind to do in the future.
Ok, ok... I have a pic on my PC of his costume, but Im not sure if I can post it without permission...

But, check google pictures, there are a lot of great SZ costumes, too...

With Details I mean, you can add the MK dragon on the belt or something like that...
I agree with Psycho put the MK Dragon on the Belt if you need a good image for that I have it. And if you ever want to sell bracers like the first few images of the bracers I want to buy some.
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