Studio Half Scale TOS Enterprise Scratch build

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No she's fine order the tarp. I just fired here up and turned on the Bussards and she's running great.

Yes I like the under construction part best too. I may just take a chance and do it beginning of the new year. A big Klingon ship would take me as much time as the Enterprise did guys. I need to do a quickie for a change. ;)

I just got through making up three more kits ans they are quite the work out. Now there will be 7 Big Enterprise models out there. One is being built as the Lexington.


Would a studio scale or 1/2 ss Romulan bird of prey be a quicker project?

I know where you could get the bird done in vinyl...;)
What about..... Virtually anything to do with TOS, I know where you can get that done too. I was thinking about a.... Never mind... thanks.
The problem with the Romulan BOP is that I don't think anyone knows exactly the size the original miniature was. A great ship though
Lou, Will, John, Joe. I've thought of all of these. Even a big big Shuttle for the large Playmates action figures. Nobe are simple although the shuttle is close. But then there's the interior. And she would be over 60 inches long! Yikes. I'm thinking on it.

Guys I need some time to recover from this one. Now how about something a bit smaller. Less complicated. Lower parts count. Doesn't need to be made out of hard back breaking fiber glass layup. All Alumilite. And doesn't take a year to make and something more of you can afford to buy.

That should keep your thinking caps on. I have to go finish of this last batch of kits.


how about something a bit smaller. Less complicated. Lower parts count. Doesn't need to be made out of hard back breaking fiber glass layup. All Alumilite. And doesn't take a year to make and something more of you can afford to buy.
I've always wanted an accurate model of Star Trek's Galileo shuttlecraft, say about 12" long.

12 inches is too small. My friend Elvis is working on a 22 incher that is hot. Don't know how he's doing on it lately he's been quite.

It would be best to stick to TOS for figures as so many have the Playmates. If I did so a shuttle it would be a for the large Playmates figures. But that would be pretty huge and I'm guessing Fiber glass lay up again. Oh I hope not.

Hmmm, what about a Tholian web spinner ship in the same scale (that is about less in detail and parts count as you can get)? And throw in a set of smaller sized warp nacelles to make it a Space Yacht Aurora (probably the cheesiest Trek studio model kitbash ever done IMHO).

A DY-100 class Botany Bay in the same scale as your 1/2 size E might be another project. It is lower detailed, potentially has fewer parts in spots (although the antennas in back would be delicate) and when done it would probably be about 20 inches long. The classic Romulan BOP is another possibility, although the scale would be a bit of a questionmark (is it big, or is it tiny?)
good suggestions JM.

DY-100 or even a DY -500 would be an interesting model and not overdone yet.

The Tholian ships would be interesting too.

BOP ....interesting but has been done numerous times...and I think there are a few threads around here that discuss the scale as well.
I'll make another stab at it.

how about an accurately proportioned K-7 space station? Something akin to Greg Jien's model for trials and tribbilations?

since the three arms are identical, it would mean a minimum of molds to make, its TOS, it's a popular subject, one that never really been done properly, it could all be done in white and clear allumillite (although, I suspect some internal armature would be needed), fun lighting possibilities.

How about a Fesarius in a small scale?
It could double as a Christmas tree ornament!

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