Strange Vader Saber...?


Sr Member

Whilst looking round the net for various saber ref, I noticed this picture...At first I thought it was the Graflex ROTJ stunt until I looked at the square emitter shroud on his saber, which I have never seen before. I think the Vader in the picture is ANH although I'm no expert on the differences. Checking the carded variations for action figures on Rebelscum pretty much shows the same image albeit with slight variations in colour and picture quality. I have tried searching the forums but can't find any mention of the saber that appears on the vintage cards. As there have been a few discoveries in the past such as the kobold/graflex hybrid, and the recent pictures of the Vader ESB/ROTJ prop I was wondering... Is it possible that there is an undiscovered saber that may have slipped the radar? Any thoughts Vader and saber experts?
I'm not a Vader expert BY ANY MEANS, but knowing that that's the Italian packaging, that could have been just a paint-over... We are famous for doing this kind of things...:rolleyes
I think I've seen other shots with the square shroud as well. I just figured they slid a square part over the Luke/Vader stunt.
I'm not a Vader expert BY ANY MEANS, but knowing that that's the Italian packaging, that could have been just a paint-over... We are famous for doing this kind of things...:rolleyes

Yeah, I figured it could have been a repaint/cover up too until I saw that the US and a few international versions were the same...I used this version as it was the largest image I could find... Curious :confused
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That's the turning/spinning saber that was discarded during shooting for being crap. I'm sure the experts can tell you more about it.
Also - what was the saber Vader has on the back of the Star Wars Storybook? Looks like a flashlight - was this one airbrushed in?
Yes, Ralph McQuarrie painted the background and lightsaber onto that promotional photograph of Vader which was also made into a poster.
The square piece, IIRC, helped block the in-shot light from reflecting on Vaders gloves while filming the duel and helped establish the 'glowing blade'.

Same reason the emitter on the cast Obi-Wan saber is painted black. With light reflecting off the blade, and a silver emitter, the blade effect would have spilled onto the hilt and ruined the effect.

BTW, it's the same picture on the original USA 1977 action figure release, just cropped differently.
Also, the piece is temporary, black cardboard possibly.

When Mark was filmed with the ANH Luke/Vader saber, the end was silver. It was painted black for the Vader duel.

There are promotional pics of Mark in costume after production with this Saber and the square piece is not attached but the end is painted black.
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Vader in German means Father.

The Italians probably translated Vader as Father and Fener might be Father in Italian.