stencil cutting


New Member
Does anyone here have experience cutting stencils? I'm curious if people think this was cut by hand or with some kind of laser stencil cutter?


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Do you mean cutting stencils by printing them out on a computer? If so, just cut them out by hand with a strait edge as a guide for the straits and narrows. I find that for many curves it helps to have a circle cut out tool.

Ive had to quickly cut stencils for various work projects often. The easy way out is to print them on sticky back paper or label paper. One good advantage with label paper is they generally have a product number that is recognized by the printer program. This gives you a solid base when lining up any potential multiple parts of the same stencil.
The couple I've done I've done by hand, it sucks, but it does the trick.

I print the design out, tape it to a piece of cardboard and cut it out with an exacto knife. It worked.

I'm a fan of Robstyle's method... sticky paper, printer, straight edge and an x-acto knife.

If you really want to go all out, and have access to a vinyl cutter, you could do them with that too. Might be worth it if your design is uber-complicated, but if its simple, kind of a waste of money.