Steel and copper Halo 4 light rifle. Work in progress

Naughty Zoot

New Member
Hey all,
This is my light rifle project. It's been in the works for about a year. The whole thing is welded steel and some solid copper pieces.
I spent about 200 hours on the computer figuring out the parts in cad. Then I had them all laser and/or water jet cut at a local shop. There are more than 500 pieces. It's mostly 14 gauge cold rolled but there is also some 1/8" and some 1/4" steel as well as 1/4" copper. It's going to be heavy for sure...probably around 20 or 30 lbs. maybe that's ridiculous but I really wanted to get the real material look and feel for this one.
anyway, I live in the phoenix az area so welding and grinding for hours a day is brutal, but I'm trying hard to get it ready for comiccon. Wish me luck.
when it's done I thin I'd like to sell it but I really don't know how. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

i also have have a blog where I have some other work including our metal build mass effect armor.
Thanks for looking!


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Holly smoke's. I thought I liked weapon's your's Is going to be over the top fantastic. will be looking for more update's. and a final weight. 30 pound's Is a whole lotta gun...
Good lord man! That is going to be amazing! I had to check out your N7 Valkyrie build as well on your site, wow....dare I ask what it went for? I couldn't imagine there ever being another one like it, so I'm guessing it was A LOT, lol.
Hey all,
So the light rifle is finally finished. It took around 500 hours to complete and a cost around $2500. It is made out of welded cold rolled steel and some solid copper pieces. The lighting is cold cathode and it has an internal battery that is good for ... I think 2 hours. I need to test that. The trigger operates. The scope is non-functioning but it looks cool if you look into it. (more pics coming)

This was a ball buster. But its done and I am looking for a new home for it. If anyone has any good ideas about how to find a buyer please help me out. I really have no idea how to sell things.

Stay Nerdy!
Light Rifle 5779.jpgLight Rifle 5865.jpg
If you haven't already, I would show this off on the 405th. I bet they would go nuts over it on there!

Amazing work btw!
I agree. As a long time member of the 405th, I would post it over there. Never know. Might find someone over there interested in it. ;) Also, just how big is that anyway?
Hey all,
So the light rifle is finally finished. It took around 500 hours to complete and a cost around $2500. It is made out of welded cold rolled steel and some solid copper pieces. The lighting is cold cathode and it has an internal battery that is good for ... I think 2 hours. I need to test that. The trigger operates. The scope is non-functioning but it looks cool if you look into it. (more pics coming)

This was a ball buster. But its done and I am looking for a new home for it. If anyone has any good ideas about how to find a buyer please help me out. I really have no idea how to sell things.

Stay Nerdy!
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Just for kicks, what would be your asking price on this?

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I agree. As a long time member of the 405th, I would post it over there. Never know. Might find someone over there interested in it. ;) Also, just how big is that anyway?

I shared this on the Halo Props facebook page as well
I've been following this build on your blog. Excellent to see this finally finished. Small request though if I may? Can you explain how you achieved that lighting effect in more detail? It looks fantastic.
Thank you. I will look them up and post over there, too.

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Oh. I should have listed that info. Its about 40" long.
And I will get it over to 405th as soon as I can.
Hey thanks man,
I appreciate your putting that on the facebook page. I would like a lot of people to see it so things like that are great ideas.
As for asking price...I don't know yet. I'm not sure what the market will bear. My hope is to land around $10,000. I'm not sure if there is any market in that range but since I put so much time and money in and I don't think there's much in the way of similar stuff out there I have my fingers crossed. I would love to have input from others on what they think it might be worth. Any thoughts?
I've been following this build on your blog. Excellent to see this finally finished. Small request though if I may? Can you explain how you achieved that lighting effect in more detail? It looks fantastic.
-I just realized that I didn't wuote in my earlier replies. Sorry guys!

-The lighting is cold cathode in nature. It has 2 15" and 2 8" cathodes in the "reactor" section. Those cathodes were removed from their protective plastic tubes,taped with packing tape, wrapped in orange theatrical gel (colored plastic) then slathered with clear epoxy and drizzled with two kinds of broken clear glass shards. There is also a 4" cold cathode with an orange gel in the scope. The scope "in" and "out" each have two "lenses" with different textures and color to create an illusion of depth. One "lens" has a golfball like divot pattern which creates a fly's eye look and the outer "lens has a large hexagonal texture. Um. Did that help?
and the battery is a removable 5000mAh. (plus I have a spare battery for it.)

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More pics to come. I have a bunch of progress photos at my blog:
Hey thanks man,
I appreciate your putting that on the facebook page. I would like a lot of people to see it so things like that are great ideas.
As for asking price...I don't know yet. I'm not sure what the market will bear. My hope is to land around $10,000. I'm not sure if there is any market in that range but since I put so much time and money in and I don't think there's much in the way of similar stuff out there I have my fingers crossed. I would love to have input from others on what they think it might be worth. Any thoughts?

I'm not going to lie, $10k is very high for any replica unless it's a screen-used piece or something like a replica set/vehicle (or similarly size piece).

Please don't offense to this though. The biggest difference is that your piece falls almost into a grey area where it goes from not just being a "replica" but essentially a work of art given the advanced nature of how you fabricated it. So the $10k value you put on it sounds fair from a particular perspective (not a lot of people think this way, but merely take it at face-value); it's a one-of a kind piece, I don't think you're ever going to make a second one, the materials and services you rendered to get the pieces cut ain't cheap and then your labor for not just constructing it, but designing it as well.

I can certainly agree that you should make your money back and then some for the piece. While I like to collect higher-end halo replicas myself, this is way above my paygrade unfortunately. I think you're best bet would be to find higher-tier art collectors. I'm pretty sure there's a group just like that, especially for metal-based pieces. So, just being realistic for your benefit, I cannot see it being a feasible sale on OUR side of the community. It's not to say that someone won't, it's just going to be extremely difficult to find that one person who will pay you what you want out of it. You did a phenomenal job with it, and blew everyone's minds away, that's for sure, but I hope you can get what you want for it. Hell, I'd even show it off to 343i directly, and maybe you'll perk their interest in acquiring it.
-I just realized that I didn't wuote in my earlier replies. Sorry guys!

-The lighting is cold cathode in nature. It has 2 15" and 2 8" cathodes in the "reactor" section. Those cathodes were removed from their protective plastic tubes,taped with packing tape, wrapped in orange theatrical gel (colored plastic) then slathered with clear epoxy and drizzled with two kinds of broken clear glass shards. There is also a 4" cold cathode with an orange gel in the scope. The scope "in" and "out" each have two "lenses" with different textures and color to create an illusion of depth. One "lens" has a golfball like divot pattern which creates a fly's eye look and the outer "lens has a large hexagonal texture. Um. Did that help?
and the battery is a removable 5000mAh. (plus I have a spare battery for it.)

- - - Updated - - -

More pics to come. I have a bunch of progress photos at my blog:

Thank you Zoot.
Absolutely awesome work. the time. and materials and care that was put Into this peace of art. should be worth that much. hope you find a good home for this awesome piece.
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