Starship troopers MAKING OF CD-rom???

I had written them too some time back and got the same thing. :( I do have the little promo cd that was released (you can usually find it on eBay for a couple bucks). It contains a few sountracks as well as a few video clips... Not really very impressive. :(
Thanks all for responding.
I already do have the starship troopers "press/ promo" cd-rom.
But on it there are not any production paintings.
On the making of cd-roms they claim to have many art artwork.

I know it is a very old site but does anyone have a idea to get my
hands on any production matirials?
(some time ago I bought a original painting of the dropship and
I really love the style.

Any help is welcome.
Greetings from the Netherlands,

Do you have the "Making of Starship Troopers" book? There might be similar things in there.
Originally posted by thestargateman@Feb 17 2006, 06:53 PM
Do you have the "Making of Starship Troopers" book? There might be similar things in there.

Yes, yes, I got that one. Love it. But also very little production art.

I did however got hold of the storyboards from starship troopers.
Over 500 pages with all the scenes. Even some unshot scenes so that
is a nice addition to the collection.

Originally posted by trooperprop@Feb 23 2006, 10:05 AM
Good luck bump...

and does anyone here know were
I could get a copy of the script?



I have a copy of the Starship Troopers CD
I have a copy of the Starship Troopers CD

YOU GOT MAIL :thumbsup
tralala, anyone???
Or anything else starship troopers that you can share?
There has been very little fan's talking STT lately.

Guess I have to see the movie once agian... :thumbsup


Originally posted by trooperprop@Mar 5 2006, 10:06 PM
tralala, anyone???
Or anything else starship troopers that you can share?
There has been very little fan's talking STT lately.

Guess I have to see the movie once agian... :thumbsup


I have a copy of the Starship Troopers CD

YOU GOT MAIL :thumbsup

No I don't :)

Never got it. :confused