Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Pre-release)

Rich Evans coined the brilliant term “nontroversy” when the internet was outraged/superdefensive about Lando being pansexual. I think that covers the phenomenon really well. I do believe most people are “over and done with” SW because of the current atmosphere and not just because they didn’t like the Last Jedi.
Rich Evans coined the brilliant term “nontroversy” when the internet was outraged/superdefensive about Lando being pansexual. I think that covers the phenomenon really well. I do believe most people are “over and done with” SW because of the current atmosphere and not just because they didn’t like the Last Jedi.

Well the thousands of people that went to Star Wars celebration are not over and done with Star Wars. I've heard it was something like 30,000 a day.
Give it a rest already.

There's was no way to give the prequel characters a 'reunion' in the OT because there was nothing for them to reunite from when the OT was made.

the ENTIRE point of wanting a reunion for the ST was that it was the OT that made it ALL possible. There was no PT in anyone's minds (excpet george, to an extent) at that time. The OT made the entire thing possible (no OT, then no PT and no ST), and you get all the actors back and just say 'meh, f it, no need to ever put them together'. It was a purely concsious decision since the killed of han in TFA. And one that makes no sense.

But in the simplest terms, you can't reunite a group in 1977, 80, or 83 with a group that didn't actual exist until 99. Given that, no one cared one iota to see that reunion in the OT. There was no reason to. Those characters didn't exist for them (or anyone else) at that time.

As for as the ST, the original cast was flat out USED to sell tickets. Given what they did to them, they'd have been substantially better off to just move it down the line 30ish years and say they all passed before this kicked up and lived happy lives. Their existence in the ST serves nothing plotwise, really, other that supposed fan service, which is back handed at that.

It doesn't change the fact that this the Sequel Trilogy. It's not Original Trilogy 2.0. or the continuing adventures of Han, Luke, and Leia. It's a new trilogy, for a new generation. Their story is over.

I wish I could talk to Mark about this. He's lamenting they OT group got back together. But has he forgotten that Harrison has been wanting them to kill off Han Solo since ESB? Or that Carrie passed away very untimely? Kinda hard to have a reunion, when people are either dead in the film or in real life.
It doesn't change the fact that this the Sequel Trilogy. It's not Original Trilogy 2.0. or the continuing adventures of Han, Luke, and Leia. It's a new trilogy, for a new generation. Their story is over.

I wish I could talk to Mark about this. He's lamenting they OT group got back together. But has he forgotten that Harrison has been wanting them to kill off Han Solo since ESB? Or that Carrie passed away very untimely? Kinda hard to have a reunion, when people are either dead in the film or in real life.

You couldn't put them onscreen together after you kill han off, no. But that's the fault of the director and the writers. As I said, with what they did, they were better off to not include them at all than to do what they did to them. It didn't serve the story at all in that if you replace each of their characters with a new one, it works just the same. The plot doesnt' change at all. They were included solely to sell it to the existing fans so they could make extra money. No more, no less.
You couldn't put them onscreen together after you kill han off, no. But that's the fault of the director and the writers. As I said, with what they did, they were better off to not include them at all than to do what they did to them. It didn't serve the story at all in that if you replace each of their characters with a new one, it works just the same. The plot doesnt' change at all. They were included solely to sell it to the existing fans so they could make extra money. No more, no less.
Is this not the Skywalker saga? Be kinda strange not to have Anakin's kids in it in some capacity, yes?
It wasn't set up to be that until they did the ST. Before the disney purchase, there was no continuing skywalker saga. And from i've seen, the ST has jack-all to do with the skywalker story. And that's all retconning anyhow. If you listen to george, the OT was all about vader (which it wasn't). The 'end of the skywalker saga' is just a marketing ploy that just isn't working.

Maybe i'm wrong, but i don't know that anyone really cares about the skywalker lineage at this point and prior to 7, no one wanted the ST to be about the end of that lineage. They may have minded if that was the goal, but it wasn't on anyone's 'want list' so to speak.

They should have just pushed it farther out and not used the existing characters and let it stand completely on it's own. The choice to build the new on the backs of the old, and leaving them in the dust, is and will always be a poor choice.
I bet it was more then 30,000 a day. Rhode Island is the smallest state in the country. We’ve had 110,000 in that convention center on a Saturday
Well the thousands of people that went to Star Wars celebration are not over and done with Star Wars. I've heard it was something like 30,000 a day.
My bad, meant to say most people WHO are over and done.

But has he forgotten that Harrison has been wanting them to kill off Han Solo since ESB? Or that Carrie passed away very untimely? Kinda hard to have a reunion, when people are either dead in the film or in real life.
Well...that is...kinda exactly his point...?

It wasn't set up to be that until they did the ST. Before the disney purchase, there was no continuing skywalker saga. And from i've seen, the ST has jack-all to do with the skywalker story.
This, this and this tenfold.
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Is it really too much to ask to keep the discussion in this thread about Ep IX? I appreciate that there are people who feel some kind of way about Star Wars, but I thought that was the whole reason for the all things Star Wars thread? Why cant this thread just be about this specific movie?
Is it really too much to ask to keep the discussion in this thread about Ep IX? I appreciate that there are people who feel some kind of way about Star Wars, but I thought that was the whole reason for the all things Star Wars thread? Why cant this thread just be about this specific movie?

I second that, we only have 30 threads of nagging back and forth about ep8
I doubt cyanide will be called for; 9 will make it's money back and then some. And most of us and everyone else that sees it will enjoy it.

But if people really think that episode 9 is going to outdo The last Avengers movie, in a nearly 100% successful, 20+ film, 11 year epic fest of super heroes, then they're kidding themselves.
Episode 9 will make loads of money no doubt. 1.2 billion worldwide? I highly doubt it. As a huge lifelong Star Wars fan, I can’t confidently say that would ever happen.