Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Pre-release)

Yes, and one of the first rules is "They don't have sequels."

"Happily ever after" is the end.

You don't check in on Rapunzel in 30 years to see how she's doing. If you did, what kind of story would you get? It would be one of two things:

1. "She's good. Uh.........that's about it. Thanks for stopping by."


2. "Oh, you know how she met that prince who rescued her? Turns out he was actually a goblin in disguise! Crazy, right?! Anyway, they had a couple of kids, but it was before she found out he was a goblin, and now their half-goblin/half-human kids had to grow up facing serious prejudice and hatred from the humans in the kingdom, and their goblin dad was killed by an angry mob, and the duke from the neighboring duchy has asserted his right to rule their barony, all because the kids -- legally, anyway -- can't be legitimate heirs to the baronial seat because they're half goblin!"

Now, I suppose you could "soften" option 2 and make it less bleak. Maybe the goblin dad is alive, and the unrest hasn't really happened yet. But unless you really shake things up, there's not much for the new heroes -- the half-goblin/half-human kids -- to do in this story.

I absolutely agree that they earned their happy endings. But, well, it just won't be much of a story if things don't deteriorate some time between the end of ROTJ and the end of TFA (more like the first 1/3 of TFA, really). In some way, somehow, you have to undo the good they did or else there's just not going to be a whole hell of a lot for anyone to do in the sequels.

Alternatively, you need a much longer time skip, the OT heroes lived happily ever after, and now we're in the time of their great-grandkids who have grown up after generations of peace and prosperity, and who know nothing of war or the struggles of their great grandparents. But that also means no hanging out with the old gang outside of holo footage or ghostly visitations.

Well, I haven't seen ROS yet, and I've mostly stayed in a media blackout about it (i gather Palps comes back in some fashion, but not clear to me yet how), but you're taking rather literally my overall point. Basically, the heroes of WWII did not "live happily ever after." They faced more hardship. There were more conflicts. Some would argue that many of those conflicts were the continuation of older conflicts. Others would say that they were the natural outgrowth of WWII and the end of the "Great Powers" era into the "Two Superpowers" era.

It doesn't really matter though. My main point is that, if you wanted Luke and Han and Leia to get their "happily ever after," then that's it. ROTJ is the end of their story. Otherwise, they end up having future hardships that they have to deal with.

What you seem to be saying is that the hardships they faced were the "wrong" ones or that you would have preferred they faced different hardships. That's cool. That's your choice, man. I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong, but I'm also not going to tell you you're right because I don't think there is a right answer here. I think any choice would've had its downsides to it, and a lot of the downsides would come from the fact that we're forced to confront our heroes entering senior citizen territory, and that kind of confrontation with mortality is itself uncomfortable.

Well said.

It also ties into something we've been discussing here in terms of "fairy tale" vs. "drama."

People often want to treat Star Wars as a space fairy tale. And I think the OT, as originally depicted, does fall into that realm. But once you add in the PT, it stops being a fairy tale. And certainly, when you add in the ST and the other films (R1 and Solo) it's no longer really a fairytale. It's an ongoing narrative that can shift in tone and focus. In my opinion, Star Wars hasn't really been a fairy tale since 1983.....and that's fine. It's good, actually, at least if you want more stories.

A fairy tale, by definition, ends with "Happily ever after" in most cases. If your kid says "And then what happened, Daddy?" the answer is "Nothing. Go to bed." Or it's "They grew old and died. Now go to bed." Whatever the answer is...there is no continuation of the story after you say "happily ever after." The story is over.

That's not how the real world works, certainly. And it's not how narratives work when they are longer than just the fairy tale. If you want more Star Wars, then you need to decide on what terms you'll accept it. And those terms should really be realistic. Maybe you'll get another fairy tale...but if you do, it won't be with the characters from the last one having gotten their "happily ever after."

"EVER AFTER" means "for the rest of their lives." It doesn't mean "For 30 years, until a new threat arose and they were called forth to action once again, right after taking their metamucil and calcium pills."

Now, I suppose you could try to preserve the victory they won, really leave the Empire defeated....but that would end up being like a lot of the weakest portions of the EU novels. It would probably be the same kind of lame fan fiction that most people would come up with where Han and Luke and Leia just end up going on "more of the same" adventures well beyond their primes. And then maybe you get one where they hand things off to a new batch of kids and just go retire and live the rest of their lives basically off screen, but....that seems pretty lame to me. It doesn't really ring true. These guys are heroes. Even into their dotage, are they just going to say "Nah, not my problem"? Even Luke in TLJ finally does step up when finally faced with the threat the First Order poses. Whatever reluctance he showed, he finally steps up, and sacrifices himself in the process, in what I think is a truly beautiful moment in the film.

But, like, what kind of story would it be if the heroes are just off screen, chillin', the whole time? To me, that'd diminish their heroism even more. Likewise, it would end up feeling pretty lame if they all just kept on keepin' on, surviving all the scrapes and making wisecracks alongside the youngins as the movies continue, and, I think it would diminish the heroism of the younger characters. Like, if a bunch of geriatric heroes from days of yore could save the day....what'd they need the kids for?

Bottom line, there's just no really effective way to fuse together "And they lived happily ever after" with any film that shows the OT heroes in their twilight years that actually sells the drama and threat posed by...whatever is threatening the galaxy. You can't really do an effective "handoff" film if everything is hunky-dory.
Well said Dan, I get where you're coming from. The OT is a bit of a fairy tale, though I disagree that a new story couldn't have involved those characters without undoing their accomplishments from those films. Would it be "bad" fanfiction? Possibly, since bad (IMO) fan fiction is exactly what the ST is. It's literally fan fiction (presuming the writers are SW fans). Even the PT plays out like fanfiction with a big production budget. Even though I grew up on the OT I never had a burning desire for more SW stories aside from the ones I made up with my action figures.
I'm looking forward to your thoughts on ROS after you get a chance to see it.
After seeing Rey Kiss Kylo I was thinking how many times was their a kiss in a Star Wars Skywalker Saga Movie either by Lucas or Disney's view of Star Wars
I am talking about a story motivated love interest kiss, knowing their were the good bye and good luck kiss as well as the ooops that your brother kiss.

TPM Shmi and Anakin when he leaves? Were there any others?
AOTC Anakin and Padme
ROTS Anakin and Padme?
ANH Luke and Leia Good Luck kiss
ESB Han and Leia ( Finally ) Lando kissing Leia's hand ( not what I am talking about but a kiss ) Leia and Luke ( Jealousy kiss )
ROTJ Han and Leia

Disneys takes on a Star Wars Movie
TFA ? Nothing I recall any
TLJ Rose Tico and Finn ( The almost hand touch but does not count as a kiss )
TROS ( what could have been a kiss that )

Just curious as when kissed it seemed like a long time since there was an interesting love interest story that helped drive a movie. Well actually since Lucas wrote and directed his creation.
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I haven't seen the movie yet, I'll go see it tomorrow, but I just came across a spoiler on youtube. Some d-bag recorded a scene with his/her smartphone yesterday and uploaded the clip to youtube XXXXX CHARACTER DOES YYYYY SCENE - RISE OF SKYWALKER. So there was no way I could've avoided that.

What kind of retard does that?? And the guy is so proud in the comments section!!!!!! I just wanna punch him in the face from the other side of the Atlantic! Are you serious??!! Dude!!!!!!
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I'm finally gonna go see the movie on friday, because work, but I came across another two spoilers during the week (I have collected four spoilers so far) and I just wanna say that some youtubers, even star wars youtubers, they really don't care about the fans.

So Disney expends $275 million dollars and then insignificant youtubers make me wonder if going to the theater is worth my time. They don't make money on youtube, that's how insignificant they are... but likes are life, right?

Youtube desperately needs a spoiler alert button. Anyway, I discovered something in the comments section. There are anti-spoilers chrome extensions. I installed one, added key words (star wars, rise, skywalker, rey and so on) and it did the trick. That's my little contribution for anyone reading this. I reeeally recommend installing one of those.
Go see it. If you don't like reach that conclusion by yourself. Don't be like a LOT here who are negatively critiquing the movie WITHOUT seeing it. Then try to pass themselves as these smarter than anyone here superior beings.
Go see it. If you don't like reach that conclusion by yourself. Don't be like a LOT here who are negatively critiquing the movie WITHOUT seeing it. Then try to pass themselves as these smarter than anyone here superior beings.
Making a LOT of accusations there buddy, care to qualify them at all?
Don't need to....buddy. The ones who have fallen prey to that know who they are. If you like you can ask them yourself. Don't believe you would though. They are not accusations but FACTS, buddy.
Don't need to....buddy. The ones who have fallen prey to that know who they are. If you like you can ask them yourself. Don't believe you would though. They are not accusations but FACTS, buddy.
See thats exactly why I cant take you seriously, you come back with garbage like that and in the other thread feigned shock and outrage about me continuing to keep talking about a certain subject and then actually liked a comment by someone doing the same thing straight after.
Where is the garbage? These same people accepted they haven't seen the movie yet criticize it!! Is that what a supposedly smart person would do?? If you think so well the shoe fits. I have nothing more to say. If have no real argument that could explain that is not my fault.
By garbage I mean you making accusations that you either cant or dont have the intestinal fortitude to back up. If youre trying to take a veiled shot at me then go back and do your research in the post release thread. You actually said a LOT of people, name them or keep your childish outrage to yourself.
By garbage I mean you making accusations that you either cant or dont have the intestinal fortitude to back up. If youre trying to take a veiled shot at me then go back and do your research in the post release thread.

Not making accusations. These people have themselves said they will not see the movie because of all the overused same arguments, YET give opinions based on reviews OTHERS like in YouTube have posted. You know who they are! Their posts are there, if you like go look for them. You know its true. I will not turn this personal as you so desperately want. No wonder you were told to stop in that thread. Will not say anything more about it. People have critiqued the movie without seeing it and that is a FACT. They even voted in the poll under the Its bad selection! LOL!! I respect much more anyone who see it and then gives critiques. That's the logical thing to do....
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