Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

I said it before and I'll say it again, I loved the casting of the Star Trek movies but did not like the design choices and some plot points so that has me very worried about this new film.

but I was just thinking, for most of us we were not critical of the OT because we were kids filled with awe and imagination ( i always hated how the landing gear on the y and x wing came out of the engines but never complained about it) then we looked at the prequels through adult and more judgmental eyes and I for one hope I can look at the new movie with my inner child's eye and not ruin it for myself.

The only OT movie that I absolutely hate is 2. Phantom Menace, if you get away from Jar Jar and the immaculate conception, it wasn't a bad story. People just need to remember it was an origin story and we had to meet all of these characters. Now if it had turned out that Plagueis was Anakin's dad then that would have been a neat turn.
Phantom Menace, if you get away from Jar Jar and the immaculate conception, it wasn't a bad story. People just need to remember it was an origin story and we had to meet all of these characters.

haha yes, that must be it. We just didn't keep in mind as an audience that we had to meet the characters for this particular movie. Usually we only like movies where we know everything coming in, but remembering to accept these character introductions while watching will reveal the grand story. Our bad! :lol

I love all the conditions and supplemental context needed to even begin apologizing for those films. It seems even most of the people who enjoy the prequels enjoy them because of something they themselves are bringing to the table (a novelization, some episode of Clone Wars, a decades-old quote from George Lucas, a vivid imagination to fill in some massive holes) and not the films themselves.
I said it before and I'll say it again, I loved the casting of the Star Trek movies but did not like the design choices and some plot points so that has me very worried about this new film.

but I was just thinking, for most of us we were not critical of the OT because we were kids filled with awe and imagination ( i always hated how the landing gear on the y and x wing came out of the engines but never complained about it) then we looked at the prequels through adult and more judgmental eyes and I for one hope I can look at the new movie with my inner child's eye and not ruin it for myself.


One thing too... JJ wasn't a Trek guy, so he had his two Trek fan buddies write the script (plot points) and he just went in and fixed as a director would....

Star Wars is him and Kasdan... BOTH Star Wars guys...
Whether it is great/good/mediocre/bad/sucks, some people are going to hate on it. Believe it or not, but back in 1977 there were a lot of people who actually hated Star Wars (Harlan Ellison anyone?). While the first one was great and a box office smash, there were still PLENTY of people who did not like it (not me of course!). Despite the lore, it did not unite the world in song and peace. If the internet had been around back then it would have gotten a LOT of razzing.

Haters are gonna hate, no matter what.

If you haven't listened to that crows reaction audio from original 70's screening (in the other thread) check it out...
And as much as I LOVE the new x-wing. (It looks like a hawk about to attack) I think it looks terrible from the front. The fans are split? What?

looks like it's not really a turbine type deal, it's just an intake with some radial features.

It seems even most of the people who enjoy the prequels enjoy them because of something they themselves are bringing to the table (a novelization, some episode of Clone Wars, a decades-old quote from George Lucas, a vivid imagination to fill in some massive holes) and not the films themselves.
Because nobody could possibly like them based on their own merits?
yes but a b-17 and a p-38 do not have a jet type engine ( Assumption) that runs the nacelle so in my opinion the gear should come from the body like a f-16 plus the f-16 fuselage obvious;y has the room in it to accomodate this, imo the x-wing engine does not.

it's my pet peeve ; )

even in this cutaway, it's not really the head of a turbine, or even an intake. It's listed as a "Electromagnetic Gyro"

either way, I'm suddenly very excited for Incredible Cross Sections to tackle Force Awakens


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I'm pretty sure a turbine engine would not be worth a flip in space. I've never thought of the x-wing engine as a jet type engine.
There have been prototype space engines in the real world that would take oxygen from the air when there is enough air pressure, but use oxygen tanks when in space. From what I have gathered, most fuel spent during a rocket launch is otherwise spent at low altitude.
If such an engine uses cylindrical shapes to gather and flow the air (as opposed to an Aerospike), then that would by definition make it a jet engine.
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