Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Sidious had Anakin replacing Dooku, so I can see him looking around, and replacing if he found someone stronger.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I wonder if they'll go with a starkiller type story line and have the bad guy a Vader's apprentice character?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeah. Not the same story line but just revealing that Vader had an apprentice or something. I heard they wanted to try and bring Vader back some how (I don't want him back before anyone flames me unless it's an AMAZING way of bringing him back)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

There just is no way of bringing Vader back without it being absolutely horrendously wrong, I don't object to Anakins force ghost reappearing, although I'd prefer it wasn't Hayden. In fact I'd pay good money to see yoda (as an animatronic puppet please ILM!!!) return as a force ghost, that would be great
I want the real story of jar jar binks in the new movie, how he was really the sith lord, and palpatine was his puppet, and he was responsible for the fall of the republic.....thats what I wanna see.

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But it was indeed Han Solo prior to Indy that put him on the map.

I would argue that it was American Graffiti that put him on the map. After which he shifted from a television actor, starring in episodes of various shows, into starring roles on major films.

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't really want any new movies.

But I'd love a live action series that has nothing to do with the force. Maybe a story about a bunch of rogue stormtroopers who become mercenaries. Maybe taking place after the battle of Hoth

We've seen enough Jedi
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

It's easy to find in the interviews he's done over the years. In fact when the PT was announced he said "I'm surprised George said that because he knows I've got no interest in playing that character again.". He felt the character had no progression, and nothing he could really latch onto in terms of keeping himself interested, which, if you don't need the cash, should be a per-requisite for an actor. Haven't we had enough bored Harrison over the past decade to last us a lifetime? Doing work like that is what turned him into a bit of a punchline. Anyways, he's been nothing but courteous and appreciative about the role and the fans interest. That doesn't mean that saying "Gee, no thanks guys." if the offer comes is 'biting the hand that feeds him'. He did his three, obviously has no problem with Lucas, has taken questions, has done publicity, appreciates what it did for him, but just doesn't feel a need to do that job again.:unsure

For all of those reasons I think you should not have shied away from bringing Indy into the equation. It's clearly illustrative of the difference; Indy's interesting, and has something akin to a three dimensional personality. He's therefore interesting to play, and interesting to explore as he gets older and wiser. Han is one-(FABULOUS)-note, and as an acting challenge just isn't something interesting to explore.

Anyhoo...I wonder if the fact that the next Lucas/Kennedy interview segment is slated for the 31st of December has any portent. They need to get this thing off the ground like, yesterday, to meet a 2015 opening. Stands to reason that there' GOT to be an announcement very, very soon on director at least.

^Further to this... (didn't mean to shortchange with my reply last night; my attention had been called elsewhere...)

I'm not exactly a Harrison Ford follower but it was always my understanding that he, a lot like Alec Guinness, basically thought the whole Star Wars phenomenon had become preposterous, was embarrassing to him as an actor and wasn't a reflection of his talent. If those were not his sentiments I can cut him some slack. I don't know why I wound up with that assessment of his thoughts, but that's what I've always come away with. Or, maybe he just became used to being the lead character from Indy on out and second/third fiddle Han Solo just isn't his cup of tea! :lol Whatever the case, I'd be surprised if, in the event Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher come onboard, he declines the invitation. He'd be breaking no laws if he did but...:unsure

As far as the timeframe of 2015 with Episode VII, I agree they'd better hustle. If George Lucas' historic three-year schedule holds true, that is. Perhaps other writers/directors/producers are able to get things done more quickly than he's historically been.

What is definitely needed is a main villain and constant threat that spans all three movies. The PT had Sidious, but, he was mainly in the shadows so weren't really felt... and the main antagonists where about 1 pr movie - basically the new villain pr. episode trick. Never really giving off that all-powerful, continuous threat - in fact... they were rather beefed up cannon fodder.

^Yes to this. The antagonists died off too easily in the prequels, and to my mind only Maul was believable, and he should have been saved for last. As far as new villainy for Ep. VII and beyond, as much as I crave seeing more Vader and the Emperor, these characters are dead and gone, and they should not be resurrected in any way, shape or form (separate movies of their own in a different time period notwithstanding). I'm also not in for seeing anything like some outside civilization like those Yuuzhan Vong things encroaching on the Republic. I guess there are always bigger fish in the ocean so to speak, but the very idea that a single civilization of beings was somehow more powerful than a Galactic Republic with over a million member planets/species was pretty laughable to me.

I'm thinking the story will ultimately still involve something to do with the struggle between the opposing sides of the force. I don't imagine the Sith will ever disappear altogether. Someone will always be tempted by that quick and easy path.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That was stretched a bit in the PT with Count Dooku, although it was never said outright but it would be logical to believe that he was also an apprentice at the same time as Darth Maul was. I really don't think that the all of a sudden turned to the Dark Side in Ep. 2 or was it 3? In the Clone Wars they show Dooku taking on apprentices of his own which makes it 2 + 1, the master, the apprentice, and the apprentice's apprentice.

I thought the idea was that they weren't apprentices per se - Assaj is his hired assassin, not a Sith, at least according to Dooku. He even taunts her about it at one point if I recall correctly.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I read that Hamill, Ford and Fisher said that they would be interested in being in it, I wonder how would they write them in at their age?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I thought the idea was that they weren't apprentices per se - Assaj is his hired assassin, not a Sith, at least according to Dooku. He even taunts her about it at one point if I recall correctly.

For some reason, I thought that Dooku was training her as secret apprentice at first, but I could be wrong. At any rate, he did train Darth Maul's brother as something of an apprentice, or at least a secret weapon that even Palps didn't and wouldn't know about.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I read that Hamill, Ford and Fisher said that they would be interested in being in it, I wonder how would they write them in at their age?
Easy, the story is written to happen at the time of their current ages.

That's the least of their problems, trust me.

Making a compelling story stretching for three more chapters is the biggest issue. Can't wait to see what Lucas had planned.
well they did it to Anakin, now I guess they might do it to Obi....

Ewan McGregor May be Returning in Star Wars Episode VII

guess Jedi really do get younger then they die! :rolleyes

This reminds me of Doctor Who's habit of reusing actors. They have an actress play an 18th century character one episode and then come back as the descendant of that character for the rest of the season. Problem is, Doctor Who only gets away with it by being low-budget cornball British programming. Star Wars doesn't need to stoop so low.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

well they did it to Anakin, now I guess they might do it to Obi....

Ewan McGregor May be Returning in Star Wars Episode VII

guess Jedi really do get younger then they die! :rolleyes
They all want back in! :D (except Liam Neeson... he and Harrison Ford are screening their calls and not answering for Lucas or Disney! :D

Samuel L. Jackson Wants In!
I'm not surprised but totally geeked by the idea of there being more Star Wars," Jackson told E! News at the Spike TV Video Game Awards Friday. "It's like, okay, Obi-Wan was dead when episode four started, so maybe everyone thinks I'm dead and we'll find out what happened to Mace Windu. I can come back as one-armed or a one-handed Jedi that's still around that didn't actually die."

as for being younger when they die, perhaps you can come back in what ever form or age you wish... since its just an illusion anyway.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I find myself looking away from the TV when Mace Windu is on. I sure as hell hope he isnt returning to the franchise.

for an enlightened Jedi and second only to Yoda he certainly always seemed to look ticked off and cantankerous... was he ever in a good mood? :lol
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