Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Production has begun and here is the first leaked photo of Admiral Solo and the younglings!!!!!



yes, I stole a teaser shot of Enders Game and photoshopped the frak out of it as a joke. :D
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Except that he wrote the outline and the first treatment for the new trilogy. Part of the purchase was purchasing Lucas' story. For better or worse, I think this is G Cannon (Oh man, can I change my username to 'G-Cannon'?).

Where'd you hear that? He said he gave them some general outlines, but I never heard that he wrote any of it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I've said for years that you could sum up all of TPM in the elevator ride at the start of AOTC. Literally. Or you could spread it out with a bit of exposition throughout AOTC, with bits from different characters. And no need for Qui-Gon, like you said -- just Obi-Wan, trained by Yoda, who thought he could train Anakin better and blew it with his maverick ways.

To take this a step further, if you dissect it enough it's easy to realize there really was no need for anything that happened in The Phantom Menace. Episode I could just as easily have begun with Obi-Wan being a newly-christened Jedi Master, and a young Anakin as his recently appointed Padawan. Anakin shows unusually proficient skills as a Jedi, which catches Palpatine's/Sidious' attention. And somewhere along the way, Anakin meets Padme and they fall in love. No Qui-Gon Jinn, no Darth Maul, no Jar-Jar Binks, no pod racing, no prophecy, and no midichlorians.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Production has begun and here is the first leaked photo of Admiral Solo and the younglings!!!!!



yes, I stole a teaser shot of Enders Game and photoshopped the frak out of it as a joke. :D

Sweet! My #2773 flashguns will finally be worth something!!

To take this a step further, if you dissect it enough it's easy to realize there really was no need for anything that happened in The Phantom Menace. Episode I could just as easily have begun with Obi-Wan being a newly-christened Jedi Master, and a young Anakin as his recently appointed Padawan. Anakin shows unusually proficient skills as a Jedi, which catches Palpatine's/Sidious' attention. And somewhere along the way, Anakin meets Padme and they fall in love. No Qui-Gon Jinn, no Darth Maul, no Jar-Jar Binks, no pod racing, no prophecy, and no midichlorians.

Yup. Aside from "I wanted to show a cute little movie kid," the whole film is pointless.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Harry sure is getting a lot of work these days... and work in some just okay and weird films... makes me feel more confident he will agree to appear in another SW film should he be asked. I'm still not sure that's a good thing though. Mark yes, Carrie maybe, Harrison... not so much IMO.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

They could always "Henry Jones, Sr." him. "I miss Han. Ever since he died, the Republic just hasn't been the same, Chewie." "Grrrrroooonk."
They could always "Henry Jones, Sr." him. "I miss Han. Ever since he died, the Republic just hasn't been the same, Chewie." "Grrrrroooonk."

If that's the case, don't even mention his name. Han Solo was NOT a Henry Jones, Sr. You could get away with it on a minor character. I say bring him back for E7 and give him a death scene to remember.

Introduce new younger characters to continue the franchise ( Chris Hemsworth as Luke's son or something like that ). He's already known as Thor, he'll sell a lot of toys :D

Hemsworth works as a superhero, but he doesn't work as a Jedi. As Thor, he gets to be dumb muscle, but that schtick won't work for the Star Wars universe. Even in Cabin in the Woods, where he played a very intelligent character, I wouldn't call him the right stuff for Jedi, even a young one. (This coming from someone who loves Hemsworth and sat through the entirety of the very painful Snow White and the Huntsman just for Hemsworth.)
If I were handling the casting, I would follow along the same lines as Star Trek. Get a combination of relative unknowns and semi-famous scifi actors and roll with that. Let this be their train to true stardom.
After seeing the new Trek trailer, I hope not. It's a disaster.


I'm 90% certain the actors are not at fault for that. It's all on JJ. The actors are actually pretty great for the characters they play. So, as long as Lucasfilm gets good writers and directors, casting shouldn't be an issue.
I know that the Harry pic is fake, but man I would live to see the originals in some form. It wouldn't be the same. That photo gave me hope

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I actually am hoping that Ford will decline if asked. He's always been very clear about his feelings on SW - he doesn't get the lasting appeal, thinks it's nice to have been a part, but wants nothing to do with the character ever again. He doesn't need the cash, he's not the kind of actor who just loves working so much that he'll do anything (Sam Jackson). I think I'll actually be a bit dissapointed if he returns, particularly for a small role, as it's a betrayal of his principles of thirty years in exchange for a truckload of cash.

As far as Lucas providing the treatment for the new trilogy, I thought that was pretty clear in the Disney statement about what they were buying. Iger said that they were buying "extensive and detailed treatments" for the new trilogy. All along it's been stated that that treatment is something Lucas has been developing. It got a little muddled when Arndt was announced as having been handed scripting duties for E7, but the treatment for the new story is Lucas, off which he is developing the script. Now, how extensive and detailed is it really? Is that smoke to make the investors happy? Who knows, but at this point I'll take them at face value.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think it would be a cool nod of appreciation to the fans if he was just in there for a sec. Like a holo message saying something like "Chewie and me tracked so-and-so to Coronet." He wouldn't really need to be in the movie like Mark Hamill does. We need to see Luke and that the Jedi are rebuilt.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

As far as Lucas providing the treatment for the new trilogy, I thought that was pretty clear in the Disney statement about what they were buying. Iger said that they were buying "extensive and detailed treatments" for the new trilogy. All along it's been stated that that treatment is something Lucas has been developing. It got a little muddled when Arndt was announced as having been handed scripting duties for E7, but the treatment for the new story is Lucas, off which he is developing the script. Now, how extensive and detailed is it really? Is that smoke to make the investors happy? Who knows, but at this point I'll take them at face value.
It's George Lucas--by the time all is said and done he'll claim to have written and produced all three movies. :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

It's George Lucas--by the time all is said and done he'll claim to have written and produced all three movies. :lol

Funny, and I'm sure at some point we'll indeed hear how all along it was a trilogy of trilogies :) but it was Bob Iger, not Lucas who said it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I actually am hoping that Ford will decline if asked. He's always been very clear about his feelings on SW - he doesn't get the lasting appeal, thinks it's nice to have been a part, but wants nothing to do with the character ever again.

Harrison Ford is a talented actor, but he shouldn't bite the hand that's fed him. Star Wars and Indiana Jones put him on his path to stardom, all thanks to George Lucas. He can try and distance himself from that connection all he likes, but he can't hide from it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

the SW movies have always been about Skywalker...

1-3 dad Skywalker.

4-6 son Skywalker.

{i'm totally taking a shot in the dark here...}
7-9 son of son Skywalker, with son (Luke) mixed in.
{my hope anyways, but what do I know. :p }
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

the SW movies have always been about Skywalker...

1-3 dad Skywalker.

4-6 son Skywalker.

{i'm totally taking a shot in the dark here...}
7-9 son of son Skywalker, with son (Luke) mixed in.
{my hope anyways, but what do I know. :p }

Enough with the father/son trope. Give the focus to a mother or a daughter already. Both of these trilogies had the mother and daughter only around for emotional anchors for our leading male characters. It's high time for something different.
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