Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The first two clips (helmet less trooper and ball droid) made me think "Fan Trailer". After that, I am liking what I see.

I am not as giddy as the Episode 1 or Special Edition Trailers.
Probably because those trailers weren't really teasers and they came out 6 months before the films were released or less. Were getting a TINY peek of the film over a year before it is released this time. Not so with those other films u speak of.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

For everyone hatin' on the light-claymore... not a new thing.

And I still want someone to tell me what's up with Isaac's vest lettering. :p


I figured it out.
It took me a while because it's upside down (so that it can be read by the wearer I assume)
it says
(only half of the T in "TO" is visible and the O is not. and on the second line the T and E of "INFLATE" are not visible)

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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I love how we're instantly labeled haters just because we didn't fall in love with everything about this trailer. Not that it's surprising, considering the attitudes around here.

No, I didn't care for it, it felt far too stylistically different from the rest of the saga for my liking, to the point that it looked and felt like it was fan made, albeit with far better effects than any I've seen.

Having said that, I fully understand that this is the first trailer and that it's probably not wholly representative of the final product, stylistically or otherwise. All I'm saying is, as of right now - with only this teaser trailer to judge by - I am not impressed. If that makes me a hater, I guess I'm a hater.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Another question, I wonder who the jedi in black is pulling his saber for to begin with? Don't see anyone in front of him.
I also really like the X-Wing evolution. Seeing it in motion, even if it is just from the side, makes it look a lot better.
In regards to the VO. People have mentioned it sounds like a bad Yoda impersonation. Could it possibly be Yoda's Force Ghost?
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I saw some people saying tired of "same old same old" with the X-Wing and Ties. Then if they avoided those, another group of people will complain that nothing looks like the OT. Good lord. SW will never please everyone, not matter what. People would each have to make their own SW

^^ THIS ^^

I love how in the SAME BREATH we hear people complaining about the same ole SW (ships, scenes, weapons etc) and the new things like the 3-bladed saber, falcon missing parts, shaky-cam etc.

You can please some of the people some of the time, but some crabapples you can simply never please.




PS. I didn't like the Roll-2-D2 and the prequel like noises it made. :$
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Another question, I wonder who the jedi in black is pulling his saber for to begin with? Don't see anyone in front of him.
I also really like the X-Wing evolution. Seeing it in motion, even if it is just from the side, makes it look a lot better.
In regards to the VO. People have mentioned it sounds like a bad Yoda impersonation. Could it possibly be Yoda's Force Ghost?

Great question.

Also, I can't tell....but are the two different monologue pieces two different people?

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Come on! Not even a shot of Luke, Leah, Han, Chewie, 3PO, R2?!? Sweet trailer tho, but would have liked to have seen at least one of them to get the SW juices flowin!

Right? The original cast being in it was just as big if not bigger than the news of the movie itself. Instead we get a ball with a droid head, a Christianity-Saber, and a trooper caught taking a dump in the desert.

I liked the X-wings over water, the Falcon, and the new trooper helmets.

Popsicle speeder... dumb.
Ball droid is dumb... but droids have been long over due for an upgrade. The same R2 and 3PO models for 2 generations. They've definitely gotten their miles worth on them. Too bad Interstellar beat them to T.A.R.S. Might have been cool to have something like that.

The lightsaber effects is interesting and pretty cool. It's not the typical light blade, it has kind of an firery-electricity effect to it. But those hilt blades are SO DUMB!!! I don't think you'll ever match the level of "HOLY *****" that the Episode 1 trailer had when it showed Darth Maul with his duel saber. So please. Stop trying to one up with gimmicky light sabers. Everything cool that can be done with a lightsaber has been done. Move on. Please.

Overall... it was exactly what it was: a TEASE. When is the full trailer supposed to come out? The movie doesn't come out for another year. So I'm guessing they won't have enough of the post production done to give a full length trailer for another 6 months.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I love how we're instantly labeled haters just because we didn't fall in love with everything about this trailer. Not that it's surprising, considering the attitudes around here.

And see, it's the jabs like that start the flaming. The "non haters" have not "fallen in love with everything" either about the trailer. But they are not jabbing at others with smart arse remarks either.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Change stuff about the OT, bitching happens. Keep things looking a lot the same, bitching happens. I am totally convinced no one director could ever please everyone. But isn't that obvious?

- - - Updated - - -

Right? The original cast being in it was just as big if not bigger than the news of the movie itself. Instead we get a ball with a droid head, a Christianity-Saber, and a trooper caught taking a dump in the desert.

I liked the X-wings over water, the Falcon, and the new trooper helmets.

Popsicle speeder... dumb.
Ball droid is dumb... but droids have been long over due for an upgrade. The same R2 and 3PO models for 2 generations. They've definitely gotten their miles worth on them. Too bad Interstellar beat them to T.A.R.S. Might have been cool to have something like that.

The lightsaber effects is interesting and pretty cool. It's not the typical light blade, it has kind of an firery-electricity effect to it. But those hilt blades are SO DUMB!!! I don't think you'll ever match the level of "HOLY *****" that the Episode 1 trailer had when it showed Darth Maul with his duel saber. So please. Stop trying to one up with gimmicky light sabers. Everything cool that can be done with a lightsaber has been done. Move on. Please.

Overall... it was exactly what it was: a TEASE. When is the full trailer supposed to come out? The movie doesn't come out for another year. So I'm guessing they won't have enough of the post production done to give a full length trailer for another 6 months.

I guess everyone has forgotten we usually don't get ANY footage until about 6 months prior to the films release. We got a TINY peek here a year out and people complain it's not enough.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

And see, it's the jabs like that start the flaming. The "non haters" have not "fallen in love with everything" either about the trailer. But they are not jabbing at others with smart arse remarks either.

What jab? I was simply saying that the intolerance of dissenting opinions on this site, or at least here in the entertainment and movie talk section, is ridiculous. At least when I disagree about someone's opinion on something, I don't label them a hater for it, which is exactly what I and others are being labeled as for not particularly caring for this trailer.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The X-wings were awesome!

Also, the 2 seconds of stormtroopers made me feel as though they've stepped there game up, they looked real bad ass.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I love how we're instantly labeled haters just because we didn't fall in love with everything about this trailer. Not that it's surprising, considering the attitudes around here.

No, I didn't care for it, it felt far too stylistically different from the rest of the saga for my liking, to the point that it looked and felt like it was fan made, albeit with far better effects than any I've seen.

Having said that, I fully understand that this is the first trailer and that it's probably not wholly representative of the final product, stylistically or otherwise. All I'm saying is, as of right now - with only this teaser trailer to judge by - I am not impressed. If that makes me a hater, I guess I'm a hater.

You can come up with logical reasons and explanations of what you don't like about it... but, because the bandwagon is hot right now - some folks will just attack and slam you and your opinion. It's ridiculous (and some are downright scary).

By no means am I hater - I love Star Wars, it's been a part of me for many, many years. I'll be waiting in line for a midnight screening just like most of us here - but, for some reason we can't voice our concerns or be objective about it? Many of the "haters" aren't posting "this suck" - but, they're also being rational and explaining what they don't like.

Does it look great? Yes - seeing the Falcon again and hearing that music gives me chills and feel like a 10 year old again. It looks amazing - but if you look at deeper than that, I find it full of potential flaws.

I just don't think you need Stormtroopers and X-Wings and TIE Fighters to be Star Wars and I think going back to that proven formula is boring a rote. I hope I'm wrong... but what I see here isn't any better than the Prequels (and I enjoyed JJ Trek and love Super 8 - so don't call me a JJ hater).
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

My thoughts:

I was prepared for the ball droid to work, and I think it does. The first time you saw artoo deetoo would have been weird, and if this little fella has got character that will make him a hit. Easy as that!

Dodgey-looking x-wing interior - GOOD! Cheap looking helmet - GOOD! Star Wars really works when you have a mix of low grade and high grade next to each other. It has the homemade look which works. I liked in Star Trek that they still had people with masks on for aliens. It was camp and just added to the fun.

Lightsabre - okay, but not necessary. Would have been better and had more emotional impact as a single blade.

Clones/troopers. Firstly, this whole debate is ridiculous to the extreme. Firstly it is a ******* film. Get over it. The troops in the original trilogy sounded like normal blokes, not a bunch of South Africans and seeing as JJ has been chosen to do the film, he'll do it exactly the way he wants it. Everyone is arguing over something that does not exist. As soon as this film is done it will be part of the series and then nobody can throw in the canon crap.

Voiceover - pretty bad!

John Williams
- triumphant - the score was very reminiscent of stuff we've heard from him before, and it feels like more effort has gone into it that some of the poor music cues from the original trilogy

Falcon - I miss the optical effects here, would prefer the washed out engine look and don't really like the silly camera angles. A bit computer gamey.

BUT - if the story works, all of this will work, and it will grow into a film we love.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I guess everyone has forgotten we usually don't get ANY footage until about 6 months prior to the films release. We got a TINY peek here a year out and people complain it's not enough.

Not complaining about not being enough... but definitely should a quick shot of the original cast... not soccerballs and popsicles. ;)
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