Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The first time I saw it I was "Meh?" not sure what's going on here. As I rewatched it it felt better and better so I think the new ideas and tech will grow on me!

That was the best part of the OT, you could rewatch them over and over and they keep getting better each time you see them!
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This trailer is exactly like I thought it would be and looks like old school Star Wars to me. I don't think there were any impossible expectations that weren't lived up to; I think there are some people who simply aren't going to be satisfied no matter what.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

What you just described, sounds a lot like the look of the last few POTC movies...

In fact I would say the look of what the camera is capturing in this trailer... ie the water sand, wind, color palatte, and movement... All looked more like the last POTC THAN ANYTHING in the prequels...

Like you said... Modern... :p

Yeah there was lens flare, CG dirt or water on a CG camera lens, zoom shots, and shaky cam.
Like I said, everything about modern filmmaking and J.J's style I hate
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I watched this a few times. Still too early to tell if it will be good or not.

But so far, stylistically the trailer is not dissimilar to the new Star Trek films(which is what I was afraid would happen).

And what's with the soccer ball droid?

Daisy Ridley is a plus, plus, plus. New Stormtroopers looked pretty good, as with the new X-wings and the Falcon.
Didn't like the soccer ball droid, Sith lightsaber or the X-Wing interior and helmet/ uniform.

Oh, and I saw a lens flare (ducks and covers).

Overall, I am still cautiously optimistic about this film, although my main concern is that stylistically it will be too close to the new Star Trek films.

The trailer did not get me super excited but I did feel a little tingle.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

View attachment 410043
:lol at least it is proper 35mm lens flare!
I'm joking of course, that little bit didn't bother me.

Well almost none! I guess I missed that due to the tears of joy that were clouding my vision at the time. There was the odd dimple of sunlight on the water as the X wings passed over the lake going dambusters but its a very natural effect like as you said.
Also , I just got it in the neck over DP-PD!!!! The design is actually one of the best you can possibly have for mobility and stability over a very unstable and uneven surface, like sand , which would require a robot ,even a bad one, to move at speed. So I apologise unreservedly. Still think it will be in the shops at Xmas though!!!
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The first two clips (helmet less trooper and ball droid) made me think "Fan Trailer". After that, I am liking what I see.

I am not as giddy as the Episode 1 or Special Edition Trailers.

Hopefully that's because it's not all eye-candy like ep. 1 was, and actually has story.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Sometimes I think these fantrailers and vid have helped ruin anything they could put up, because technology has caught up to where u can do a lot of things on a home pc when given enough time to tinker with it and make it more real. (fan movies don't have deadlines to get effects done, so they can take a lot longer, yes they have a tiny budget but can have a lot of time.)

The guy complaining that Stormtroopers are clones. Well yes it was established the first troops were clones but Lucas said by the time of the OT they were a mix of clones and recruits. Another 30 plus years onward they could be recruits. Why is that so hard? Doesn't have to have a retcon of any kind. Simple.

Some people would not be happy with anything new SW unless they were given the director's chair.
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Regarding the ball droid (which looks dumb in still shots but fun in motion, imo), I was horrified when I first saw Destroyer Droids. I turned to my wife and groaned "It's like watching Batman and Robin." Now they're one of my favorite designs in the PT. So you never know what will grow on you.

I'm thinking of all the action figures and books and model kits and kitsch that will flood stores nest Christmas...oh lordy, the beautiful kitsch! :D

I'm not nuts about the x-wing helmets or wings, and the stormtrooper blasters. But I can't think of a single SW movie that doesn't have some prop, costume, actor, etc I'm not fond of. But I'm not going to nitpick a masterpiece like ESB because I don't like the grips on Darth's saber or I think the Rebel troop sidearm is lame. If the story is good, we won't give a tin plated damn about ugly pilot helmets or blasters.

Look at all those glorious live locations and physical environments and smile...
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Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Yep if I learned anything from the prequels is that all the cool looking stuff in the world doesn't mean squat if there is no substance.

I loved all the PT designs instantly when watching TPM... The costumes, the palace, the sabers... Everything!

But I still stand by the fact the world might be a better place had the PT never been made.

I'm not saying that this or ANY movie will ever capture the OT feeling for us diehards...

But I think it's kinda sad that soo many are ready to call it garbage off of a few SUPER early images...


Hopefully that's because it's not all eye-candy like ep. 1 was, and actually has story.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

My only real problem was the Falcon shot. JJ seems to really like the 'zoomed and shaky' look that gives off a flat impression. Like he's shooting from far away and zooming in on the image. Couple that with shaky cam, looks like it's going to take a lot more effort to process the effects than the previous six movies. And yeah, I know shaky cam was implemented in AOTC, but that was only a couple of instances out of many.

And like the Star Trek movies, JJ doesn't seem to have any interest in going out into space. There was not one shot in this teaser (except for the title) that showed an outer space shot. Looks like Star Wars is officially grounded. Just be thankful Earth isn't in Star Wars or else half the movie would take place there.

And for what it's worth, I love the rolling droid.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Is that what Star Wars is to you? I know we who study the props and filmmaking know that it often there were tricks and pieces of junk made into sets and models but let me ask you; does it look cheap?

Let's compare the x-wing pilot chest box We know the original ones were made of wood switches glued to plastic boxes. And yet to me they look so much more functional and iconic than the boring Sw7 chestbox. Same with the cockpit.
It's ok to like what you see. But please let people who didn't like it have their say. Don't just write us off as "haters gonna hate"
I've been watching this develop more carefully than many of you I'd wager. All I wanted was to like it and I was excited.
But that trailer didn't even make me excited a little bit.
Even just as a movie trailer it wasn't a good one.

I was being overly sarcastic in my comments I admit. Everyone can like or not like anything at all. Lets look at the X-Wing chest box. In the OT we saw quite a bit of it. We've seen that chest box for over 30 years as well, with nothing else to compare it to in the SW universe. The E7 chest box? The cockpit? We've seen it for 1/2 of a second for 3 1/2 hours. And then, not even all of it, only maybe the top third. Here's my question. If JJ made it almost identical to OT style people would complain it's just a rehash and he has no imagination. If JJ made it too original then we would have people complain there was no tie in to the OT. That's already happened on both counts in this thread. Some one has to draw a line between the OT and the new film, decisions need to be made on how everything in E7 looked, how close and how not so close.

That's like looking at a close up shot of the fender of a Ferrari and saying the whole car is ugly and sucks.

And again, I'm all for peoples opinion and freedom of expression. But when it comes off as an absolute, that's where I draw my line.

I'm sorry the trailer didn't excite you, that it didn't live up to your expectations. I'm just not sure what the "haters" as you referred to them as were looking for?

Oh, and I was 10 years old in 1977 and was gobsmacked when that SD flew over my head. But that was over 35 years ago, I expect a little more out of movies today than old school style.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens


I 100% agree they should have shown some large space shots. Even just a ship going from left to right... SOMETHING...
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Yeah there was lens flare, CG dirt or water on a CG camera lens, zoom shots, and shaky cam.
Like I said, everything about modern filmmaking and J.J's style I hate

I found some lens flares in the prequels, and probably the OT if I go back and look. There was very little lens flare-ish in this trailer. I didn't notice any at first.

- - - Updated - - -


I 100% agree they should have shown some large space shots. Even just a ship going from left to right... SOMETHING...

We never got footage at all a year early with the other films, we'll see a lot more by spring or summer. Around the 6 month mark before the films comes out next Dec.
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Rolling droid -- Uh-oh. X-Wings skimming water... ahhh yes! The Falcon in flight - YES YES YES! I would stake someone's life (but not mine) that if Luke, Leia, and Han were in the trailer, the comments would be dominated by, "Yuck, they all look so old and wrinkly" followed by the usual Depends jokes. So I see what what JJ's doing there by omitting their appearance. Not bad for a first taste. Hoping the story's good and adds to the mythology and not just recycle their "greatest hits."
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Great post.


rolling droid -- uh-oh. X-wings skimming water... Ahhh yes! The falcon in flight - yes yes yes! I would stake someone's life (but not mine) that if luke, leia, and han were in the trailer, the comments would be dominated by, "yuck, they all look so old and wrinkly" followed by the usual depends jokes. So i see what what jj's doing there by omitting their appearance. Not bad for a first taste. Hoping the story's good and adds to the mythology and not just recycle their "greatest hits."
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

I was being overly sarcastic in my comments I admit. Everyone can like or not like anything at all. Lets look at the X-Wing chest box. In the OT we saw quite a bit of it. We've seen that chest box for over 30 years as well, with nothing else to compare it to in the SW universe. The E7 chest box? The cockpit? We've seen it for 1/2 of a second for 3 1/2 hours. And then, not even all of it, only maybe the top third. Here's my question. If JJ made it almost identical to OT style people would complain it's just a rehash and he has no imagination. If JJ made it too original then we would have people complain there was no tie in to the OT. That's already happened on both counts in this thread. Some one has to draw a line between the OT and the new film, decisions need to be made on how everything in E7 looked, how close and how not so close.


That's like looking at a close up shot of the fender of a Ferrari and saying the whole car is ugly and sucks.

And again, I'm all for peoples opinion and freedom of expression. But when it comes off as an absolute, that's where I draw my line.

I'm sorry the trailer didn't excite you, that it didn't live up to your expectations. I'm just not sure what the "haters" as you referred to them as were looking for?

Oh, and I was 10 years old in 1977 and was gobsmacked when that SD flew over my head. But that was over 35 years ago, I expect a little more out of movies today than old school style.

I saw some people saying tired of "same old same old" with the X-Wing and Ties. Then if they avoided those, another group of people will complain that nothing looks like the OT. Good lord. SW will never please everyone, not matter what. People would each have to make their own SW
Re: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

After seeing the trailer i am stoked for this movie, love it all including the new ball astromech, got to be cg surely that wouldn't work as a practical effect, allthough i'm sure someone will at least have a crack at it
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