Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm sure that the Rebellion would have had their propaganda arm and possibly their own pirate comms to spread the word but I'd imagine that it would have difficult and extremely risky for any civilian to have tuned into it.

There was a Wraith Squadron book where they had a pilot/tech who they said he hacked the Coruscant Holonet and released either info or video of the Death Star being destroyed. Then watched in horror as Stormtroopers "restored order". Supposedly that was what started the celebrations we saw at the end of ROTJ. The Holonet was supposed to be instantaneous for communication, so if the Rebels took video (and why wouldn't you?) or simply transmitted their victory back it could easily have been put out to the citizens quickly. Yeah that's not canon now, but it was an explanation.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well, blowing up an entire inhabited planet with no warning was pretty bad.

They did that who, aside from those on the Death Star itself and the Rebellion, actually knew what happened to Alderaan? Sure the public would have eventually found out about Alderaan since there's no way that you can hide the destruction of an entire planet but the people didn't necessarily know it was the Empire that did it. They could have said anything like it was some sort of environmental disaster possibly brought on by terrorists (aka the Rebellion) or any number of other excuses, or maybe even admitting they did it but were forced to because of terrorist Rebels or something. The point is that whatever reason they gave it was almost certainly not, "We blew it up as a demonstration". The Emperor may have been many things but a mustache twirling villain that was openly evil for the world to see.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well it was just that,a demonstration of power. Or more to the point an abuse of power. As far as Tarkin was concerned he wanted the entire galaxy to know they blew it up just to keep people from stepping up against the empire. His exact quote was " fear will keep the local systems in line,fear of this battle station". And the fact Dantooine wasn't an effective demonstration doesn't tell you that he wanted everyone to know.

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I always felt the destruction of Alderaan showed how much unrest was spreading through the Empire, and it was the terrible "example" of what would happen to planetary systems that openlly rebelled. Financiallly destroying an entire world, with all its resources and wealth is a pointlessly wasteful act,ie most warfare is actually about "taking resources" from others for your own advantage. The fact the Empire was now prepared to obliterate an entire world, without warning and so suddenly was a terrifying lesson in just what they were now ready to do, in the face of any open rebellion to the Empires style of government.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Of course if you believe some of the power levels of the star destroyers as seen in various technical manuals, then you barely need a death star anyway, one blast at full power would decimate an entire continent.

Of course we never see them using anything like that much power in the films, so kind of makes you what the people were on when they were making those books.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

They did that who, aside from those on the Death Star itself and the Rebellion, actually knew what happened to Alderaan? Sure the public would have eventually found out about Alderaan since there's no way that you can hide the destruction of an entire planet but the people didn't necessarily know it was the Empire that did it. They could have said anything like it was some sort of environmental disaster possibly brought on by terrorists (aka the Rebellion) or any number of other excuses, or maybe even admitting they did it but were forced to because of terrorist Rebels or something. The point is that whatever reason they gave it was almost certainly not, "We blew it up as a demonstration". The Emperor may have been many things but a mustache twirling villain that was openly evil for the world to see.

It was a demonstration of what will happen to anyone who stands against the Empire. Tarkin even says as much in the film. By ANH the Empire are done playing games. Fear will keep the local systems in line, etc...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well it was just that,a demonstration of power. Or more to the point an abuse of power. As far as Tarkin was concerned he wanted the entire galaxy to know they blew it up just to keep people from stepping up against the empire. His exact quote was " fear will keep the local systems in line,fear of this battle station". And the fact Dantooine wasn't an effective demonstration doesn't tell you that he wanted everyone to know.


Yep agreed, it was absolutely a demonstration of power as revealed by that dialogue you've quoted, but just as importantly it was Tarkin's last ditch attempt at squeezing out the location of the hidden Rebel base from Leia!

..but it's also simply a test of the station's destructive power. Tarkin's killing three birds with one stone - gotta test the weapon, may as well use the home planet of your chief hostage in the hopes of getting the information you need, then as a bonus send a message to the rest of the galaxy in the process.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

False reporting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's clearly a pixel from when Anakin and Padme get married on whatever planet that was. It DOES NOT MATCH KIT AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get your crap straight or don't post at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Riceball - you've got some great insight. If you were doing Star Wars VII under the same circumstances JJ is (30 some years after RotJ, new EU, PT)... would you include the Empire - or would you move on to something else?
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

@Riceball - you've got some great insight. If you were doing Star Wars VII under the same circumstances JJ is (30 some years after RotJ, new EU, PT)... would you include the Empire - or would you move on to something else?

Thanks for the compliment. If I were in JJ's shoes I'd go with the premise that while the Empire has fallen and a New Republic established it's not completely gone and there are still remnants of the Empire lurking about here and there. With the Empire being as large as it was and the Moffs and planetary governors being as powerful as I believe they were, esp. the Moffs, there's bound to be holdouts in various parts of the galaxy. You have to figure that Moffs were typically in control of at least 1 entire system, if not more so that would put a lot of resources at their disposal and if they manage to attract other Imperial remnants to their banner they could easily put themselves into the same position that the Rebels were before they won, large enough to be a serious thorn in the side, additionally the Imperial remnants would have an entire system or even systems to work from something the Rebels never had.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yep agreed, it was absolutely a demonstration of power as revealed by that dialogue you've quoted, but just as importantly it was Tarkin's last ditch attempt at squeezing out the location of the hidden Rebel base from Leia!

..but it's also simply a test of the station's destructive power. Tarkin's killing three birds with one stone - gotta test the weapon, may as well use the home planet of your chief hostage in the hopes of getting the information you need, then as a bonus send a message to the rest of the galaxy in the process.

While that's true do you really think that the Empire would have flat out stated as much? I believe that it could have been presented as more of a veiled threat to the general public and would have been told that the Rebels had completely taken over Alderaan and had no choice but to destroy it. It would send the message to the Rebels to be very careful about where they choose to place their bases and to the regular citizens, particularly the sheep, it shows how horrible the Rebellion is in that they corrupted an entire planet so badly that the Emperor had no choice but to completely obliterate it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yea, that explanation would put no one at ease, and might actually tick people off more, thinking, "how stupid do they think we are?"
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think having the Empire playing a large role would be confusing to many and spoil the end of the OT. The OT was a much smaller galaxy than the PT and I think many of us would rather see it return to a smaller, more personal picture. (Although, I do think some of us more hardcore fans would love to see us explore the galaxy and intricacies more... I just don't think the public at large cares much about Moffs and Grand Admirals - they want blasters and lightsabers).
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think having the Empire playing a large role would be confusing to many and spoil the end of the OT. The OT was a much smaller galaxy than the PT and I think many of us would rather see it return to a smaller, more personal picture. (Although, I do think some of us more hardcore fans would love to see us explore the galaxy and intricacies more... I just don't think the public at large cares much about Moffs and Grand Admirals - they want blasters and lightsabers).

They don't necessarily need to play a large role in the NT, just a role, possibly even prominent just not necessarily large. A resurgent or simply still persistent remnant(s) of the Empire could be the backdrop in which the new trilogy is set in with the main focus/plot being on something else entirely.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm still going with by the end of E9, the new republic will have to make peace/align with the remnants of the empire to defeat the new enemy :)

As to the question of what bad has the empire done? Annhilating a temple of children in ROTS would be a start. Blowing up a planet of billions of people is not the first astrocity a power commits. It's well down the line. I also would guarantee slave labor was required to build the death star.. They simply wouldn't have the money to pay everyone required to make it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

While that's true do you really think that the Empire would have flat out stated as much? I believe that it could have been presented as more of a veiled threat to the general public and would have been told that the Rebels had completely taken over Alderaan and had no choice but to destroy it. It would send the message to the Rebels to be very careful about where they choose to place their bases and to the regular citizens, particularly the sheep, it shows how horrible the Rebellion is in that they corrupted an entire planet so badly that the Emperor had no choice but to completely obliterate it.

Oh I'm not suggesting the Empire told the general public why they destroyed Alderaan, they could have spun any old story, but Tarkin himself says "Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan."

He's testing the weapon, but also hoping Leia will crack and reveal the base's location. :)
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