Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I like the new X-Wing design. It looks like J.J. is taking inspiration from Ralph McQuarrie's concept art. Major respect for that. I can't wait to see it. :)
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I guess I'm in the minority about the snowspeeders. I always thought that the term 'speeder' only referred to something that could only travel 'in-atmosphere'. 2-1b saying what he did about the T-47's, just meant that they had a bunch of them, they were involved in the battle, but then they'd have to be loaded for transport, since they couldn't fly in space.

How I took it , anyways.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I guess I'm in the minority about the snowspeeders. I always thought that the term 'speeder' only referred to something that could only travel 'in-atmosphere'. 2-1b saying what he did about the T-47's, just meant that they had a bunch of them, they were involved in the battle, but then they'd have to be loaded for transport, since they couldn't fly in space.

How I took it , anyways.

I also always thought of the snowspeeders as being only capable of atmospheric flight.

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Wings have no use in the vacuum of space and the ships would not pull jet fighter type maneuvers but its a film and it looks cooler. Imagine the space battles without sound effects also, it would be appalling.

You are correct, but there are a few instances of the X-Wing flying within the atmospheres of planets, so the wings are definitely there for a purpose. And with the small size of those on this new X-Wing relative to the ship itself, I'd say they'd definitely have their work cut out for them, hence my saying some other type of lift is at work in addition to the wings.

Great render! :):thumbsup I wondered if that bit of sand around the ship in the Pinewood photo might have been for some type of (forgive me...) green screen shooting.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Did anyone see the plot "leak" that is flying around yahoo? It sounds a little like "Dark Saber" to me.

*****, I sure hope not. That book sucked. No more superweapons, please.

I figured the T47's were the big transport ships. The OT rarely named anything in-film. It wasn't until the toys came out that we started calling them cloud-cars and AT-ATs, etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was West End Games that first used the X1 moniker for Vader's Tie. They've left a lasting legacy on the franchise.

As far as the X-wing goes, I'd bet that they don't mention whether it's an updated model, a new craft or what you'd call it. They'll just presume that you can figure out that it's a more advanced design. Or if not, meh, keep enjoying the movie.

I expect that WEG came up with a lot of this stuff, too, and it was then reiterated by things like the Star Wars Encyclopedia, the original X-wing/Tie Fighter/XvT/X-wing Alliance games, etc. I also heard Vader's fighter referred to as the "alpha X1" or something, which later served as the basis for the "TIE Advanced" in the computer games.

I also don't expect that the films themselves will discuss much of the hardware explicitly. Unless it fits the story, it'd seem like lampshading to have dialogue like "Ah, back in my day, the X-wings were a lot bulkier." "Right, but with the new X-Wing Model 893, thanks to advanced durasteel, lighter-weight reflective anti-laser coating, and compacted fusion circuits, we can make them a lot more elegant-looking."
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

As far as the X-wing goes, I'd bet that they don't mention whether it's an updated model, a new craft or what you'd call it.

Or, they could end up cutting it from the film entirely and we never even see it on screen... More money has been spent/wasted before than this.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

But it would be incredibly stupid to use something to hype the film up, and then not have it in the film.

This would go way beyond dozens of extra lasers on the "hero" in the predators trailer.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I never thought of the wings on an X-wing being for lift when in an atmosphere. The Falcon didn't need lift from wings when leaving Mos Eisley, so there must be some other technology at work. The same technology that makes Luke's speeder hover on Tatooine, the Snowspeeders fly on Hoth, and the Speederbikes on Endor.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I agree. If X-wings are relying on their actual wings for lift then they are pretty crappy pieces of SW flying technology. No other ships need wings, why would the x-wing?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I always thought the wings were just somewhere to mount the quad cannons. By locking s-foils into attack position they get a better shot.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

But it would be incredibly stupid to use something to hype the film up, and then not have it in the film.

This would go way beyond dozens of extra lasers on the "hero" in the predators trailer.

I don't know anything about the "dozens of extra lasers..." but my frame of reference was, for one example, an in-depth cgi scene slated for ROTS in which Yoda lands on Dagobah, a scene into which, at least according to bosom-buddy-to-GL Rick McCallum, a lot of effort and presumably money was spent, only to have the whole sequence end up on the cutting room floor. Or whatever the digital equivalent of that would be... This X-Wing may indeed be used to hype up the movie, but there's no guarantee it'll be there. I'm by no means saying it won't be, just that it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities.

I never thought of the wings on an X-wing being for lift when in an atmosphere. The Falcon didn't need lift from wings when leaving Mos Eisley, so there must be some other technology at work. The same technology that makes Luke's speeder hover on Tatooine, the Snowspeeders fly on Hoth, and the Speederbikes on Endor.

Yeah, there were a plethora of anti-grav vehicles in SW, and those that just blatantly went against the grain when it came to how the laws of aerodynamics would work didn't really need any explanation; they HAD to rely on something else. But the X-Wing's "wings" were just, right there, in-your-face so to speak. My inference was that they were there for a purpose at least on that particular craft. As fanboys, though, we all inevitably read waaaaay to much into these things... :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yea the mods have reminded me of that several times over the years. Excited hell yea, I'm very optimistic so far. I wanted to like the PT but there is just too much wrong with it for my tastes. I think JJ knows what old school fans want.

Back on topic: I can't help but geek out on seeing that new x-wing. It's a new design sure, that looks like 1975 ILM came up with it! I hope the story and plot are as good as the practical sets we've been just started seeing.

DS, what I know of you through years of being on the RPF...

You never hold back.

Sometimes you can be harsh, and you are very cautious of being too excited about a film pre-release...

Reading this post made me realize...

Are we all getting a lil too excited?

I mean... The prequels are what they are regardless of over hyping ourselves....

But are we getting too excited?

Damn. I'm rediculously excited right now!!!!!

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I never thought of the wings on an X-wing being for lift when in an atmosphere. The Falcon didn't need lift from wings when leaving Mos Eisley, so there must be some other technology at work. The same technology that makes Luke's speeder hover on Tatooine, the Snowspeeders fly on Hoth, and the Speederbikes on Endor.

They're called repulsors, iirc.

Eifion beat me to it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

All I meant was that you can be a very strongly sincere rpf-er. (Not a bad thing!)

I've never honestly disagreed with any of your posts...

But reading that one... I felt like... Ok... He's THAT excited too... Idk man... This really could be what we've all been waiting for...

But we shouldn't get TOO excited!

(Tee hee!)


Yea the mods have reminded me of that several times over the years. Excited hell yea, I'm very optimistic so far. I wanted to like the PT but there is just too much wrong with it for my tastes. I think JJ knows what old school fans want.

Back on topic: I can't help but geek out on seeing that new x-wing. It's a new design sure, that looks like 1975 ILM came up with it! I hope the story and plot are as good as the practical sets we've been just started seeing.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

If we're excited now, what are we going to be like when the first Teaser is released????

Never mind Teaser, the first pic of a costumed Luke or Han and my mind will be blown!

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