Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Maybe she never got the instruction in Jediry...

If true that raises a bunch of questions for you fans and maybe says something about my thought that the Jedi may not have been welcomed back with open arms.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Shouldn't Leia be able to sense where Luke is anyway?

Unless he is hiding from the force like in some of the books.

Even before she knew she was a jedi she could find Luke while he was hanging under Bespin station.

That indeed is a very, very interesting point !!!

I am really curious if they did their homework during the script writing and pay attention to those fine details that us fanfolks hold dear and that GL so brashly ignored in the PT!

But then again, I fear that they might pull a retconning stunt with Leia. "Oh, I got bitten by a Snagroth on Shlugtabee Three and all my Midichlorians were sucked out of me, so I couldn´t continue with that Jedi thing. It did get on my nerves, anyway. I mean, seeing all those dead people and Qui-Gon constantly peeping in while I was taking a shower ..."
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yea but Luke was in distress and was calling out to her....maybe the force just makes the family bond that much stronger?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't think that Force sensing someone works over super long distances otherwise Vader & Palps would have sensed Obi-Wan a long time ago or at least by the time that the Falcon flew into what was left of Alderaan. Granted that there's no family/blood connection but I'd think that Obi-Wan would have high on Vader's hit list and if one Jedi could sense another half a galaxy away then there would be no way that Obi-Wan could have hidden on Tattooine for so long.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think the "sensing" abilities are stronger the closer the two are to each other. That's the way I always looked at it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Even before she knew she was a jedi she could find Luke while he was hanging under Bespin station.

A small rant.....In the OT, Leia was not a Jedi. Force sensitive, yes, but not a Jedi. You must train to become a Jedi.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

A small rant.....In the OT, Leia was not a Jedi. Force sensitive, yes, but not a Jedi. You must train to become a Jedi.

I thought Yoda said that in order for Luke to become a Jedi he had to confront Vader. So there's training to become a Jedi and than there's fighting some taller guy who has bad intentions.

And at this point, why would anyone care about being a Jedi anymore? Why not just train to use your powers without joining some dogmatic cult that believes everything is a path to the dark side?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Confronting Vader was part of Luke's training. That was specific to Luke in becoming a Jedi. Other that what we see Yoda put Luke through, it is never really made clear in the OT what are in the trials to become a Jedi.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

For what it's worth, I think the Vader task was pretty Luke-specific. It really represented clearing a lot of emotional turbulence out of the attic - fear and anger and that sort of thing that prevented him from reaching true enlightenment (or whatever). Simply standing face to face with Vader didn't make him a Jedi - he reached that level when he finally tossed aside his lightsaber and told the Emperor he had failed.

To those of us who ignore the prequels, a Jedi is still something worth being!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think SW is big enough and old enough that having someone like Tom Cruise pop up for a short scene is to be expected,shows it's not just a thing for nerds or kids but a cinematic icon.

Hell have him show up as a grand moff on a Star Destroyer for a minute or two,maybe stick him in a Stormtroops armor and have him buzz by asking where he's needed.

Fisher to Hamill and then Cruise: "aren't you BOTH a little short for stormtroopers?"

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

They'll have Cruise slide across the floor and you'll hear a version of "Old time rock and roll" playing with "Take them old sabers off the shelf, I'm tired of training all by myself" as he jumps around and fights a training remote.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yea but Luke was in distress and was calling out to her....maybe the force just makes the family bond that much stronger?

No. Only duct tape makes things stronger. But then again, when I look at duct tape, it indeed is a lot like the force ...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Confronting Vader was part of Luke's training. That was specific to Luke in becoming a Jedi. Other that what we see Yoda put Luke through, it is never really made clear in the OT what are in the trials to become a Jedi.

Well since Luke confronted Vader in The Empire Strikes Back I guess Yoda should have said "You must confront Vader...twice!"
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The reference to black troopers could be shadow storm troopers, for which an action figure is being released at SDCC this year.

As for Tom Cruise making an Leave it alone. I don't care that he's a fan. Being a fan doesn't get you a role in the films. Being able to play a role necessary to the story gets you in. Unless he's unrecognizable in a rubber mask or a suit of armor or something, and is a background no-line role, I say keep out. Why? Simple. Tom Cruise pulls focus. Tom Cruise ALWAYS pulls focus. Oh, sure, his cameo in Tropic Thunder was funny, but it was still Tom Cruise hamming it up (albeit in heavy makeup), and that was the gag.

Putting him in as some kind of sight gag or a bit just seems inappropriate to me. You want people in the film? Hire character actors, not A-listers.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Confronting Vader was part of Luke's training. That was specific to Luke in becoming a Jedi. Other that what we see Yoda put Luke through, it is never really made clear in the OT what are in the trials to become a Jedi.

I always thought that Luke's confrontation with Vader in ESB was his "trial". His last hurdle to becoming a Jedi. In that fight, he would be tested by anger, by fear, by thoughts of revenge and ultimately tempted with the possibility of untold power if he joined his father to destroy the emperor and rule with him. He refused the temptation and essentially chose death by throwing himself into the abyss. He didn't know that he would survive. He chose death over the dark side. For me, that's when he became a Jedi regardless of how Lucas wrote ROTJ.

The fight in ROTJ was a rehash of Empire. Same temptation, different day. Lucas' lazy approach to writing was in full force by this time.

The more interesting thing is in realizing that anger does have a place in a Jedi's heart. We've never really seen a Jedi prevail without resorting to anger in some way. The key is to balance and channel it and not let it control you. I think the training focuses on purging or ignoring those "negative" emotions because learners are too young to understand these complex feelings let alone how to control them. It's too dangerous. One must first learn the basics and begin to master themselves before that door can be opened.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The reference to black troopers could be shadow storm troopers, for which an action figure is being released at SDCC this year.

As for Tom Cruise making an Leave it alone. I don't care that he's a fan. Being a fan doesn't get you a role in the films. Being able to play a role necessary to the story gets you in. Unless he's unrecognizable in a rubber mask or a suit of armor or something, and is a background no-line role, I say keep out. Why? Simple. Tom Cruise pulls focus. Tom Cruise ALWAYS pulls focus. Oh, sure, his cameo in Tropic Thunder was funny, but it was still Tom Cruise hamming it up (albeit in heavy makeup), and that was the gag.

Putting him in as some kind of sight gag or a bit just seems inappropriate to me. You want people in the film? Hire character actors, not A-listers.

Maybe he can be a glorified extra that gets blown away like he did in Young Guns.
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