Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

My shame knows no bounds.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Pardon my non hardcore Star Warsiness, but is that the Ep VII R2D2, or just a promo thing? And is that the front of the MF cockpit behind JJ's head?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Pardon my non hardcore Star Warsiness, but is that the Ep VII R2D2, or just a promo thing? And is that the front of the MF cockpit behind JJ's head?

Nope, one of our R2 builders club member's personal R2's (who happens to be building R2's for the film). This is not a filming R2 -- period. Check out to find out more.

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Nope, one of our R2 builders club member's personal R2's (who happens to be building R2's for the film). This is not a filming R2 -- period. Check out to find out more.


Thanks for the info.
I was aware of their involvement, so I wasn't sure if this was still a builder's club R2, or whether they were revealing the movie one (I'm far too noob to tell the difference).
What was the one in the big cast shot? Was that from the PT?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Thanks for the info.
I was aware of their involvement, so I wasn't sure if this was still a builder's club R2, or whether they were revealing the movie one (I'm far too noob to tell the difference).
What was the one in the big cast shot? Was that from the PT?
The droid in the cast shot posted back in April is also Lee Towersey's personal club droid. They went to the extent to build a replica of the shipping box complete with hand written filming location notes! :D so even the crate is fake.
Lee and Oliver Steeples are both long time members of the R2 Builder's club and hired to build droids for the film. Lee's droid is the one seen in 3 different photos which includes the latest tweet by the UK chancellor.
But don't worry as they have had access to screen used droids at skywalker ranch/lucasfilm archives and know exactly what to do and how to make an R2 that will look like the one we all know and love...for now Oliver said they cannot and will not reveal the new filming droids.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Oh, jeez.......such a predictable bit of long as he isn't a prominent character......that would just yank me RIGHT out of the film.



Oh yeah, as much as I like him as Scotty in the New Star Trek, I think if he brings an only slightly similar character into the movie, he´ll be the Jar Jar Binks of the new films, and will stay that way forever.
I really hope that JJ uses comic relief or comical elements only very, very sparsely, just like it was done in ANH and ESB.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Oh, jeez.......such a predictable bit of long as he isn't a prominent character......that would just yank me RIGHT out of the film.



I can't really see there being any truth in this rumour, particularly given his comment about it. If there'd been any possibility about Pegg being involved he'd have kept tight-lipped or non-committal.

If he's been spotted on location though if probably means JJ's invited him to visit. I can very easily see them sorting out a costume and him spending a day or two out there as an extra.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

If he's been spotted on location though if probably means JJ's invited him to visit. I can very easily see them sorting out a costume and him spending a day or two out there as an extra.

That would be acceptable, as long as his cameo wasn't as horrific and in your face as Tony Daniels and Ahmed Best in Episode 2......(ughhh....i mentioned a prequel...i feel so dirty......)

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That would be acceptable, as long as his cameo wasn't as horrific and in your face as Tony Daniels and Ahmed Best in Episode 2......(ughhh....i mentioned a prequel...i feel so dirty......)


The only way to cleanse thyself is to bathe in the glory of an OT marathon!
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