Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Good ol' stoned eyes is in it I see, or it's Carrie Fisher without makeup

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yes, this is also our first glimpse of what seems to be a diminutive and decrepit Yak Face or Yarkora as they are referred to in the Legends series.





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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Oh Wow!! Just seeing an actual practical brings tears to my eyes........I didn't think those were possible anymore!! Are movie makers still allowed to do that?!!! I thought they were banned after the Great CGI Uprising of '
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I personally think if you donate $50000.00 they should let you be in the movie automatically. A little steep to be an extra.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That one puppet made me so stupidly happy I could barf. Awesome awesome awesome. I just went from SW fatigue to SW fever in 20 seconds flat. Gimme another hit of the good stuff JJ, I'm having withdrawls!

I love that puppet.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

JJ Abrams sure is giving me hope that he'll do a brilliant job on the new movie with all the sweet practical effect. You could even say he has given me A New Hope. But you probably wouldn't because this joke has already derailed and I'm embarrassed now.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

After seeing jar-jar and that crazy musical inserted into ROTJ, I don't think there is anything in Episode VII that can hurt me. I feel like Evey(Natalie Portman) after V let her out of the cell. I'm just not afraid. Bring it on JJ. I'm ready to roll around in the Disney hype. I want screen shots, trailers, action figures, Episode VII cereal, the works!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I still wish the stories would've just jumped ahead, like, 2-3 generations, to where the OT is an era of legend, but that ship sailed long ago.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm wondering if there is any foreshadowing from ROTJ in Han Solo's remark on the skiff: "You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient."

HOPEFULLY not though.

That puppet looked amazing though. It really brought a big smile to my face that practical effects are coming back in a big way. SO COOL I had to watch that video twice.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Is there anything from the prequels that anyone would want to see? Is Watto still around? Naboo? Kamino? Utapau? Mustafar? Or is it just best to forget those dark times?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Is there anything from the prequels that anyone would want to see? Is Watto still around? Naboo? Kamino? Utapau? Mustafar? Or is it just best to forget those dark times?

I dunno... Mustafar was pretty awesome. Kamino was an interesting place as well.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Is there anything from the prequels that anyone would want to see? Is Watto still around? Naboo? Kamino? Utapau? Mustafar? Or is it just best to forget those dark times?

Meh, don't care, myself. I mean, the planets in a general sense, I'm fine with revisiting. But I did not love the design style of the prequel era. That said, I'm more concerned with telling a good story, rather than where the story is set. I just don't want the entire exercise to devolve into a series of wink-wink-grin-grin callbacks to the previous films. Just tell the ****ing story and don't get cute about it. I accept that someone will "have a bad feeling about this," but otherwise...yeah, don't belabor the callbacks.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Duh. I am still amazed how many people thought we wouldn't/shouldn't go back to the Tat! And They're Off: Episode VII Began Filming In Abu Dhabi

I still don't totally buy it...I've heard from a few solid sources that the planet is absolutely NOT Tatooine. Personally, I really don't give a rip either way, as I'm just thrilled about the new films.

From the looks of the video, it sure looks like it COULD be Tat...But until official confirmation hits that it's the old Skywalker stomping grounds, I'm going to take a "wait and see" stance on this one. :)

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