Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

There is a problem with Luke reinventing the Jedi order without knowledge of the past - it's liable to produce many of the same mistakes all over again.

Learning from the past is usually a much better plan in these situations. There is something to be said for not being entrenched in the old ways but Luke is not in any danger of that. The more he learns about the old setup as a detached observer, the better.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Luke has already demonstrated a complete 180 from the old Jedi Order. His love and attachment for Anakin is what saves the day. He pretty much ignores all if Yoda and Obi-Wans advice. I would say that bodes well for him not making the same mistakes..
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Holocrons were in TCW so they are canon since Lucas was personally involved with the stories.

I hope they make Luke close to the EU version even if they go in a slightly different direction. He allowed marriages between Jedi and allowed children. He knew then that children between Jedi can be powerful because of himself and Leia. Then later on he upgraded the temple defenses so Order 66 wouldn't work again. I want to see him as a bad*ss Jedi like Mace Windu and not a hermit like Obi Wan was in ANH. However, like Mace and Yoda, he only personally intervenes when things are really bad. Otherwise he just runs the Order. In the novels it got to the point where he personally interceded everywhere even though they had other Jedi perfectly able to handle things.

Solo4114 said:
There's nothing really remarkable about a holographic book system. It could apply to any kind of information, really. The real question is whether Jedi knowledge was preserved anywhere, and if so, whether Luke would follow it, emulate it, or simply study it to learn more. Or whether you'd have some kind of situation where a student finds an old holocron and goes bad because he "delves too deeply" into knowledge for which he's unprepared.

The legitimate Jedi holocrons are made so that they only reveal information equal to a Jedi's skill. That makes it so younger students can't access the more advanced things. In the EU they said that Palpatine circulated fake Jedi holocrons that would intentionally trick someone into turning to the Dark Side. Sith holocrons supposedly work in the same manner, or they have secret accesses that only a really skilled Sith could access. That's how Darth Bane (who started the rule of two), and is canon since he appeared in TCW I guess, gained the knowledge that helped him take out all the other Sith.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I hope there is no EU in this what so ever and by the sounds of it there aint.....few!! Lets get back to wishing for a proper SW movie :cheers
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Mate, if i see any form of EU parp in this movie I'm going to donate all my studio models to the local trash, and join a cult that wear only toga's, anything EU blows so hard.

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Is this movie doomed already?

I've seen a handful of people claiming "This movie needs to follow the EU!" and others claiming "If this movie follows the EU it will be unwatchable garbage!"... so basically J.J. and Lawrence could churn out a complete gem and still **** off a third of the SW fans. It seems a little unfair.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Mate, if i see any form of EU parp in this movie I'm going to donate all my studio models to the local trash, and join a cult that wear only toga's, anything EU blows so hard.


That... sounds completely pointless. Did you know that the original Star Wars movie now features expanded universe material like Dash Rendar's ship the Outrider? Even Coruscant, the capitol of the whole freaking galaxy first appeared in "Heir of the Empire" a whole six years before appearing in the special edition in Return of the Jedi. Does that mean if Coruscant makes an appearance or is even mentioned that you'll still go through with your act of expulsion?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That... sounds completely pointless. Did you know that the original Star Wars movie now features expanded universe material like Dash Rendar's ship the Outrider? Even Coruscant, the capitol of the whole freaking galaxy first appeared in "Heir of the Empire" a whole six years before appearing in the special edition in Return of the Jedi. Does that mean if Coruscant makes an appearance or is even mentioned that you'll still go through with your act of expulsion?

As i said, you EU guys, oh boy, if it wasn't in the original OT, its just plain garbage! And, you made your point, mentioning special editions, i rest my case lol.

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

If there's going to be any lightsaber duels in this, I really hope that they go back to Lucas's original idea of the ignited Saber supposedly being "heavy" to wield, hence Mark Hamill's two handed grip for the most part. That's what made Vader look powerful when he was fighting single handed - he could handle the weight and was a bad ass.
I'm sure it took a lot of practice and was tricky to do, but the majority of Nick Gillard's choreography of the duelling in the prequels just looked like baton twirling to me - sabers going round and around, forwards and backwards. I found it tedious to watch.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think Ralphee deserves a spot on that "types of overzealous fans" chart posted a few pages back...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

If there's going to be any lightsaber duels in this, I really hope that they go back to Lucas's original idea of the ignited Saber supposedly being "heavy" to wield, hence Mark Hamill's two handed grip for the most part. That's what made Vader look powerful when he was fighting single handed - he could handle the weight and was a bad ass.
I'm sure it took a lot of practice and was tricky to do, but the majority of Nick Gillard's choreography of the duelling in the prequels just looked like baton twirling to me - sabers going round and around, forwards and backwards. I found it tedious to watch.

YES - I 100% agree. The original fighting style was based on fencing and samurai swordplay. Which made sense because with a Japanese Katana, one cut could kill you (just like a lightsaber). Moves had to be planned, thought about, and carefully executed. It's not about who can twirl their lightsaber faster, or block 1000 thrusts from their opponent. The fighting style of the prequels was extremely tedious to watch.

To me, in the original movies, they fought with purpose, and intelligence adding to the suspense of the movies and fight scenes. In the prequels, they fought to add more flashy lights and sell more toys.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

You'know when you come down to are right the lightsaber fights are getting a bit "flashy" I won't say go back to the original films but if they made it more like a real sword fight and less like a cheerleader competition.

But when you come down to it they have a few more problems to work on,like how sometimes you slash somebody and they get cut in two,and others they just fall over dead.....
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That's just it. With the exception of Luke's spin attack in ESB (which was always stupid), the OT fighting WAS like a real sword-fight. The combatants centers of gravity are far more stable, there's less overextension, more focus on footwork, etc.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That's just it. With the exception of Luke's spin attack in ESB (which was always stupid), the OT fighting WAS like a real sword-fight. The combatants centers of gravity are far more stable, there's less overextension, more focus on footwork, etc.

... well yeah, but... colors. All the colors. Bright flashy colors!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That's just it. With the exception of Luke's spin attack in ESB (which was always stupid), the OT fighting WAS like a real sword-fight. The combatants centers of gravity are far more stable, there's less overextension, more focus on footwork, etc.

Here's a funny thought:with all the flipping,jumping,blocking blaster shots,and general mayhem a Star Wars lightsaber fight now is like watching a cheap B-grade kung fu movie....

And that isn't a complement.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Well, it would be hard to argue the Maul/Obi-wan/Qui-gon fight was pretty impressive. The Yoda/Dooku AOTC was a novelty item. Really only the Anakin/Obi-wan in ROTS was the one that really strained credibity. And all the CW fights were silly but in the cartoon format it seemed more forgiveable.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I agree that all the flashy twirling and turnarounds were unnecessary but without those things the fighting was awesome, imo.

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

IT seems that not many are saying wouldn't it be great just t have a good script some real acting and a look that stands out as classic SW, no prequel stuff is classic or remotely in the categories I just mentioned. I reading through nearly all this thread its the people who have grand ideas or wants beyond these basic requirements that will be disappointed, c'mon were all disappointed in the end but as long as its better than the PT then its a winner.

I just find it a bit bizarre when people over analyse some of the most trivial things about characters or locations or anything thats so far fetched to have that amount of hope that you can be nothing other than disappointed..

What did we learn from the PT, we learnt don't let the idiots run the asylum, sadly the biggest idiot was the asylum and he's gone now, just cos it comes from Lucas brain doesn't mean its good anymore so now that he is 100% (and he is) out of the loop there still may be hope.

In fact I know there is hope ;-)

At the end of the day it wouldn't surprise me in a few months time that the level of in-depth over thinking for this film could get that bad in this thread that it would be better to close it now and just watch the brains bubble away in the background...

I think we all want it to be amazing and it will be great but just great, the scars of hope run deep in this galaxy so lets hope JJ has some pretty good bandages at best.

ooooh I hope they include Donald duck in it somewhere and hopefully some dwarfs that dig for gold now that would be amazing, do they have gold in the EU I guess so, so technically this could be canon and whats to say there aren't ducks in space, would still be better than Bar Bar or what ewer its name was!!!! Seriously though please lets not get bogged down with bureaucratic dogma of the EU vs OT and inclusion is an illusion I got to quote from the The Thick of It!!!!
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