Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Bringing back any old character as a clone would be a bad idea. As much as I do like ROTJ, I always felt a bit "cheated" by Lucas bringing back another Death Star into the storyline. Why not some new weapon or an ancient Sith artifact (somewhat like what happened in the KOTOR Xbox game)?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Mark Hamill discusses Star Wars, confirms Carrie Fisher's involvement in the new Trilogy and more! - Ain't It Cool News
Great lengthy read. I have highlighted some of his quotes regarding the approach for Episode 7.

He also said since then he's only had one creative meeting with Kathleen Kennedy in which he brought up the desire to have a more balanced approach to the effects. His favorite film is the 1933 King Kong and he loves the way they used all sorts of tricks to pull off the effects and he also believes part of the longevity of the original trilogy is in those effects.

“There's nothing wrong with CGI, but I think you have to have a balance because the camera perceives the width and the depth and the weight of a miniature or a model.” He just said he isn't a fan of the one guy surrounded by greenscreen look and told Kennedy that he'd hate for these new movies to “look like Roger Rabbit.”

While he was the first to admit that any creative decisions involving the new Star Wars Trilogy won't have “Make Mark Hamill happy” as priority #1, he did say that Kennedy agreed with him and already discussed that with George Lucas, citing how Jurassic Park only had a handful of digital shots in the whole movie that are sold by blending in with the practical creatures and other cinema tricks.

Hamill also said that he knows that Carrie Fisher's in 100%, has heard Harrison Ford is onboard, but hasn't talked to him personally to confirm it and that he hasn't yet met with JJ Abrams.

He anticipated the focus of the trilogy to be on the next generation “and that's as it should be.” Hamill doesn't know anything specific, he was quick to remind us, but he suspects the “old folks” will be more like Sir Alec Guinness in the OT. “I want it to be age appropriate, so heavy on the Jedi mind tricks and lighten up on the lightsaber duels. Let the kids do the heavily lifting!”

“Part of me is cautious, saying 'let well enough alone, let everyone keep their nice memories if they have nice memories and don't try to go back and do it again.' But the other side of me, the adventurous side, thinks 'If everyone's in, how could I miss this?” How could you indeed?

Hamill wrapped up his new trilogy talk with this gem:

“I'm one of you, I feel like you're one of us. I'll be in there fighting and trying to be as honest as I can be about what I think it is made these movies so special in the first place. It always starts with the script and that's why I'm so encouraged by Michael Arndt's involvement because I respect his writing so much. He's a big fan of these movies, so hopefully we can make something that doesn't make everyone want to find us, cut off our heads and throw it right in our faces.”
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Love that "enhance it" video. Too funny.

I agree as a sci-fi fan that there's more to Star Wars than the Skywalker story. I just wonder if eventually it'll all become like overkill. Kind of like the zombie genre.
The Clone Wars cartoon has really expanded out into a lot of things I never thought they would... And yet I still find myself falling asleep watching it with my sons. The more you distance yourself from the original characters, the less attachment there is to whatever you introduce unless the character building and storytelling is above par. These days that's hard to come by.

Han Solo dying? Sure. Why not. He's only 70 something, right? I can't imagine it would be nearly as tragic now as it would've been in the 80's. He's old. Old people die. Even ones we like. I think it's better to build up a love of a character in a trilogy and kill them off halfway into the second one. That would sting.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Feelin a LOT better about the new trilogy.

At least this is going to be a collaborative effort, just like the OT. Instead of the one man Lucas show, surrounded by yes-men. Lucas did NOT invent everything that made the OT great...

Practical effects and found objects, using cgi to help... Instead of 95% cgi.

I can't wait.

If it sucks... It at least will be better than the PT! I am pretty confident about that.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I agree that Hamill has the right idea. The CGI didn't bug me that much, but since I grew up with the OT I think, like he said, models have their own quality that CGI can't match yet. I would also strongly suggest they make the props out of objects that we can find fairly easily... :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

^Indeed. The prequels were really bereft of humanity and realism; they were difficult to really get into, feel a connection with.
You know this was only done to make more action figures. Dexter Jettster was the low-point, IMO.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think that's the problem with the prequels, the CGI is so congested through the entire 3 films, it distracts from the story. When you see all that was produced for the OT in terms of models, props, sets, costumes...ect, then you have the Pre's, and what you got was a bunch of costumes, and a lot of silly props made from junk, I think practical is....well, practical :p
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Anyone else hear this thing about Ewan MacGregor being in the next movie - taking over the Ghost of Obi Wan role?? Someone told me it was in the Disney newsletter.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think there's lots of whining about these new line of films. (I'm not necessarily talking about this topic as I haven't read everything)
Personally I'm just happy and excited. Though the expectations are very high and I hope they will be met I'm happy that there will be new movies. I can finally go to the theater and be amazed by something new. And we'll all have new stories to talk about, new props and costumes to make. I don't really care that Disney bought the franchise. It opens up new perspectives and above all, it's out of George Lucas' hands..

So above everything, I'm thrilled that there's gonna be something new, finally!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I really hope they listen to Hamill more. He's about on the same page as myself with his thoughts on these newer films.
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