Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That would be tragic if he didn't. Like cereal without milk. Eggs without bacon.

Agreed but he is 81. I figured it was a done deal when he expressed interest in doing it last month. No way JJ wouldn't have brought him back in, he appreciates what John means to the franchise. He is the oxygen of STAR WARS, to steal a quote.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

That would be tragic if he didn't. Like cereal without milk. Eggs without bacon.

Agreed but he is 81. I figured it was a done deal when he expressed interest in doing it last month. No way JJ wouldn't have brought him back in, he appreciates what John means to the franchise. He is the oxygen of STAR WARS, to steal a quote.

Holy Hell Ya!!!

Thrilled to hear this. If nothing else due to his age he can set the themes for this trilogy so that someone else can take the reigns later.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

...The second group is the young (born after 1990 let's say)...THIS is your market, these are the ones you care about.
Also, the "Teens to mid-20s" crowd is the demographic most movies are marketed towards anyway these days because they're more willing to part with their money than we older fans who are trying to save enough money to retire. :D

But seriously, I think there's merit to the theory that Star Wars has become a franchise that appeals to both parents and their children. Parents like the Original Trilogy, their children like the Prequel Trilogy, and I'd guess Disney and Lucasfilm are hoping the upcoming movies will appeal to both generations.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

whats star wars...

someone above wrote that we will all see it regardless, it could suck and most of us would go see it again anyway. perhaps its some attempt of our inner children to relive the magic we experienced back in the day seeing darth for the first time, that little green dude, fraking big ass spaceships; its a feeling that we all want back and hollywood has been hiding from us since the early 80's with a few exceptions...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

A properly made Star Wars movie has the potential to appeal to multiple generations and fans of all ages.

Totally agree. I'm just saying that the old fans aren't, and shouldn't be, the primary focus. They're the hardest to please anyway.

I'm hoping that what comes out will re-kindle many a lost Star Wars love!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yeah, I agree. At this point, I can "wall off" the part of my mind where the prequels reside...but not when my only hi-def option for watching the OT features jar-jar-like F/X and humor, and Hayden Christensen at the end of the trilogy.

It was George's "They're MY movies, so **** you" attitude that really turned me off. The originals, though, I still enjoy. I just hate what Lucas did with them after the fact.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Disney... being the money making machine it is (which I respect) would be foolish NOT to release the original pre-SE trilogy. They know they can make a fortune!
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Disney... being the money making machine it is (which I respect) would be foolish NOT to release the original pre-SE trilogy. They know they can make a fortune!

I don't necessarily disagree, but, that having been said, I think Disney sees much bigger profits in developing the franchise further. What do you think is going to make them more money, a new trilogy of films and a spate of standalone films, or re-releasing the OT on blu-ray?

Honestly, in spite of the confidence many people here have that Disney will release the OOT in some form, I would not be surprised if it wasn't even on Disney's radar. Mind you, I'm not saying that it is or isn't, only speculating.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Honestly, in spite of the confidence many people here have that Disney will release the OOT in some form, I would not be surprised if it wasn't even on Disney's radar. Mind you, I'm not saying that it is or isn't, only speculating.

And a legality that many seem to be forgetting when writing up their Christmas list of Star Wars "wants" is that 20th. Century Fox still owns the original Star Wars until...when is it?
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

They'll do it, and here's why (although we've discussed most of this before).

As I understand it, the PT masters were shot in 1080p HD digital. That means that, basically, you'll never squeeze more resolution out of them. The highest resolution you're ever gonna get is....1080p. There's no other source material.

The same is true of the 2004 SE DVDs, which also served as the basis for the 2012 BRs. Everything is at 1080p, including all of the digital elements that were added to the SEs as they've improved. The '97 theatrical versions were, I think, at 2K, but think back to something like the '97 version of ANH Jabba and you can bet they won't be going back to that as source material.

Yet televisions and restorations continue to progress. 4K TV panels will come out eventually, and while you may be able to upscale existing images, it won't be the same as a native 2K or 4K image.

Meanwhile, the 35mm prints of the OT COULD be rescanned at higher resolutions. You've got to figure they'll want to eventually tackle the OT for a remastering, rather than continuing to rely on an increasingly out-of-date source like the 1080p HD materials they have currently. Now, let's assume that they'll want to preserve the SEs and try to maintain some sense of visual continuity between the films. Even if they do this, even if they redo all the digital effects for new SEs, they'll still have to be plugged into a restored original, which would likely mean a rescanning of the OT.

If they do that, then they can only benefit by simultaneously releasing a restored OOT. They'll be doign the bulk of the work anyway, so why not do the extra and get some extra sales? They can sell it as only an exclusive megapack with all nine films or six films or whatever, thereby guaranteeing sales of the other material. Or they can just sell them separately.

I'm sure they see profits in developing the series further, but there's no reason NOT to release an HD, restored archival OOT, given what they'll likely have to do with the SEs anyway.

Personally, my fondest hope is that they'll take a "Blade Runner" approach to the films, restore the OOT and SEs together, but offer both side by side, and then maybe even include a version of the SEs that shows the development of the changed scenes and lets you see the different versions. From a film history perspective, that'd be awesome, even if just as extras. But I do think they'll end up releasing a restored OOT if only because they'll be going over the same ground anyway for the SEs, only this time without Lucas' insistence that they do it "his" way.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I was daydreaming today about wookies and cloud cities, when I turned my thoughts to the new Trilogy and where it could go...

I came up with a concept that made sense and fit in with the Star Wars Universe nicely - see what you think

What if Palpatine, upon setting up the cloning facility on Kamino, also stored a copy of his genetic makeup, so that if he ever were to die, the Kaminoans were under strict instructions to put into effect the cloning of Palpatine V2.

This would create a nice arc across the prequels and the new sequels, and would explain the nice mystery that is planted in Episode II when Obi Wan visits the facility. I know there is a whole expanded universe explanation about that facility, but in terms of the canon films, it works nicely as a device.

You could even tie in Boba Fett as a boy on Kamino meeting a gifted force powerful child - Palpatine V 0.1?? A prototype perhaps.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I was daydreaming today about wookies and cloud cities, when I turned my thoughts to the new Trilogy and where it could go...

I came up with a concept that made sense and fit in with the Star Wars Universe nicely - see what you think

What if Palpatine, upon setting up the cloning facility on Kamino, also stored a copy of his genetic makeup, so that if he ever were to die, the Kaminoans were under strict instructions to put into effect the cloning of Palpatine V2.

This would create a nice arc across the prequels and the new sequels, and would explain the nice mystery that is planted in Episode II when Obi Wan visits the facility. I know there is a whole expanded universe explanation about that facility, but in terms of the canon films, it works nicely as a device.

You could even tie in Boba Fett as a boy on Kamino meeting a gifted force powerful child - Palpatine V 0.1?? A prototype perhaps.

As much as I'd like to revisit the era of Palpatine, this would just seem to pander... No discredit to your imagination intended, because I'd really like to see Palpatine again, just not this way.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

As much as I'd like to revisit the era of Palpatine, this would just seem to pander... No discredit to your imagination intended, because I'd really like to see Palpatine again, just not this way.

As a villain, I feel he will need to return for consistency with OT, even if as a ghostly sauron-like presence. I just thought this might be a way for him to sneak into the world of the living secretly, with his appearance not fully granted until the end of the first or second film.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

As a villain, I feel he will need to return for consistency with OT, even if as a ghostly sauron-like presence. I just thought this might be a way for him to sneak into the world of the living secretly, with his appearance not fully granted until the end of the first or second film.

My guess is that Disney/JJ/Kennedy/et al have their own ideas about who and what the nemesis is going to be in Episode VII. And in truth, who knows? It may indeed be a full blown re-issue of the Palpatine/Vader duo by some machination of science and technology to appeal to those fans who want it. Nothing's been revealed yet so it's up in the air. But my point of view is that the greater stories to be told with the Emperor and Vader are set between Episodes III and IV, a twenty-some-year stretch of time rife with all sorts of action. But again, your interpretation may win out in the end! :thumbsup
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I was daydreaming today about wookies and cloud cities, when I turned my thoughts to the new Trilogy and where it could go...

I came up with a concept that made sense and fit in with the Star Wars Universe nicely - see what you think

What if Palpatine, upon setting up the cloning facility on Kamino, also stored a copy of his genetic makeup, so that if he ever were to die, the Kaminoans were under strict instructions to put into effect the cloning of Palpatine V2.

This would create a nice arc across the prequels and the new sequels, and would explain the nice mystery that is planted in Episode II when Obi Wan visits the facility. I know there is a whole expanded universe explanation about that facility, but in terms of the canon films, it works nicely as a device.

You could even tie in Boba Fett as a boy on Kamino meeting a gifted force powerful child - Palpatine V 0.1?? A prototype perhaps.

I'm kind of hoping for this two, but as I understand it, Disney won't be involving any kind of Expanded Universe material, lets just hope they will reconsider this partially, because I would have loved to see it happen two_On the other hand focussing much more on the Crime Cartels, now that the Empire has crumbled into seperatists again, at least that is what I think is going to be addressed in the Episode 7.
A surviving Clone of Palpatine would seem logical to me, maybe in hiding during Episode 7, but gaining power in Episode 8 with the Crime Lords behind him instead of the Empire.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

They'll do it, and here's why (although we've discussed most of this before).

As I understand it, the PT masters were shot in 1080p HD digital. That means that, basically, you'll never squeeze more resolution out of them. The highest resolution you're ever gonna get is....1080p. There's no other source material.

The same is true of the 2004 SE DVDs, which also served as the basis for the 2012 BRs. Everything is at 1080p, including all of the digital elements that were added to the SEs as they've improved. The '97 theatrical versions were, I think, at 2K, but think back to something like the '97 version of ANH Jabba and you can bet they won't be going back to that as source material.

Yet televisions and restorations continue to progress. 4K TV panels will come out eventually, and while you may be able to upscale existing images, it won't be the same as a native 2K or 4K image.

Meanwhile, the 35mm prints of the OT COULD be rescanned at higher resolutions. You've got to figure they'll want to eventually tackle the OT for a remastering, rather than continuing to rely on an increasingly out-of-date source like the 1080p HD materials they have currently. Now, let's assume that they'll want to preserve the SEs and try to maintain some sense of visual continuity between the films. Even if they do this, even if they redo all the digital effects for new SEs, they'll still have to be plugged into a restored original, which would likely mean a rescanning of the OT.

If they do that, then they can only benefit by simultaneously releasing a restored OOT. They'll be doign the bulk of the work anyway, so why not do the extra and get some extra sales? They can sell it as only an exclusive megapack with all nine films or six films or whatever, thereby guaranteeing sales of the other material. Or they can just sell them separately.

I'm sure they see profits in developing the series further, but there's no reason NOT to release an HD, restored archival OOT, given what they'll likely have to do with the SEs anyway.

Personally, my fondest hope is that they'll take a "Blade Runner" approach to the films, restore the OOT and SEs together, but offer both side by side, and then maybe even include a version of the SEs that shows the development of the changed scenes and lets you see the different versions. From a film history perspective, that'd be awesome, even if just as extras. But I do think they'll end up releasing a restored OOT if only because they'll be going over the same ground anyway for the SEs, only this time without Lucas' insistence that they do it "his" way.

Although I appreciate your point, I too remain skeptical they will bother to revisit the original STAR WARS as released in 1977. They likely look at the Blu-ray release LucasFilm did a few years back as the definitive edition and at this point, so many people own these films they very well may not even bother trying to create more content that's already out there.
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