Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Post-release)

Grievous and Dooku were great villains in the Tartakovsky's Clone Wars. Dooku was also great in the Clone Wars show. Lucas just messed it all up

I really enjoyed Dooku... but I HATED Grievous. He's such a merchandise-oriented character. While Dooku didn't have a backstory, I didn't really feel like he needed one whereas Grievous almost demands one. As soon as you see him you can't help but think "how the h3ll did he end up like this?". I also hate that he's a non-Jedi lightsaber wielder. It's not that he's got mad skills.... he just has the 4-arm advantage which is just another example of lazy character writing and the copper-top mentality that plagues sequels.

That's always been my biggest gripe with how they handled the villains in the prequels. (1) they shouldn't have killed of Darth Maul in TPM (2) Keep Dooku, introduce him earlier, and pass Maul off to him when Palpatine sees Skywalkers as a potential (3) NO GRIEVOUS!! (4) Halfway into the second movie the emperor should have started taking Skywalker under his wing. The "seduction of Skywalker" felt very rushed and the BS reason for it being the visions of Padme dying and the Emperor using that as a hook was lame.

Anyway.... yeah... I liked Dooku. :)
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"he acts like a goth kid who can't find his eyeliner"


but some of you SJSWW (social justice star wars warriors) will be offended by that
Looking at the PT fight scenes. Although at first glance, like someone else said, I was like oh that's cool looking. Now I look at it for what it is. A choreographed dance with a lightsaber. Jedi/Sith or force user, the moves utilized in the PT are not meant to kill anyone. I don't even see with precognition how they would practically see these moves useful in a fight. It's already been said, but I must agree. For the most part the fights were more meeting lightsaber to lightsaber. No attempt to really kill anyone.
Good point. Much like most kung-fu movies, you don't see people trying to harm one another as much as trying to show off their skills. Reminds me of the classic scene from Raiders where Indy simply caps the sword-spinning guy with his Webley revolver (yes, I know the story behind how that scene came to be).
Now, Luke taking those whacks at Vader at the end of RoTJ just before he cuts Vader's hand off? Now there's someone really looking to mess someone up!
I bought the DVD/blu-ray/digital combo because it was just a few bucks more than just the DVD at WalMart this morning on the way to work. One of the employees there saw me looking through the options, came up and said, "You're the first person to buy one of these, nobody's even stopped at the display before you."
That was about 9AM. I found that odd as it's right next to a major highway...
I bought the DVD/blu-ray/digital combo because it was just a few bucks more than just the DVD at WalMart this morning on the way to work. One of the employees there saw me looking through the options, came up and said, "You're the first person to buy one of these, nobody's even stopped at the display before you."
That was about 9AM. I found that odd as it's right next to a major highway...

no body buys movies anymore with those jail broken fire sticks going around now... Only a matter of time before they get caught
I think part if it is there are a lot of things in this movie that allude to other things upcoming that are still spoilers and it would be hard to do a commentary on it without giving away future film spoilers, Of course they could focus on the technical specs. They could record a commentary relaxed and edit out the spoilers parts of what they said..
At one point it was confirmed that Grievous was only introduced as a character so that more toys could be produced. I think that it was heavily connected to the chase on Utapau. I mean, cart wheel, space ship, Obi Wans lizard ...
I suspected as much. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that was the only reason Dooku was created as well. Either that, or Lucas really wanted an excuse to work with Christopher Lee. Regardless, I think Dooku was far better utilized in The Clone Wars.
I think part if it is there are a lot of things in this movie that allude to other things upcoming that are still spoilers and it would be hard to do a commentary on it without giving away future film spoilers, Of course they could focus on the technical specs. They could record a commentary relaxed and edit out the spoilers parts of what they said..

If those doing the commentary cannot do it without bringing up spoilers, then they are honestly not clever enough to talk about a movie.
Oh no, you DID NOT just call out the lizard! RIP Boga *sniff*

:lol This morning my GF´s daughter told me that Obi-Wan´s lizard in EP3 was sooooooo cuuuuute !!! And the asked me if I had any toys of that lizard and to her disappointment I said "no". Damn, I shouldn´t have given the kid the impression that I am a huge Star Wars collector ... Ah well, to console her a little I just bought the kids a lightsaber each :D
:lol This morning my GF´s daughter told me that Obi-Wan´s lizard in EP3 was sooooooo cuuuuute !!! And the asked me if I had any toys of that lizard and to her disappointment I said "no". Damn, I shouldn´t have given the kid the impression that I am a huge Star Wars collector ... Ah well, to console her a little I just bought the kids a lightsaber each :D

I'm pretty upset that you don't have a Boga toy also. Would you like my address so you can ship my saber, or do you just want to paypal me? :lol
:lol This morning my GF´s daughter told me that Obi-Wan´s lizard in EP3 was sooooooo cuuuuute !!! And the asked me if I had any toys of that lizard and to her disappointment I said "no". Damn, I shouldn´t have given the kid the impression that I am a huge Star Wars collector ... Ah well, to console her a little I just bought the kids a lightsaber each :D

Hope she does not use google!
I bought the DVD/blu-ray/digital combo because it was just a few bucks more than just the DVD at WalMart this morning on the way to work. One of the employees there saw me looking through the options, came up and said, "You're the first person to buy one of these, nobody's even stopped at the display before you."
That was about 9AM. I found that odd as it's right next to a major highway...

I pulled into the local Wally World (WalMart) yesterday morning around 5:30am to grab my copy and almost every shelf was picked clean. I would say 70-80% of the BRs and DVDs were sold!
I got mine at Best Buy, who still had plenty. But now I have to ask: What is the 20 minutes of exclusive bonus material on the Target version. Should I regret getting the regular Blu-Ray/DVD combo?
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