STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

The only thing that bothers me is that it looks like he uses it on the stun setting

Yeah what's the problem? You stun em then slash them in half with the blade. :lol ;)

I just got caught up because my nephew finally wanted to watch the ones he missed. Was the episode where Fulcrum is revealed the finale?

I tell you this buying Star Wars stuff for the kid instead of me us is fun. Tonight I'm painting his TK lid. There will be pew pewing everywhere.
Well it kind of makes sense does it not, Jedi and all, would not want to kill unless needed.
Doesn't it strike you odd that it's one part stun gun and one part deadliest weapon in the galaxy?

It stinks of censorship. The Disney folks want to downplay the gun violence on this show

Sure, the jedi are peace keepers but that is their motive. They are still warriors.
Doesn't it strike you odd that it's one part stun gun and one part deadliest weapon in the galaxy?

It stinks of censorship. The Disney folks want to downplay the gun violence on this show

Sure, the jedi are peace keepers but that is their motive. They are still warriors.

Lightsabers kill only when a jedi has no option but to kill. Otherwise it can be used for defense and non-lethal conflict resolution.

There is plenty of death in the show even as a result of battle with our heroes. Consider the ability to complete a mission and/or avoid capture, wouldn't you rather have your heroes as someone who did not take lives in a situation where it did not warrant it? I know I would. And this comes from a man who has been in the military for over twenty years.
Doesn't it strike you odd that it's one part stun gun and one part deadliest weapon in the galaxy?

It stinks of censorship. The Disney folks want to downplay the gun violence on this show

Sure, the jedi are peace keepers but that is their motive. They are still warriors.

so what, it's a kids carton and an appropriate editorial decision.
I just finished the season last night and I was noticing how much "death" is caused. Esra is the only character with a stun gun as far as I can tell. Everyone else shoots to kill.
so what, it's a kids carton and an appropriate editorial decision.

i disagree. Although animated, this show is meant to fit in with Star Wars as a whole. Much like the original Star Wars was created for both adults and kids to enjoy, so is this show. I think it is a discredit to the creators of this show to call it a kid's cartoon. It is so much more than that.
i disagree. Although animated, this show is meant to fit in with Star Wars as a whole. Much like the original Star Wars was created for both adults and kids to enjoy, so is this show. I think it is a discredit to the creators of this show to call it a kid's cartoon. It is so much more than that.
I also served for 22 years in the military and it's no cartoon. I view it as very much part of the Star Wars EU and at no point did I think it was aimed at kids alone. I love the look of it and I'm totally into the Mc'Q helmets seen in various parts of the show. I can't wait for season 2.
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i disagree. Although animated, this show is meant to fit in with Star Wars as a whole. Much like the original Star Wars was created for both adults and kids to enjoy, so is this show. I think it is a discredit to the creators of this show to call it a kid's cartoon. It is so much more than that.

I don't disagree the show has a broader appeal, but that is an ancillary consideration. It's for kids. As you pointed out, there is plenty of death and mayhem dispensed by the main characters but in regards to Ezra, the character who may appeal most to a younger audience, to limit the carange he inflicts is appropriate. I was responding to a specific comment about Ezra and his stun blaster.
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-shrug- I have no issue with it, why would you not want the ability to stun instead of only being able to kill.

He wants to be a Jedi, a Jedi should not kill indiscriminately. It is also a good thing to have strategy wise, what if you need to chase down someone with information on the empire? POW stunned, you can now interrogate them. He does not have the skill yet to do something similar without with stun. Maybe it will change as he gets older. I'm not sure why you want a lightsider teenager to be killing everyone.
Also, consider that Ezra is a very empathetic person. It could simply be his personal preference to not kill. His most powerful force ability is to communicate with animals. He has also done an undercover stint at Stormtrooper academy, and recognizes that the ST's are people, not just faceless pawns of the Empire. ST's are erks, sure - but I don't get the impression that he really wants to hurt anyone - except that one time he went dark.
Doesn't it strike you odd that it's one part stun gun and one part deadliest weapon in the galaxy?

It stinks of censorship. The Disney folks want to downplay the gun violence on this show

Sure, the jedi are peace keepers but that is their motive. They are still warriors.

I don't see censorship at all. Have you been watching the same show? I was actually surprised at the amount of death in it for a "kids show." In the first episode, I saw more people die than in the entire run of G.I. Joe back in the 80s! Granted, they're goons in stormtrooper/TIE pilot outfits and such...but they're still humans and they're still dying frequently.

i disagree. Although animated, this show is meant to fit in with Star Wars as a whole. Much like the original Star Wars was created for both adults and kids to enjoy, so is this show. I think it is a discredit to the creators of this show to call it a kid's cartoon. It is so much more than that.

I don't disagree the show has a broader appeal, but that is an ancillary consideration. It's for kids. As you pointed out, there is plenty of death and mayhem dispensed by the main characters but in regards to Ezra, the character who may appeal most to a younger audience, to limit the carange he inflicts is appropriate. I was responding to a specific comment about Ezra and his stun blaster.

I think the show is aimed at younger audiences (hence the look of it), but designed to appeal to a wider range of folks, like the parents. One thing that Disney/Pixar have learned is that if you can hook the parents or at least keep them entertained, they're a LOT more willing to buy into the franchise as a whole. That means they're more willing to get into the merchandising side, they'll be happy to watch the show with their kids, etc. All that said, the target demographic is the kids, ultimately. They need the kids to be interested in the first place, or else it doesn't matter what the parents dig. No parent is going to buy a Lego set for their kid if the kid isn't into the subject matter of the set, ya know?

I agree, though, that the overall feel of this show is very much in keeping with the OT, and especially ANH. It has violence, yeah, but it's a kind of violence that a kid who's about, oh, 7-8 can handle just fine, and a kid who's 5-6 can probably deal with in small doses.

Something to remember, which I was reminded of when I tried watching ANH with my recently-5-year-old nephew -- little kids can't handle the intensity of a lot of entertainment out there. It's not the violence, per se, it's the intensity of the experience. The music, the emotion of the scene, etc. can all contribute to that feeling of intensity.

Think of it this way. I would bet that a child wouldn't really be bothered by a scene of Ezra & Co. escaping when Zev shoots some pursuing Stormtrooper who them plummets off of a building, presumably to his death. We know that stormtrooper's dead, but it's just kinda wacky adventure fun for the kid. By contrast, I would bet that the scene in the Jedi temple where Ezra confronts an image of the Inquisitor killing Kanan...that was probably scarier for kids because of the nature of the scene and the intensity of it.
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