STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I tried looking them up and found this.

Phoenix Squadron was a Rebel Alliance starfighter squadron consisting of B-wing starfighters. They were part of a failed attempt to destroy the Immobilizer 418 cruiser Compellor. Their role was to attempt to destroy the Compellor by disabling her weapon systems with mag pulse warheads, then attack with volley of proton torpedos. Viper Squadron provided starfighter cover for Phoenix Squadron during the attack on the Compellor. Unfortunately for the Alliance, both squadrons were lost in the engagement.

What a bunch of losers.
...and their ships...

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I am going guess that they took their name from Sabine's logo.
Hardly conclusions, but hardly unfounded. I'm just setting expectations for myself so low that anything that comes out cannot possibly disappoint me. I may not like how they treated Ahsoka's reveal, but I'm totally open to the idea that they'll screw it up royally. This is Star Wars we're dealing with here. No female character has ever been a "chosen one" or a self-declared "only hope" for the galaxy.

And yet The Force Awakens will make you choke on those words.
Weren't A-wings supposed to be an all-new development by the time of RotJ? As much as I like the A-Wing, an upstart Rebellion should first and foremost use outdated tech, not brandnew new one.
I would LOVE to see the rebellion incorporate some old clone wars tech. Maybe a reclaimed venator (used to "Pegasus" a fleet of star destroyers?)? Or what about some hacked battle droids?

Now that ashoka is here we can finally tie the series together!!!!
Did you read the novelizations of Rotj? That's where I first read it. I did some googling to make sure i remembered it correctly:

Except, like all Wiki stuff, check primary sources. The novelization actually uses the words "molten pit" and "fiery pool". The words "volcano" or "lava" never show up. Somewhere between 1983 and he Prequels, I think someone conflated that description with the McQuarrie concept paintings for one possible Place Of Power for the Emperor in the third film.

In other news, I echo the "WTF?" of the A-Wings. It's one thing to not be compelled to follow previously-published works. It seems quite another to seem to be deliberately contradicting things any chance they get. I'd love to see more of the Z-95 Headhunters, Y-Wings, and even maybe some salvaged ARC-170s.

BTW, I REALLY hope they don't undermine ashoka's final tcw arc by saying she was already part of a rebel movement and left for that reason
Weren't A-wings supposed to be an all-new development by the time of RotJ? As much as I like the A-Wing, an upstart Rebellion should first and foremost use outdated tech, not brandnew new one.

Concept art for Season 2. Rebels using A-wings pre-BoY ! Should be Z-95, Y-Wing or other "old" tech, rather than state-of-the-art stuff.
To me they are direct evolvement of the V-Wings used in ROTS & CW,......if you remove the EU


Weren't A-wings supposed to be an all-new development by the time of RotJ? As much as I like the A-Wing, an upstart Rebellion should first and foremost use outdated tech, not brandnew new one.

That was the old cannon...and stupid canon at that IMHO. I found most authors to lack real depth in their reasoning why thing are what they are in the Star Wars universe. They simply decided that since you did not see any A-wings or B-wings in earlier films, they must be new. That's weak.

I would LOVE to see the rebellion incorporate some old clone wars tech. Maybe a reclaimed venator (used to "Pegasus" a fleet of star destroyers?)? Or what about some hacked battle droids?

Now that ashoka is here we can finally tie the series together!!!!

When I used to run a Rebels RP fanfic board, the era was after The Empire Strikes Back but along with the regular craft, we also used clone era ships. The U.S. military uses and have used craft that were much older. although the empire might attempt to ensure surplus does not get out of their control, I could see sceneries where crafts were left forgotten and raided or maybe in the hands of profiteers who secured them and resold them.

Except, like all Wiki stuff, check primary sources. The novelization actually uses the words "molten pit" and "fiery pool". The words "volcano" or "lava" never show up. Somewhere between 1983 and he Prequels, I think someone conflated that description with the McQuarrie concept paintings for one possible Place Of Power for the Emperor in the third film.

I wasn't making a claim to wording used where and when. I was discussing what might be the earliest reference in Star Wars (whether in story, article, or interview, canon or not) where it was implied that Vader and Obi Wan fought in an area of such as described. Molten pit and fiery pool still satisfies my parameters of my previous remarks.

In other news, I echo the "WTF?" of the A-Wings. It's one thing to not be compelled to follow previously-published works.

Once again I echo, "Good riddance to the old and crappy EU."

Where were these a wings you guys keep mentioning?

watch the Rebel Recon video I posted:
At the end of the video, they show concept art for season 2.

If you go to the previous page of this thread, I posted screen caps as well.

BTW, I REALLY hope they don't undermine ashoka's final tcw arc by saying she was already part of a rebel movement and left for that reason

She left before the Empire was created so no Rebellion against the empire existed. I always speculated that since she had experience training rebels of neutral planets that had been taken over by federation troops, she might have continued to do that.
I never had a problem with A-wings being post-Yavin. I also question the ROTJ flight gear that was nowhere in the earlier films. All the Rebel pilots that we saw in the films and EU over a five-year period in-universe wore orange flight suits with those APH-6B-derived flight helmets.

At the same time, I also have no problem with that stuff all being around at this time and just "operating elsewhere" during Star Wars and Empire. What bugs me is the seemingly deliberate contradicting of EU stuff now that they can.

At the same time, I'm really hoping Ventress and Quinlan Voss show up in Rebels, given what their arc was going to be in season seven of Clone Wars.

Also, I missed this earlier...

Can Stormtroopers survive in space? Want answers? Watch this... [link trimmed]

Except we've had the answer to that one since Star Wars. :p


Yeah, they have extra air systems, but I attribute that to being intentionally outside for a full watch rotation. Point is, though, that the armor and helmet are obviously vacuum-tight and I'd presume rebreathing systems in the standard helmet sufficient to handle limited exposure to vacuum and toxic atmosphere.

I never had a problem with A-wings being post-Yavin. I also question the ROTJ flight gear that was nowhere in the earlier films. All the Rebel pilots that we saw in the films and EU over a five-year period in-universe wore orange flight suits with those APH-6B-derived flight helmets.

At the same time, I also have no problem with that stuff all being around at this time and just "operating elsewhere" during Star Wars and Empire. What bugs me is the seemingly deliberate contradicting of EU stuff now that they can.

As far as flight suits and helmets are concerned, we've only seen X & Y-Wing pilots wearing the standard APH6B style helmets with orange flight suits, in Jedi where we got introduced to the A & B-Wings we saw pilots with both different colored flight suits and different styles of helmets. So there's really nothing contradictory here not to mention this is, obviously, before the Alliance where the Rebellion is still operating in cells so there really wouldn't be a standard uniform as of yet so these could easily be what they normally wear where they come from.

A for contradicting the EU, why not? If they're no longer beholden to the EU then why go out of your way to to try to stick to it? By tossing the EU out this means the writers are free to follow or contradict the EU as they please and create a brand new canon without all of the old (EU) canon getting in the way.
I never had a problem with A-wings being post-Yavin. I also question the ROTJ flight gear that was nowhere in the earlier films. All the Rebel pilots that we saw in the films and EU over a five-year period in-universe wore orange flight suits with those APH-6B-derived flight helmets.

At the same time, I also have no problem with that stuff all being around at this time and just "operating elsewhere" during Star Wars and Empire. What bugs me is the seemingly deliberate contradicting of EU stuff now that they can.

Once again...IMHO... The old EU sucked. Glad it's gone.

My speculation is that unlike most people who believe you have a a particular suit and gear for that type of craft, I believe that the Rebellion simply utilizes what is available. While the Rebellion may be able to find companies who are willing to sell and build products to them in public or private without fear of repercussions from the Empire. I would also believe that they are very limited on funding most of their resources (ships, fuel, uniforms, supplies, parts, food, etc...) are donated by planetary systems who publicly or in secret support the rebellion. So a planet may have fighters to donate but not flight gear and vice versa. We know that the rebellion re-uses gear from the looks of Luke's helmet. You can also see in Return of the Jedi that in the background there are mixes of suits and helmets. "Hey we need to attack that Star Destroyer, send all 12 of our A-Wings. What's that? Only 8 of the pilots have green flight suits. I guess we only send 8 then. We must have consistency in Rebellion. Oh, speaking of which, someone tell Solo to stop wearing civilian clothes."

I also will state that like the F-35, the helmet is specialized for the aircraft because it ties into the cameras and the HUD is built in. But I see no canon evidence that any known gear in the rebellion must be utilized with a particular craft.

I will also state state that even though this is my belief, I have no issues if Rebels proves some or all wrong. I know it seems a little boring but I wouldn't mind a few remarks that address it. I find it interesting.

Also, I missed this earlier...

Except we've had the answer to that one since Star Wars. :p

Yeah, they have extra air systems, but I attribute that to being intentionally outside for a full watch rotation. Point is, though, that the armor and helmet are obviously vacuum-tight and I'd presume rebreathing systems in the standard helmet sufficient to handle limited exposure to vacuum and toxic atmosphere.


Right, but not the point. I posted that little comment as a result of an earlier post about whether the troopers survived. I figure readers of this thread might like an official LFL answer instead of a fanboy answer/speculation. I know I do.
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As far as flight suits and helmets are concerned, we've only seen X & Y-Wing pilots wearing the standard APH6B style helmets with orange flight suits, in Jedi where we got introduced to the A & B-Wings we saw pilots with both different colored flight suits and different styles of helmets. So there's really nothing contradictory here not to mention this is, obviously, before the Alliance where the Rebellion is still operating in cells so there really wouldn't be a standard uniform as of yet so these could easily be what they normally wear where they come from.

The third and fourth pictures MJF posted show the ROTJ Y-wing helmet. These guys:


My headcanon since the late '80s had been that the pilots we saw in the first two films were all part of one unit of the Rebellion, made largely of Clone War and post-Clone War Republic Navy vets who defected to the Rebellion due to the Empire getting more and more not what they signed up for. And all the new flight gear we saw in Jedi were for other system/sector flying groups that had joined the Rebellion later on or were operating elsewhere. Reference Leia and Vader mentioning the Rebel fleet massing all in one place -- something we can presume has never happed up to that point. Maybe the gear for the A- and B-wings was purpose-developed for those craft by whoever was making the ships, no problem. Never got the new gear for the Y-wings except by some version of what I mention above -- that that's just some other world's defense forces' gear.

As for contradicting the EU, why not? If they're no longer beholden to the EU then why go out of your way to to try to stick to it? By tossing the EU out this means the writers are free to follow or contradict the EU as they please and create a brand new canon without all of the old (EU) canon getting in the way.

Beause the A-wing backstory was one of the good bits. The Battle of Yavin was the first real toe-to-toe Rebel and Imperial forces had had. It showed Rebel leadership the strengths and weaknesses of their existing fighters. Dodonna saw that the Rebels needed something faster to fly cover for their heavier and slower fighters. The A-wing was the F-16 developed to protect the F-4 and F-15 strikefighter/fighter-bomber workhorses. Worked just fine for decades in the EU, do't see why it needed to be overwritten. *shrug* Far, far less of a problem than crystals focusing lightsaber blades or five-mile Super Star Destroyers or the myth of there being a "Rogue Squadron" or like that.

Once again...IMHO... The old EU sucked. Glad it's gone.

I take a more piecemeal approach. A lot worked great. A lot was awful. I don't see the need to flush the good along with the bad.

[snipping spculations that are somewhat in line with mine] You can also see in Return of the Jedi that in the background there are mixes of suits and helmets. "Hey we need to attack that Star Destroyer, send all 12 of our A-Wings. What's that? Only 8 of the pilots have green flight suits. I guess we only send 8 then. We must have consistency in Rebellion. Oh, speaking of which, someone tell Solo to stop wearing civilian clothes."

I also will state that like the F-35, the helmet is specialized for the aircraft because it ties into the cameras and the HUD is built in. But I see no canon evidence that any known gear in the rebellion must be utilized with a particular craft.

All the way back to when ROTJ first came out, we had A-wings, Y-wings, and X-wings all in Red Squadron, so I'm not fussed over mixing fighter types in a squadron. But whatever the squadron, all the A-wing pilots had the same type of flight gear. All the B-wing pilots had the same type of flight gear. All the Y-wing pilots had the same type of flight gear. Some minor variations of details and color, but negligible. It just appeared that the Rebels had suddenly gone from one catchall flight suit to one for each type of craft they flew -- whatever color and detail variation there might be.

And from Empire on, Han was wearing the Alliance uniform trousers, at least. Same ones Luke was wearing at the end of ANH. Providing his own camouflage and cold-weather gear was a way to save a resource-strapped Rebellion the effort and expense of getting some for him.

I posted that little comment as a result of an earlier post about whether the troopers survived. I figure readers of this thread might like an official LFL answer instead of a fanboy answer/speculation. I know I do.

Ah. Well, I consider the very first Star Wars film to come out to be a pretty definitive answer. *chuckle* My take on just about anything in Star Wars is to presume no one's dead unless there's an inarguable corpse -- and sometimes not even then.

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Just kind of dawned on me (sorry to break into the ship discussion) but at this point in Rebels we're up to 3 jedi in Ashoka, Kanan and Ezra and in the OT 'when I go the last of the jedi will you be'...Hopefully yoda's either wrong or intentionally misleading Luke there because for a kid centered show - that's a lot of death to take in by the end of the show short of leaving it open ended.
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