STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

If they didn't exist then, that'd mean the rebels got their hands on brand new state of the art ships for ROTJ which isn't a likely scenario either. Much more plausible they just weren't in the area. No one knew they'd be coming after Yavin base at the time. I mean, they had no capital ships either - that mean they didn't have any til ESB?
Look cool, but A-Wings and B-Wings shouldn't be in it. Those weren't even around until after ANH. I guess they're just going to make up whatever now.

We don't really know that. maybe the expanded universe went into it but that doesn't mean much now.
Frankly, that b wing may be a prototype

Says who?!

Another reason I am so glad they trashed the old EU. Some lack of imagination author decided since we never saw A an B Wings, at Yavin, they must have been developed afterwards. If I go to a base and we F-22s, then a couple of years later I see an F-16 at that base... Does that mean the F16 is a new aircraft developed in the last two years. Answer: No.

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The one thing that bugged me about Rebels was the lightsabers. The blades are way too slim if you ask me...they should be double or triple the thickness.

they modeled them after the look of the blades I anh. There was a short made that showed all the attention that went into achieving the look.

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If you are interested in the info put out at the panel, check this out:

they modeled them after the look of the blades I anh. There was a short made that showed all the attention that went into achieving the look.

Yes, but even in ANH they were at least double the thickness of these ones we're seeing. Now, in the poster you posted, those look exactly right, but it's not representative of what's in the show. But hey, if that's my only gripe, then we're in good shape.
Look cool, but A-Wings and B-Wings shouldn't be in it. Those weren't even around until after ANH. I guess they're just going to make up whatever now.

I agree. I was surprised at how well I liked the first season of Rebels but this trailer doesn't excite me a bit. Sadly it looks like Filoni can't resist trying to shoehorn TCW stuff into it rather than let it stand on its own and seeing A-wings and B-wings 5 years before ANH bugs me. I don't think it's a coincidence that we didn't see them at all until ROTJ, even ignoring any EU explanations. We didn't see them at Yavin, we didn't see them at Echo Base and we didn't see them with the Rebel fleet at the end of TESB. Being there were plenty of opportunities to see them, logic would tell one that we didn't because they didn't exist yet. Not too much of a stretch.

And how are those clones still alive? With their accelerated aging, they should've been long dead by now.
It's only been fifteen years. At twice normal rate, they'd only be the equivalent of ~60 by this point. I'll not bitch here about how maturation and aging are completely unrelated biological processes. I can accept the Kaminoans did th eone to get the product ready faster, and the other separately to ensure ongoing demand for fresh product. Planned obsolescence.

According to what? I don't recall AOTC saying they suddenly stopped aging at 18, but maybe I missed it?

You're right Peregrinus. I'm not sure at what rate they age, but we see adult clones in AOTC so if the Kaminoans immediately began growing clones after the events of TPM 10 years prior, they would have about half the lifespan of a normal human. If that is the case, then I guess it is plausible those fully grown clones could still be around 15-16 years after AOTC. I was thinking they aged far faster than that.
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According to common sense. It takes ten years to create an adult 35ish-year-old clone, which means you only get 5 or 6 years out of one clone. That's an awful monetary waste if your war goes past that. Why would they continue to grow them acceleratedly past that point?
Well that's just assuming. Nothing we've seen indicates that is the case. It could be but nothing in AOTC states they stop aging at an accelerated rate. Sidious wanted a secret army on the fly and that's what he got. I don't think he cares how long they live since he had plenty where they came from. He just needed them to jump start his Empire. However, it's a moot point, regardless. I thought they aged far more quickly than that.
Oh good lord. We know their lives are accelerated. This is stated in the movie. It is left at that. Applying any logic here, since the movie doesn't state otherwise, there is absolutely no reason to think it doesn't continue for life unless you know something the rest of us don't. It is an assumption of sorts but it is based on what actually said in the movie. Assuming they stop aging at adulthood is based on nothing.
Agree to disagree then. The way I see it, just because a movie doesn't spell these things out to the tiniest detail doesn't mean there isn't any room for interpretation. Obviously you see things differently, and that's fine.

Canonically speaking, though, regardless of what the original intent was, it is now apparent clones stopped aging acceleratedly at some point and started leading normal lives post-war. Unless, of course, the clones we see in the trailer are 80+ years old, then you might be right [emoji39]
Again, it's only been fifteen years. AOTC established that they matured at twice the normal rate. Ten years to get clones to ~20 years old. It's in dialogue. My beef is with writers of stuff that link maturation with aging, when they're not related processes. The assumption is that the cloners tweaked with the aging process, too, to ensure ongoing demand. But regardless, Rex and Co. would only be the equivalent of ~60 years old by the time this new season takes place, with the accelerated aging.

Agree to disagree then. The way I see it, just because a movie doesn't spell these things out to the tiniest detail doesn't mean there isn't any room for interpretation. Obviously you see things differently, and that's fine.

Canonically speaking, though, regardless of what the original intent was, it is now apparent clones stopped aging acceleratedly at some point and started leading normal lives post-war. Unless, of course, the clones we see in the trailer are 80+ years old, then you might be right [emoji39]

That's very true! As I said before, it's all a moot point anyways. I severely overestimated how quickly they aged and as you say, canonically they are still around 15 years later so that's that.
Regarding A-WIngs and B-WIngs. While the EU got tossed, the Games did not, they are Canon (since they were done by Lucas Arts Duh), and The A-WIng was part of one of the games Pre ANH missions. It makes sense to crank out a ship like that. Compare X-WIng and A-wing technology to US and Russian planes. We had the F-14, Russia had the lower tech MiGs which they cranked out en-masse. As for the B-Wing, I'm betting that is a Prototype. Maybe they are going to "Borrow it for a test drive."

And that IS James Earl Jones voicing Vader...SQUEEEEEEE!
It's funny how when CW was cancelled people were up in arms about the really cool characters they don't get to see anymore. Now they've brought them into this and have them live on and people are complaining about it again. No matter which way the makers go Star Wars fans are a pain in the :)

As long as the series itself explains the clone issue, I don't see a problem. It's when they're brought back and nobody questions it that I have issues with. Even Technobabble can be used to tell a story effectively.
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