Star Wars Rebels Ghost

pave spectre

New Member
Tie Bomber model is currently in limbo due to not being able to access the tools and materials I need to fix it at the moment, so I have stated working on this between bouts of study.

Have seen a few others working on this ship. Also found a bunch of 3D models of this online however most of them were wrong in one way or another so started my own which will also probably be wrong, but in different ways.
Currently modeling it in "full scale" and will probably shrink it down to my chosen scale to take measurements for building the physical model.
Give Randy Cooper a look on You tube he has just up loaded some video of his Ghost scratch build


His YouTube videos are a bit light on detail and seem a bit more about technique than being ghost specific, but his Facebook page had some extra info that should help me fix up a few of the areas I was having problems with.
As an aside, if anyone knows where i can get bulk scratch building materials in Perth for prices that won't bankrupt me I am all ears. I have been looking into materials like renshape and trupan(?), which seem ideal but seem enormously expensive in Australia when I can find somewhere that sells either.
Currently I am limited to either mdf(stupidly heavy), of xps foam(more delicate than I would like). Can get Pvc sheet locally, but don't know what it's like to work with, or how it compares cost wise to buying large sheets of some form of styrene.
As an aside, if anyone knows where i can get bulk scratch building materials in Perth for prices that won't bankrupt me I am all ears. I have been looking into materials like renshape and trupan(?), which seem ideal but seem enormously expensive in Australia when I can find somewhere that sells either.
Currently I am limited to either mdf(stupidly heavy), of xps foam(more delicate than I would like). Can get Pvc sheet locally, but don't know what it's like to work with, or how it compares cost wise to buying large sheets of some form of styrene.
Mulford plastics is where we by our large sheets from 1200 x 2400 they are in Osbourne Park what other stuff are you after?
Large plastics is enough for now, until I can get access to my workshop again. What are the prices like from Mulford?

I have not bought any plastic from them for about two years now as I buy a few sheets of different thicknesses so I had enough plastic to last me. Plus I have not been doing any vac forming for a while.
Mulfords are the whole seller for the plastics industry here.
The price was good for what I got and much better than getting it from the hobby shop A4 sheet size at a time. They are only open during the week.
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