Star Trek PADD's

It's a Romulan styled PADD. working on a graphic for it.

Actually that started off as a DS9 civilian PADD that was used by Kassidy Yates. She's seen using it doing an inventory of her ships stores. I'll post a cap when I get a chance. It was also used in Voyager and later in Enterprise.

Family Business

This PADD was actually auctioned off several years ago with the original colors and graphics as used in this scene.

Live Fast and Prosper

Lastly it was redressed slightly for Enterprise and was used in the Orion slave market episode and was in the crowd of bidders. There were PADDs from TNG, DS9 and Voyager that showed up there redressed and were later sold on Ebay via It's A Wrap auction, most only referencing the Enterprise episode.
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Pretty cool... do you have a cap of this PADD when it was used as a Romulan PADD? Also, who are you getting to cut the plexi?
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here is the pic as a romulan PADD

From what I know that was one of the redressed versions used in the Orion trading market scene from Enterprise. The text is similar but not the same as Romulan. Do you have any caps of it in use?

That episode from Enterprise called for quite a few different PADDs to be used by the crowd during the bidding scene. There were versions from TNG, DS9 and Voyager. There was even one that was from season 1 of TNG that hadn't been used since then.
Here is the PADD I am Currently working on, I am putting the finishing touches on the graphics, have finished beveling the edges and will be spraying the primer coat today.


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I have been on vacation and after my "Honey Do List" from my wife I have had time to do a PADD a day, finally I have had time to really work on these Kits that have been collecting on my shelf. well here are the next 2 done. Tomorrow I start on another one :)

Those look great! I'm more of a traditional, canon person myself but it's interesting seeing other's artistic interpretation on one of my favorite TNG era items.
I have set aside til after the holidays, it is next on the to do list have to revise the pattern to include the inner piece- still have 4 other PADDs to work on for my own collection plus my Starfighter cabinet and the iceboat.


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