Star Trek original series Tribble


New Member
Hi everybody! This is my first post.
I have a screen used Tribble from the original series that I'd like help to authenticate. I haven't got it on hand, but can get pictures in a few days.






So how would I go about having it authenticated? Are there any experts on the Trek stuff here?
I was turned onto this site today by somebody at
I also have some other screen used props. Some are from The Last Mimzy and some from the series Starhunter.
Thanks for any help.
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Can't wait to see it, loved that episode. As Lois said, you are in the right place...I'm sure someone will chime in and help out:thumbsup
Unless you took it from the set in 1964.

No way of knowing...Unless it came from the Matt Jeffries auction, or one of the other big names.
If I remember right they were selling some of the "leftover" :lol screen used Tribbles through Lincoln Enterprises in the early 70's.

I have to agree with BrundelFly, unless it came directly from one of the big auctions from one of the people that worked on the show it will be next to impossible to authenticate.
If I remember right they were selling some of the "leftover" :lol screen used Tribbles through Lincoln Enterprises in the early 70's.

I have to agree with BrundelFly, unless it came directly from one of the big auctions from one of the people that worked on the show it will be next to impossible to authenticate.

What everyone else very well could be real but no way to tell unless you have a coa! and even then it is hard to tell!
but do post pix....I for one would love to see it!:thumbsup
yeah I remember buying them from Intergalactic back in the 80's and I know they where replicas , So i bet you have a replica or a " we did this to make money" tribble
The TOS Tribbles are not worth much imo.

Lincoln did sell the left-overs Majel herself told me.

As far as authenticating one good luck on that one.

:lol David Gerrold told me in the 70's that he could tell the screenused ones but I never took him serious in that time period any way! :lol
I'm not sure if zombiesnake didn't like the responses he got or what, but he deleted his interest/sales thread on the other site where he posted. I was really hoping to help him authenticate it, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like there's a way to do that. I'm pretty sure that in the deleted thread, he said he bought the Tribble at a convention or something, where they were selling off extras. He mentioned having some other screen-used props, so I'm hoping he'll come back and show off some pics of the collection.
I don't think anyone was trying to devalue your prop tribblezombiesnake or claim that it is real or not. It is just one of those pieces that at this point would be almost impossible to prove if it screen used or not. There was a lot of stuff sold at the conventions as screen used, some stuff could have been and other stuff obviously was not. Some one who owns another origenal tribble that has a known path from the show may be able to at least see if the construction techniques and materials are the same.

Please don't take our postings as unfriendly as I am positive that is not anyones intent.

There are a few "tells" on the TOS tribbles, such as the shape and the type of fake fur used. But there are soooo many repros out there that chances are it's one of them. However.......
According to the booklet I got with my chirping tribble (the first ones, not the latest ones with much better sound and movement). John Dwyer (set decorator for TOS) says:
"To the best of my knowledge, there are only a couple of the original tribbles left. But if you see one at a convention and the dealer claims it's authentic, here's the way to tell: If it looks good, it's a fake! Because these things look terrible - they're practically bald. The phony fur technology of the Sixties was not all the great. Actually, if you've ever seen a grey-haired lady who dyed her hair red and it was half-grown out on top, you've got the picture. And they kinda looked like a rat chewed on them. So if you find one that looks really pretty, it's a fake."

This was printed in 1998, so an original will probably look even worse, now. However, there's always the chance it is screen used, but from DS9's Trials and Tribble-ations
I have a Tribble from the original series. It was used on set. I know it is authentic, since I got it through the set designer. Does anyone know what it might sell for if I could get it officially authenticated?
If the set designer can authenticate it in writing, I would say $5-10k.


I dont think that is a realistic estimate. I can't remember what site I saw one on. It had a screen-used tribble with studio certificates etc etc..It sold for a thousand or less. i cant remember, but it wasn't that much
Do you recall when that was?

A TOS tribble went for $3540 last year during a PIH auction...I don't know what sort of provenance that had.
Do you recall when that was?

A TOS tribble went for $3540 last year during a PIH auction...I don't know what sort of provenance that had.

Wow! and there were only about 500 of them made :lol. Man that seems excessive for a small single episode prop like that. I wonder if maybe it was the hero tribble with the wind up dog in it (the one walking on the railing in the show)? Being the hero version, having good provenance, and a good screen match could drive up the price quite a bit.