Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

That will be a tough act to pull off since Kirk violated the Prime Directive many times in the original series by doing things that were far worse than showing his big shiny ship to a bunch of natives.

In the original series Kirk was already pretty seasoned and probably earned a bit of leeway with Starfleet.
In the original series Kirk was already pretty seasoned and probably earned a bit of leeway with Starfleet.

He was seasoned and prepped before he even took command. My biggest beef with the new Trek.

Agree with the conclusion though. There are moments when the Prim Directive just screams "break me!"
For the love of God! In the new movie, based on the 9min trailer, it looked to me they were still going with the 2000 foot monster'prise, so this kist will likely be in the wrong scale. :facepalm
I'm kicking myself for not buying one of the light and sound enterprises from the new movie back when the local blowout store had them for 12.00 each.
So, the number on the box isn't right.
Will that destroy your enjoyment of the kit?

Oh, wait, you weren't going to enjoy it anyway.

No, that's not me, I can't wait for this movie, loved Trek '09. I wasn't a fan of the design of the new ship but have come to like it a bit more. My biggest beef, being a fan of the ships and a model builder, is the schizophrenic scaling of the ship in the first movie. As Karl noted, at 1:500 and 13" long it scales to be the same size as the TOS ship but in the trailer, to me at least, it appeared they still wanted this new Enterprise to be 2000+ feet long. So the kit may be in the wrong scale. yes, that bugs me but I will build it anyway, I love to build Enterprises.
So, the number on the box isn't right.
Will that destroy your enjoyment of the kit?

Oh, wait, you weren't going to enjoy it anyway.

I'm definitely picking up this kit, maybe even double-dipping. I love this design.

Scale-wise, if you go off the length John Eaves quoted, the kit would be 1:1,221st scale. Strange, but at least it's a palindrome.
As Karl noted, at 1:500 and 13" long it scales to be the same size as the TOS ship but in the trailer, to me at least, it appeared they still wanted this new Enterprise to be 2000+ feet long. So the kit may be in the wrong scale. yes, that bugs me but I will build it anyway, I love to build Enterprises.

I understand your frustration with the morphing scale; just remind yourself that there was a time when we didn't have any idea what size the E was supposed to be and we loved it anyway! :lol
In the original series Kirk was already pretty seasoned and probably earned a bit of leeway with Starfleet.

I'm sure Kirk would agree that the Prime Directive is more of a guide line than a rule that must be followed to the absolute degree. Right Kirk?

Kirk: A star captain's most solemn oath is that he will give his life, even his entire crew, rather than violate the Prime Directive.

Kirk and Starfleet suck when it comes to upholding their own standards.
I'm sure Kirk would agree that the Prime Directive is more of a guide line than a rule that must be followed to the absolute degree. Right Kirk?

Kirk and Starfleet suck when it comes to upholding their own standards.

But they are terrific when given a modicum of freedom by the writers to portray great stories. Having a draconian view on in universe canon is a waste of energy.
I'm kicking myself for not buying one of the light and sound enterprises from the new movie back when the local blowout store had them for 12.00 each.

i picked one up on clearance. not as detailedas i would have liked but a very nice toy non the less. fits in nicely with the tmp and tos sound and lights enterprise i have.

also the smaller scale enterrpise that came with the blueray set is also pretty damn cool.
I understand your frustration with the morphing scale; just remind yourself that there was a time when we didn't have any idea what size the E was supposed to be and we loved it anyway! :lol

To be honest it's not like the scale of ships in Trek hasn't changed before JJ came along it just wasn't quite as drastic.
The Klingon Bird of Prey has been through some scale changes as well. :rolleyes

But this is our beloved TOS Enterprise! She deserves better! They called her a garbage scow!! :cry
Costumewise, what's the deal with the giant ascot-like collars everybody has this time? It's like everybody is Spock from "Corbomite Maneuver". :lol


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