Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

There's also the model kit coming from Revell Germany, don't forget.

I think I will have two. One stripped down to the sleek pre-production design they didn't use, and maybe one finished like the movie ship but trashed as we see here. :)

I bet the scene doesn't play out the way it appears to though. That ship crashing into the water doesn't totally look like the Enterprise I think. Probably it's... the Reliant. :rolleyes

In short, if you pick up a comic that takes place in this new Star Trek universe, they do actually happen. Which means that Cumberbatch is NOT Gary Mitchell because Gary Mitchell in this reality is dead.

Let's keep in mind though that these are the guys behind Lost which was the biggest load of twists, turns, lies and misleading events to grace TV since C-SPAN. They could have had Gary die in the comics only to come back to life as Cumberbatch's character in the film.
I miss seeing the Enterprise in space. Hopefully these shots are after some epic space moments.

I'm also wondering when this occurs in the actual story. So far, all we know is that the Enterprise gets called back to Earth after London's been attacked, Kirk does something bad which costs him his command and sets out with Spock and Uhura to find Cumberbatch. You think that this is happening sometime during when the Enterprise returns to Earth, like when Cumberbatch attacks San Francisco? Perhaps the bad thing that Kirk does which costs him his command is choosing to fight an opposing force that results in the Enterprise getting severely damaged. When the Enterprise starts hurling down towards Earth, Kirk is literally witnessing the consequences of his actions when he witnesses his crew falling to their deaths and he can't do anything about it.
They could have had Gary die in the comics only to come back to life as Cumberbatch's character in the film.

Than why doesn't Kirk recognize him or Cumberbatch's character acknowledge to Kirk who he is? They're not going to resort to material you have to read in a comic in order to understand. That bit them bad in the last film.

Let's keep in mind though that these are the guys behind Lost which was the biggest load of twists, turns, lies and misleading events to grace TV since C-SPAN.

Bob and Alex never wrote for Lost. In fact, Bob and Alex actually left the Transformers movie franchise and helped create a new show called Transformers Prime, a show I find a million times better than the movies. The one person you should worry about is Damon Lindelof, and so far all he has done is ensure that Earth is the center of the Star Trek universe.
I wasn't the biggest fan of the new design, but it still pains me to see a ship named "Enterprise" in that poor of condition...
Kirk does something bad which costs him his command

if youve seen the 9 minute imax preview then you already know what he does that costs him his command.

as for rodeenberry's canon rules...well Roddenberry himself could never make up his mind.
live action was suppoed to be canon and yet kirks middle name was introduced in the animated series but yet roddenberry decanonized the animated series.
doddenberry wanted STV deconaonzed and also wanted anything that contradicte TNG decanonized.

rodeenberry's rules for canon were all over the place. Basically rooted in his random personal opinion of the week.
live action was suppoed to be canon and yet kirks middle name was introduced in the animated series but yet roddenberry decanonized the animated series.
doddenberry wanted STV deconaonzed and also wanted anything that contradicte TNG decanonized.

Not only introduced, but directly conflicted with what we saw on his grave in the live action series!
Cool, I never knew that. I learned something new today.
James T. Kirk sounds much more prominent than James R. Kirk.
Cool, I never knew that. I learned something new today.
James T. Kirk sounds much more prominent than James R. Kirk.

Ya, they never said it in the series but it was on his gravestone in Where No Man Has Gone Before.

The R. initial only appears in the second pilot. In every episode of the regular series, when he gives his name, it's "James T. Kirk". T wasn't said to stand for Tiberius until that Animated Series episode.

There's no need to explain it... not everything had been worked out in the pilots and a lot is different.

if youve seen the 9 minute imax preview then you already know what he does that costs him his command.

That will be a tough act to pull off since Kirk violated the Prime Directive many times in the original series by doing things that were far worse than showing his big shiny ship to a bunch of natives. I don't think Starfleet is that strict in that they'll take away Kirk's command for saving one of their most talented and proven officers over a theory. Going against orders to save a fellow officer doesn't really fit with Pikes quote:

Pike: But there's not an ounce of humility. You think that you can't make mistakes. But there's going to come a moment where you realize you're wrong about that. And you're going to get yourself and everyone under your command killed."

I really do hope Pike isn't talking about Kirk's actions involving the Prime Directive. They're basically criticizing Kirk for not letting Spock die. That's stupid.
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