Star Trek Into Darkness (Pre-release)

I'm curious as to whether it's Enterprise that's crashing. The pylons of the ship crashing look further apart than the pylons of the 'Prise. Am I totally off?
"I am better."
"At what?"

Yup, he's an augment. Possibly Kahn, possibly one of Kahn's peeps making the way for Kahn.

Actually, he also could be Gary Mitchell too considering Gary developed a God Complex in short order after becoming godlike.
First, my speculation was correct.... kind of.

Kirk: Who are you?
Unknown: I am better.
Kirk: At what?
Unknown: Everything.

We've got cryo tubes and a humanoid claiming to be superior. If he's not Khan, he's definitely a product of the Eugenics.

And in regards of that certain shot of the Enterprise...


Mmm. I am a HUGE FAN of fancy ships getting the crap beaten out of them. Battle Damage is one of my all time favorite details and despite this design not winning me over, I do like the detail in damage.
On Friday night's Billy on the Street he had Zach Quinto with him on the streets of New York and the two of them went running around going up to people saying "Look it's Spock - do you care?" Almost everyone said "No." Except one guy who said "That's not the real Spock!" Ouch.
Actually, he also could be Gary Mitchell too considering Gary developed a God Complex in short order after becoming godlike.

If he were Gary, though, Kirk should know him, given that they served at the academy together and Gary got his god-powers on a mission with Kirk in the prime timeline. The trailer was pretty clear he has no clue who Cumberbatch's character is.

I guess they could change that completely for this film, but then you lose the hook that made Mitchell interesting, and he becomes just a generic super-powered bad guy.
So far the writers have been sticking by their comic books to be canon. If this is Gary Mitchell, well, they were jerks for including Garry Mitchell into the comic, killing him and telling Trekkies that it actually happened.
So far the writers have been sticking by their comic books to be canon. If this is Gary Mitchell, well, they were jerks for including Garry Mitchell into the comic, killing him and telling Trekkies that it actually happened.

Ok, I'm not up to snuff on everything Trek...but sorry Jeyl, I have no idea what you mean by this.
Trek comics as canon?
Ok, I'm not up to snuff on everything Trek...but sorry Jeyl, I have no idea what you mean by this.
Trek comics as canon?

Long story. I'll make it short.

Gene Roddenberry only accepted live action as canon (with the exception of Star Trek V), so everything that's not film is not canon. Basically, if you read a Star Trek book, play a Star Trek game, it never happened.

Bob and Alex are playing things differently with their take. said:
Anthony Pascale: These rules aren’t written in stone from my perspective and I think a lot of fans would like to hear you say, "yes these are all the adventures of Kirk, Spock and the gang and it is all canon and all ties together into a single universe." Again, with the caveat that you reserve the right to contradict any of it in a future movie and that would trump. That’s my pitch to you.
Roberto Orci: OK, based on that then with you Anthony Pascale as a witness, I hereby declare anything that we oversee to be canon.

In short, if you pick up a comic that takes place in this new Star Trek universe, they do actually happen. Which means that Cumberbatch is NOT Gary Mitchell because Gary Mitchell in this reality is dead.
Yeah ok. I've never bothered reading any Trek comics or books.
For me it's just the series and the movies up to ST VI and some of the TNG movies.
In my opinion(which I don't expect anyone to really care about) some good stuff came after 1991.
Majel Barrett was still alive so I figure she could have pulled the plug on anything she didn't like.
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