Star Trek II: TWOK Kirk's Vest


Sr Member
So- you're standing around, warm in your field jacket, when suddenly Checkov falls over and something hideous crawls out of his ear- you have to use your jacket as a blanket for the guy, right? So- what should you be wearing under the jacket?

A "Kirk STII Vest" like this, of course:

So, here's my quick version- I kept it simple, and chose to go without a lining. I don't want it to be warm, since it will be mostly under the jacket, which is too warm already!






Ready to go!
HA! I love the three inserts on the right side! :thumbsup :lol

You really are making me insanly jealous with all these! :thumbsup

HA! I love the three inserts on the right side! :thumbsup :lol

Thanks- I don't know if anyone has figured out what those really are supposed to be... but they do look like photos, so I chose to get creative and topical... (I considered working up 'best educated guess' graphics to put there, but didn't come up with anything convincing.)

If anyone has seen (or has a good close-up picture) of those details, I can always mod the vest.
What pattern did you use for this?

No actual patterns were harmed in the making of this vest.... I used an existing vest, traced the panels onto my material and modified it a bit. (And then ended up taking the whole thing in a bit as I put it together....)
Love the inserts; I have the Blu-Ray of TWOK, I'll have to see if I can get a good look at what those graphics are...
Well it's certainly frustrating trying to get a good pic of the inserts. In almost every closeup scene, they only film him from the area above them, or he is turned to the side. Here's the best I could get off the Blu-Ray:


Someone's going to have to show us the screen used piece to get better...
Someone's going to have to show us the screen used piece to get better...

Thanks Havok, that's a bit better that what I was able to dredge up from Trekcore, but not quite enough to make me want to update the vest yet.

I hope a useful picture of the actual article turns up before peter1701 or Unfated get me!
So- you're standing around, warm in your field jacket, when suddenly Checkov falls over and something hideous crawls out of his ear- you have to use your jacket as a blanket for the guy, right? So- what should you be wearing under the jacket?

A "Kirk STII Vest" like this, of course:

So, here's my quick version- I kept it simple, and chose to go without a lining. I don't want it to be warm, since it will be mostly under the jacket, which is too warm already!






Ready to go!

Hello! You made this? And..did you also make the "Survival Coat" as well?

Your the gentlemen that lives here in Los Angeles? That made the "Survival Coat" for you and your wife? Hello! My name is Shaunn Lawrence, and make them too! I took patterns off of Shatner's "Original Costume" back in 1999. I would very much like to meet you. I have already made (6) of these "Parkas", and I am planning another (6) in time for the Con in Las Vegas!

My e-mail address is:

Please contact me. Thanks! Shaunn :)
This, just in! I found a photo of the costume, where I can actually make out the 'pictures' on the front of the vest: (From the Emerald and Hobbit Blog)


It also helps clear up some other details I had to guess a bit on...
Based on the new pictures, I've updated my vest slightly to include the new inset 'picture' details:


These new pieces were made with foamy (2 mm thick craft foam) contact cement, scissors and acrylic paints. (May need a few more coats on the chevron, looks like there is still some bleed through...)

One step closer to screen accuracy...