Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

How are you watching Star Trek: Discovery?

  • Signed up for CBS All Access before watching the premiere

    Votes: 13 9.0%
  • Signed up for CBS All Access after watching the premiere

    Votes: 13 9.0%
  • Not signing up, but will watch if it's available for free

    Votes: 82 56.9%
  • On Netflix (Non-US viewer)

    Votes: 36 25.0%

  • Total voters
Fourth episode in and some of the high hopes that I was beginning to feel are already waning. I’m not even sure where to begin, but the more I see of this, the more alienated I am feeling. I know so many have said this, but this just isn’t Trek. This is more like Space Wars Galactica. It’s somber, it’s brutal, the characters are all morose and unlikable, it’s disjointed and flashy and there’s barely anything in it at all that can be associated with what was Trek.

While I like hearing a little of the Klingon language, I’m already sick of having to read their entire dialog. If I wanted to read a TV show, I’d buy the book. Plus, the Klingons don’t even act like Klingons. A coy female Klingon? I don’t think so. Don’t they have universal translators in this time? Couldn’t we be hearing their dialog through one for artistic license and ease of viewing?

Torturing creatures seems to be this crews’ pastime. This is beyond anything that any crew of an Enterprise in any timeline would do. Even in war.

Would it be so difficult to throw in at least one small morsal of something familiar....a crew member of a species we already know, or a prop that can be referenced in one of the other series? Would it be that hard or expensive to do to give Trek lovers something to cling to? Jeez.

And that sappy last-second save of some outpost was pathetic.

The special effects are well done,'s a high-tech ship...I get it. But it shouldn't be better than the script or the characters. Putting glitter on a turd doesn't make for good art.

Ugh! I’m out of thoughts right now. Sigh!
Maybe I just need to see a few more episodes.
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Fourth episode in and some of the high hopes that I was beginning to feel are already waning. I’m not even sure where to begin, but the more I see of this, the more alienated I am feeling. I know so many have said this, but this just isn’t Trek. This is more like Space Wars Galactica. It’s somber, it’s brutal, the characters are all morose and unlikable, it’s disjointed and flashy and there’s barely anything in it at all that can be associated with what was Trek.

While I like hearing a little of the Klingon language, I’m already sick of having to read their entire dialog. If I wanted to read a TV show, I’d buy the book. Plus, the Klingons don’t even act like Klingons. A coy female Klingon? I don’t think so. Don’t they have universal translators in this time? Couldn’t we be hearing their dialog through one for artistic license and ease of viewing?

Torturing creatures seems to be this crews’ pastime. This is beyond anything that any crew of an Enterprise in any timeline would do. Even in war.

And that sappy last-second save of some outpost was pathetic.

The special effects are well's a high-tech ship...I get it. But putting glitter on a turd doesn't make good art.

Ugh! I’m out of thoughts right now. Sigh!
Maybe I just need to see a few more episodes.

Well, I commend you for giving it a chance, I couldn't bring myself to, getting too old to be open minded. LOL
I guess it's good it is clearly not fitting in with all the past TV series, I would have gotten sucked in. That would make it even harder to deal with all this war war kill kill stuff.
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This last episode and the new "drive" would be beautifully served in a future post TNG Trek series. I am now thinking that would have been a fantastic use of this series. Replace the Klingons with a new interstellar enemy and let everything else pretty much remain the same. I am still enjoying it on a few levels but the things they could do with this if it was future Trek could be amazing. I think Id be ok if this ship got time jumped into the future into an uncharted area of space as well. Now that would be a very interesting twist.
...Torturing creatures seems to be this crews’ pastime. This is beyond anything that any crew of an Enterprise in any timeline would do. Even in war...
This whole plot point feels like it's lifted from Voyager's "Equinox".

...Would it be so difficult to throw in at least one small morsal of something familiar....a crew member of a species we already know...
They have several humans.
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Would it be so difficult to throw in at least one small morsal of something familiar....a crew member of a species we already know, or a prop that can be referenced in one of the other series? Would it be that hard or expensive to do to give Trek lovers something to cling to? Jeez.

As I understand it, Harry Mudd figures prominently in 5 upcoming episodes.
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I thought the idea of a spore drive was silly, but a spore drive that can only be successfully navigated by a giant tardigrade monster? :facepalm

IMO this is not only bad Trek, and not only bad scifi, but bad television in general. The only character I find remotely likable is Doug Jones' character, and that's because it's hard not to like Doug Jones. A lot of the contrived drama comes from making every character act like a jerk to each other with every interaction, to the point that it's hard to care about what happens to any of them. The Klingon scenes are tedious to sit through, with all of the subtitles, and slow empty dialogue. I just don't care. If not for the connection to previous Trek, what reason do I have to care about any of these people?
I find the whole show poorly written, and derivative. It's like they tried to throw a whole bunch of popular shows into a blender, and not one of those was actually Star Trek.

But even if I disregard that this has anything to do with TOS era, even if I disregard this has anything to do with Trek, I'm genuinely struggling to find any entertainment value in this show whatsoever on its own merits. :unsure
The 3T's

Truely Terrible Trek.

I thought the opening pilot was hugely problematic with the most moronic decisions I'd ever witnessed in the Star Trek universe ,but no, I actually think this one out did it.
But before I get to that I do get it. What they are trying to do with the series , making it a kind of dark space version of "Game of Thrones" with lots of treachery and conflict amoungst the ranks of Klingons and humans alike ( and a cast member killed rather bloodily every week) because thats what will make it all edgy and thrilling and get fans posting praise for it on multimedia.

No it won't. Not a chance in hell.

What will really amaze people and get them talking is just how idiotically stupid just about every concept and character decison is in this series.
Spore drives???? A ****ing bunch of fruiting mushroom allows instantaneous travel to anywhere in the galaxy ???!!!!!!! NO. Not in this universe, or yours or anyboby elses unless they are doing some serious things with other sorts of illegal mushrooms that allow you to think that concept is cool. Dune rip off.

Where the head in charge of security ,who has already seen the creature destroy the sister ship, horrifically slaughtering people and klingons alike and by tearing through hull metal like its tisue paper (and incidentally calls it the "RIPPER" ) then decides to speed up research by ******* saying she will sedate it first BUT DOESNT WAIT TO SEE IF THAT HAS ACTUALLY WORKED before openning up the containment pen ????!!!

I actually cheered when she died.

And then MIcheal frightens it back into containment by turning up the lights?

Then opens it up again so she can release the spores rather than beaming them in? (they can after all beam the creature directly into the spore forest ). AND they then decide to just copy the exact same proceedure that got everybody killed the first time on the other ship by plugging the creature into a brightly lit spore containerroom where its impailed on spikes without changing a single thing that I could see?

And Starfleet ,at a time of war ,leaves its dilithium mines undefended by any starships?

And what the hell was the captains strategy at the end? The " let the people rush out into the flaming debris field because I fought directly over them " maneuver.

Everything about this series is already like a mirrorverse of a traditional Star Trek.It contradicts just about every value and concept that most people who like and love Trek respect.
It is also contains some of the most infantile and pathetic attempts at writing emotional beats I have ever seen in a series. Listening how they try to explain these decisions away in the "After Trek" almost has me throwing things at the screen). I despise just about everything they have done with this series (including the Klingons new dietary habits).
This is not Star Trek.
And how the *****ng hell did they manage to get the TELESCOPE off the wreck so it can be sent to MIcheal and yet still leave it floating there so the Klingons can study Starfleet tech???
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As others have said, I could easily forgive 60, maybe 70 percent of the look/feel of this if they'd set it ~75 years after the last TNG film. Voyager's return, and all the scientific data they brought, plus natural advances in tech? Throw in the changed political climate after the Dominion, Romulan/Reman, Klingon in-fighting stuff... It woulda made a lot more sense.
It really needs (needed) to be said, repeatedly to the producers: If you want to show us new stuff, don't make it a prequel unless you've got a very specific time-period to slot it in. Even then you're probably looking a a mini-series or special. 10 or so years ago you could have done the adventures of the Enterprise B, or the C. Before Enterprise fans were repeatedly asking for a Captain Sulu series. Between the TOS movies and TNG is a much more 'grey' area to set something... especially if you had the Ent-B, or, more likely, Ent-C patrolling the Beta Quadrant. Also, it would be far easier to make minor updates to the late-movie/early-TNG sets ad still keep the look. Flat, touch-screens where they had translights and monitors/green-screen and it wouldn't even look that different.
I truly hope the saucer section is uninhabited, because "Activate Spore Drive Sick Spins Fidget Spinner Mode" seems like it was designed specifically to keep the janitorial staff busy as hell. I hope they have a damned good inertial dampening system in that thing because otherwise, anyone in there is gonna wind up as chunky salsa smeared on the outer bulkheads. But hey, it LOOKS cool, so screw it.

Another point: Real smart, Starfleet. Make an integral part of the drive mechanism look just like the one section of a Federation starship that is targeted most often because it has the biggest profile.

Also, making the Klingons eat Georgiou? Dick move, writers. Dick move.
The 3T's

Truely Terrible Trek.

I thought the opening pilot was hugely problematic with the most moronic decisions I'd ever witnessed in the Star Trek universe ,but no, I actually think this one out did it.
But before I get to that I do get it. What they are trying to do with the series , making it a kind of dark space version of "Game of Thrones" with lots of treachery and conflict amoungst the ranks of Klingons and humans alike ( and a cast member killed rather bloodily every week) because thats what will make it all edgy and thrilling and get fans posting praise for it on multimedia.

Early on one of the producers, I think it was Gretchen Berg, said how much they all admired GOT and I just knew we were going to get GOT in space and it seems like that is coming to pass.

They really need to get rid of the sub-titles. You spend all of your time trying to read the dialog and miss what is happening on the screen. They sometimes don't even give you enough time to read it before they show the next line.

Don't get me started on the spore drive.
We need another option added to the poll.

People who have signed up but have cancelled/planning to cancel because they don't like what they have seen so far.
Found Discovery's Mascot:
As soon as the Klingon frog people appeared and started their blah blah blah poo, blah poo blah poo blah I shut it off, these Klingon's are lifeless and they drain what little energy the show has when they're on screen.

Also, I'm not going to waste my time watching a Trek series that's so idiotic that it has a spore drive that can send the ship to any point in the universe at any time. Sounds like a dumber version of the blink drive from Dark Matter, actually the show looks kind of like Dark Matter as well, only not as interesting.
Fourth episode in and some of the high hopes that I was beginning to feel are already waning. I’m not even sure where to begin, but the more I see of this, the more alienated I am feeling. I know so many have said this, but this just isn’t Trek. This is more like Space Wars Galactica.

Well said and I totally agree.
I watched episode 3 because I was bored. I won't be watching any more of this.

In my opinion, It's just not Star Trek.

Calling it something else and removing any reference to Star Trek it's still
a mess of a show I wouldn't watch.
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I find it funny that the longer this show goes on, the fewer people are actually defending it.

What I find hilarious is that for a show whose primary selling point was marketing the inclusionary nature, special snowflake hippie crap, and SJW hug-fest, the writers seem to have zero problem with casual racism.

Doctor: "Stay still, or you're gonna end up looking like a Tellerite."


Also, how big of an idiot ball was the tactical officer holding? You have a creature capable of tearing through a duranium hull like tissue paper and that slaughtered every living thing on the Glenn, INCLUDING several Klingon warriors, and you think that dropping a sedative and opening the containment field without checking to see if the sedative worked was an absolutely idiotic idea, and honestly? She got what she deserved. Moron.
In the first episodes the klingons all sounded like space Bane, now all I am reminded of is when the adults talk in Peanuts.

Maybe this is why the klingons don't speak in english, because they can't speak at all though those stupid joke shop teeth.

So the real monster is man? Heavy handed allegory much?

It might be a coincidence, but I rewarched the 50th anniversary Doctor Who last night, and the fake out Gallifry explosion seems to have been how the klingon ships where destroyed, well they say they were klingon ships, they looked more like stargate death gliders, which makes sense since the primary hull of discovery is basically a stargate now.
indeed...what Discovery?

Let's just throw in Klingons and .......

I wonder if Nicholas Meyer is regretting involvement.