Star-Lord Screen Used Hero Costume Reference Video - Guardians of the Galaxy

As per RPF rules we're not supposed to discuss interest and stuff here, so please don't or we might get in trouble. As I mentioned before, I am not actively keeping track of this yet and I don't want to "miss" anyone later. (I am also not actively keeping track of PMs regarding this... I simply have too much on my plate right now and am insanely overburdened with other stuff.) At this point I don't even know exactly how many extras I'll have. I just don't want to jinx things of get everyone's hopes up because thousand things can go wrong before they arrive (and I can hardly believe that I actually found them, lol). Just be forewarned that the zippers were not cheap- low number made+special dye+FedEx+customs/taxes to me means they'll cost many times more than a normal zipper . Once I have the shipment I WILL let everyone know- promise! One final thing before we put a bookmark in this: I had the zippers made at 50cm. That's around what most of the ones on my moto-jackets are and I'm a 42 (or usually size L).

On a related note: I'm about 85% positive I saw the same zipper on the trenchcoat as well when I saw the movie again last week. There was one shot where it flashed by. I'm going for a third viewing this week so I'll try to confirm that.

I agree about the tape on the fabric- the only problem I see would be that you'd still get paint there, which runs the risk of smearing when you remove the screen and you might not get it exact every time. I've also located some heavy cotton twill that looks like it may work. It's always hard finding the right color, then it also has to match whatever leather I end up getting. (Looking closely, the grain looks like sheepskin to me but then I'm no expert.) I'm having one jacket made by a professional tailor well known to use here, but I'm also toying with the idea of making a second one myself just to keep my skills up, haha. (If anyone has a lead on a MALE moto-jacket pattern, please chime in. I've found one for a female jacket that I can mod, but I'd rather not have to mess with that.)
Ah, 19" is too short for me. Well if you can tell us anything about the name of the style of zipper or share the contact info for the company after you're done with them so maybe somebody else can get a larger run together, that would be great.
Well get that sorted somehow Risu.

Did some experimenting with patterns today. It's getting close. (Ignore the color, this is just a masking/shape test.) About to order a screen printing frame to be made so that I can do a test as soon as I have fabric. Also modeling up a master pattern for the connector soon. (The info I got was that it is not from scuba gear.)


Your post sounds like you work for or represent them. If not, no offense intended, but this thread (and folks please correct me if I'm wrong or out of line) is about nailing down accurate details of the costume, not promoting inaccurate, exploitative money-grabs.

The only parts that are leather on star lord are his sleeves (short jacket), holsters, and boots.
Well, the long coat contains a fair bit of leather as well, but looks very different to the one pictured! Also looks like they are using a screen grab from Matt's video to promote their wares. More than a bit cheeky putting your logo over an image you don't own the copyright to!
Agree with what you said to the above person. I'm aiming to build as close to movie was I can, the posted coats really has very little detail wise in common with the real thing aside from the coloring :/ (and even then the coloring isn't 100% right since his coat has some orange on it in spots...)....and I don't know why anyone would trust a company trying to sell a product that clearly is using stolen images. Seems sketchy as heck to me.

You mentioned you found pattern for a female coat that would be a good mod., would you be willing to link me that at all? I'm trying too keep my costume as accurate to movie as I can but doing it as a female variant cus I will never be beefy enough to do the full on male version lol
(If anyone has a lead on a MALE moto-jacket pattern, please chime in. I've found one for a female jacket that I can mod, but I'd rather not have to mess with that.)

I think you'll have to go vintage on the pattern. Here's one and the jacket has a similar base:

Plus you'd get a sweet bellbottom pants pattern (ha!)

It looks like it'd be a pretty easy draft though, just peaking at the back of the envelope.
Agree with what you said to the above person. I'm aiming to build as close to movie was I can, the posted coats really has very little detail wise in common with the real thing aside from the coloring :/ (and even then the coloring isn't 100% right since his coat has some orange on it in spots...)....and I don't know why anyone would trust a company trying to sell a product that clearly is using stolen images. Seems sketchy as heck to me.

You mentioned you found pattern for a female coat that would be a good mod., would you be willing to link me that at all? I'm trying too keep my costume as accurate to movie as I can but doing it as a female variant cus I will never be beefy enough to do the full on male version lol

Here's a femme motorcycle jacket pattern. It looks like it's out of production but should be easy to find one around on ebay/etsy
You mentioned you found pattern for a female coat that would be a good mod., would you be willing to link me that at all?

This is the pattern I was referring to:

It would need some extensive mods to the front and hemline and I'm worried that it is too "boxy". The good thing about it is that it has the back shoulder folds for the arms- a detail that is fairly hard to scratch-do if you don't have a pattern due to the reverse-fold nature of it.

Here's one and the jacket has a similar base...

I would personalyl rather mod the above pattern rather than the vintage one on etsy. It is MUCH too simple in construction. The SL jacket has a much more modern cut with more pieces to make it fit better.

Another method would be getting a cotton moto jacket that fits perfectly and taking it apart to use as a pattern base. I've done so before with great luck, even though it's a tad more expensive...
Thank you so much! That pattern looks like a great base to modify off of, I'll probably end up running a few muslins with the mods it needs before I start on the real deal, but not having to do the bare from total scratch will be very nice.

Thanks again! If I see a good male equivalent I'll be sure to share it along.
I promised an update here so I thought I'd just pop in and say that I'm expecting my shipment of zippers to be here on monday! (There's a run thread in the JY about it.)

I'm having a hard time finding a perfect color heavyweight fabric for the "test version" I am making (Indy M is making my "hero" copy for me).
This is just amazing! Thanks for looking into all the details. How does it work with the fabric printing? Is that something you do by hand or is it done in bulk?
Ok...ok. I don't want to jinx it but it looks like I can get some zippers (they seem to want me to order 20 minimum but I don't know the final cost yet, so please be patient).

Here's a comparison I came up with that seals the deal as far as it being the correct zipper:
View attachment 358379

I am also going to start drawing up the screen printing pattern in Photoshop asap. From the looks of it, to get real accurate and capture the "blank spots" where there is no pattern, the front and back panels will each need separate print films. (Maybe the side pieces as well.) I'm also going to model up and 3d print templates for the embossed details and the valve/hose connector thingie.
Oh, keep me informed on the zippers and any possible 3D files for the dump valve thingies. THANKS!
Joining ALL the Starlord Threads!
Interested in zippers too.

Pattern... Who needs patterns?
Okay... I'm a tool. But I'm also a master patternmaker.

Though maybe now I have leverage for all the parts I've missed out on over the last two weeks...
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