Star-Lord (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2, Upgrades in Progress pg. 3

Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

The third and fourth pictures for the set are my favorite. You really have got the Starlord Feeling.
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

Thank you, guys! I loved wearing it, except for the fact that I couldn't see with the helmet on, lol. A lot of people didn't realize who I was since I was carrying the helmet instead of wearing it! I'll definitely need to remake the helmet for comfort. At least I was walking around with a friend dressed as Gamora for most of the day so we were getting noticed a lot.

One of the highlights was getting our photo taken with Dave Bautista! My friend handed him her Orb and asked if he could hold it up and the rest of us would try reaching for it. He cheerfully obliged, but the photographer said, "You're above the backdrop. You have to hold it lower. No, even lower. Lower. Lower." By this point, Bautista was cracking up. Here's the resulting pic.

Dave Bautista Photo Op Edit Resize.jpg
(My husband, me, Dave Bautista, and my friend Dex Morgan.)

I still haven't gone through my pics from the con (I have been slacking off like crazy today and it's been awesome!) but I should have some pictures with another friend who cosplayed Drax, as well as any other Guardians characters we came across on Saturday!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

This is an epic build, I'm putting mine together as we speak! Really love the work you did on the helmet, it looks awesome!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

Dang! I just used hot glue designs on the outside of a styrofoam ball for the orb, but carving into the ball makes it look perfect! Very cool!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

Thanks, guys! I was really pleased with how the helmet and the orb came out.
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

Your costume turned out great! I have a question about your friend that did the Gamora costume though, any idea how she did the sword? My Fiance is trying to figure out how we should go about it.
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

Your costume turned out great! I have a question about your friend that did the Gamora costume though, any idea how she did the sword? My Fiance is trying to figure out how we should go about it.

Thank you!

Foam, wrapped in worbla. There's a couple of pictures on her Dex Morgan cosplay page - hopefully these links work!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

I have a word for moments like this and it's something I use sparingly. filled with 'epicosity'.

I hear that Dave Bautista is, in real life, a very genuine guy and a huge teddy bear. Happy to see you got this shot with him :D
One of the highlights was getting our photo taken with Dave Bautista! My friend handed him her Orb and asked if he could hold it up and the rest of us would try reaching for it. He cheerfully obliged, but the photographer said, "You're above the backdrop. You have to hold it lower. No, even lower. Lower. Lower." By this point, Bautista was cracking up. Here's the resulting pic.

View attachment 372001
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

I have a word for moments like this and it's something I use sparingly. filled with 'epicosity'.

I hear that Dave Bautista is, in real life, a very genuine guy and a huge teddy bear. Happy to see you got this shot with him :D

It was great fun. He seemed really nice. :) And I love​ the way the photo turned out!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2

Upgrades have begun! I've got a new belt buckle, arm badge (not pictured because I appear to have forgotten to take a pic of it), lights for the eyes, and a bag. I've ripped the outer pockets off the bag and will see what my options are to make it more screen-accurate from here. It's a smaller bag, which is perfect for me (all 5'1" of me!).

Belt Buckle.JPG Bag and Lights.JPG Bag1.JPG

On the way I have a cheap jacket that I won't mind modding (as opposed to my very expensive leather coat that I used for my first version of the costume!). It should hopefully be here soon - I just hope it fits properly! It's a men's jacket, so I'm worried the sleeves will be too long and it might be too big through the shoulders. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see when it gets here.

I've also put down a deposit for a cast version of the helmet and I hope it will have more room for lights (and air circulation, so the lenses don't fog up so badly!). I loved the way my foam helmet turned out, but it was just a tiny bit too small for me, and some of the hot glue connections (for all the greeblies) were a bit fragile.

My next outing with this costume is at Ottawa Pop Expo on November 22nd, so I definitely don't have time to finish everything (nor will I have my helmet by then!), but I might debut a few of these new pieces, depending how much time I have to work on them between now and then (I'm also doing the National Novel Writing Month challenge, where i'm trying to write a 50,000 word story during the month of November, so I'm a bit busy!). After that, I don't have another convention until May so I will have more time to work on it after the holidays.
A few more pics!

My arm patch (needs paint, obviously!):

I'm working on the paint job on the guns to make them more screen-accurate. I had originally only had time to paint the silver parts before FanExpo, so now I'm adding some black as well. I don't know how much time I will have to weather them (and try to add the bluing on the tips) before this weekend, so they may go like this. I've also made some fabric and velcro loops to attach to my belt and hold the blasters, which will hopefully work better than my last-minute solution of heavy-duty plastic twist ties that I used at FanExpo.
DSC_3068.jpg DSC_3069.jpg

I'm still waiting on my jacket (which may or may not arrive in time for Pop Expo this weekend), an Infinity Stone (ditto), and a helmet (even if it arrives this week it won't be ready for Saturday!). Eventually I'll also get the rocket controls (which means I might actually have to make the boot rockets!) and clips for the blasters so I don't have to keep using the fabric loops.

I'm still deciding whether or not I want to make the belt and spats. I'm also planning to work on making the sling bag more screen accurate, but it will do as it is for this weekend.

Thanks for the info on the bag. It looks really good.
I had it on my shopping list but I guess it will be too small for a person 6 2.

Thanks for the info on the bag. It looks really good.
I had it on my shopping list but I guess it will be too small for a person 6 2.

If you'd like, I can post measurements and pics of it with me and my husband (he's 6'2"), but that will have to wait until I'm home from work!
Please, thank you.
I am sure that others will find the size reference useful.

But, as an aside, if you are Starlord is he going to be Groot?
Please, thank you.
I am sure that others will find the size reference useful.

But, as an aside, if you are Starlord is he going to be Groot?

Okay, I will do that tonight!

LOL I wish! The size difference would be perfect. Alas, I haven't managed to convince him yet. He's just not that interested in building that particular costume!
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