Star-Lord (Female), Finished Pics pg. 2, Upgrades in Progress pg. 3

Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

LOL except for the fact that I'm afraid of my dremel. ;) This build is the first time I've used one, and it's slightly terrifying for someone who doesn't use power tools! I do have a friend that might be able to help, though. He's much more familiar with this sort of stuff than I am.

Don't be afraid, just be careful! Dremel tools are pretty hard to hurt yourself with. Obviously keep your fingers away from the spinning bits, but even if you accidentally touch a cutting blade or sanding head, you're probably not going to cut yourself. The thing with dremel tools is that they cut stuff because the material being cut is very hard. Your skin is soft and squishy, so if you do accidentally touch yourself with it, your skin will squish around it. Of course, you shouldn't hold it against your skin, it will eventually break the skin. But a dremel is a pretty good tool for beginners to get used to power tools, especially the sanding bits. :)
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

For those ends (tubes) look for little elbows in either plastic, or copper...local Rona, Home Depot or Canadian Tire. Your build looks good btw;)

Thank you! I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming together, since it's my first real build. Though I'm a little concerned about running out of time, lol! I checked the Home Depot website earlier and they may have some things that might work, so I'll try to head there tonight.
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Don't be afraid, just be careful! Dremel tools are pretty hard to hurt yourself with. Obviously keep your fingers away from the spinning bits, but even if you accidentally touch a cutting blade or sanding head, you're probably not going to cut yourself. The thing with dremel tools is that they cut stuff because the material being cut is very hard. Your skin is soft and squishy, so if you do accidentally touch yourself with it, your skin will squish around it. Of course, you shouldn't hold it against your skin, it will eventually break the skin. But a dremel is a pretty good tool for beginners to get used to power tools, especially the sanding bits. :)
I have a dremel I've been a bit nervous about using, I might have to get it out!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Don't be afraid, just be careful! Dremel tools are pretty hard to hurt yourself with. Obviously keep your fingers away from the spinning bits, but even if you accidentally touch a cutting blade or sanding head, you're probably not going to cut yourself. The thing with dremel tools is that they cut stuff because the material being cut is very hard. Your skin is soft and squishy, so if you do accidentally touch yourself with it, your skin will squish around it. Of course, you shouldn't hold it against your skin, it will eventually break the skin. But a dremel is a pretty good tool for beginners to get used to power tools, especially the sanding bits. :)

The sanding heads aren't too bad (though I lost the end of one fingernail to one of them, lol! It's the cutting heads that make me nervous! :X Thanks for your encouragement, though. I will conquer power tools eventually!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

This is looking good! I wish we were going to be at FanExpo to see it. Hoping for next year, though! =D

For the mask, you could also just do a wash over the silver to tone it down a bit -- lots of water to a little bit of paint -- and then blot off as needed to help control the layering and the color. It's one of the things I've been doing a lot of, weathering my armor for Sif. I also found that applying thinned paint to the cracks and crevasses with a brush, then blending it with a dry brush helped weather the edges really well.

I'll echo what was said previously about stripping the blasters -- Simple Green or Purple Power. I had a couple of props that I wasn't thrilled with the paint job on, so I sanded them slightly to break up the finish, tossed them in a Rubbermaid container with enough Simple Green to cover them, then let them soak. I grabbed a stiff brush from the paint section at Home Depot, and took to brushing at it a bit every few days, getting rid of the paint that was coming off and helping to get more of the cleaner under the existing paint. In the end, it took almost a week. OTOH, I wasn't in a hurry, so I didn't work at it every day. Still, it did the job and didn't screw up the plastic underneath.

I feel your pain about the Dremel: they're great tools, but I'm more afraid of screwing something up, either myself or my project! Very handy for sanding and cutting, though. Couldn't have finished Hawkeye last year without it (or the cheap facsimile I have).

Can't wait to see the finished ensemble!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Maybe it is overkill, but I always wear a breathing mask, face shield, ear plugs and leather gloves when having fun with tools. With dremels you should brace yourself and plan your cuts so that if the dremel catches on something, and races off, it won't hit anything. Like working with a knife, always point it away from you.

Making stuff out of aluminum is a ssslllloowwww processsssss zzZZZZZZZZZZZZ:sleep

downviewbridge.jpgand lots of pieces are trial and error, so I will post when closer to dun :)
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

This is looking good! I wish we were going to be at FanExpo to see it. Hoping for next year, though! =D

For the mask, you could also just do a wash over the silver to tone it down a bit -- lots of water to a little bit of paint -- and then blot off as needed to help control the layering and the color. It's one of the things I've been doing a lot of, weathering my armor for Sif. I also found that applying thinned paint to the cracks and crevasses with a brush, then blending it with a dry brush helped weather the edges really well.

I'll echo what was said previously about stripping the blasters -- Simple Green or Purple Power. I had a couple of props that I wasn't thrilled with the paint job on, so I sanded them slightly to break up the finish, tossed them in a Rubbermaid container with enough Simple Green to cover them, then let them soak. I grabbed a stiff brush from the paint section at Home Depot, and took to brushing at it a bit every few days, getting rid of the paint that was coming off and helping to get more of the cleaner under the existing paint. In the end, it took almost a week. OTOH, I wasn't in a hurry, so I didn't work at it every day. Still, it did the job and didn't screw up the plastic underneath.

I feel your pain about the Dremel: they're great tools, but I'm more afraid of screwing something up, either myself or my project! Very handy for sanding and cutting, though. Couldn't have finished Hawkeye last year without it (or the cheap facsimile I have).

Can't wait to see the finished ensemble!

I wish you were going too! I'd love to see your Sif! I'm not sure if we'll be going next year (we're helping at a friend's booth, but he's been diagnosed with cancer, so everything is up in the air for the future).

Weathering is going to be a new experience for me too - so many new things on this build! I probably should have left myself more time to work on it, lol. I might try mixing the pewter and the black together tonight and experimenting with different ratios. I think the pewter with a bit of black would be better because the black is really dark. But I'll see how it goes tonight!

The canola oil is actually doing a spectacular job of cleaning the paint off - the problem is my lack of time to clean the oil off. :p And maybe some procrastination, because it's not exactly fun (and I have to make sure I'm wearing old clothes in case I get any on me!). My hands smell like French fries afterwards! I'm down to the last two pieces, so I really should try to get done today or tomorrow.

I have a cast Magneto helmet that needs the edges cleaned up for painting and I am so paranoid about messing it up trying to dremel it smooth! At least with this foam helmet it's not too bad - I'm not wrecking a couple hundred dollars worth of work. :p

I will post pics - I just hope I get it done in time! ;)

- - - Updated - - -

Maybe it is overkill, but I always wear a breathing mask, face shield, ear plugs and leather gloves when having fun with tools. With dremels you should brace yourself and plan your cuts so that if the dremel catches on something, and races off, it won't hit anything. Like working with a knife, always point it away from you.

Making stuff out of aluminum is a ssslllloowwww processsssss zzZZZZZZZZZZZZ:sleep

View attachment 364685and lots of pieces are trial and error, so I will post when closer to dun :)

I learned the eye protection lesson when I got a tiny shred of foam in my eye - thankfully it was only foam! But I learned to always wear eye protection - even if it's something "safe" like foam. :p Thanks for your advice! I will keep practicing - I've already noticed I'm better with it than I was at the beginning. :)

It's looking great so far! I can't wait to see more!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Couple more quick progress pics. I mixed some of the pewter and metallic black paint together to get a colour I'm much happier with, and started painting last night. I didn't get all the way finished because it got too late and I was tired, but you can see the difference between the silver and the pewter mix here. It's coming together, slowly! I also started painting the tubes and other details for the sides, but they're boring right now so I didn't take any pics. My goal for tonight is to finish the pewter on the helmet, and try to get the tubes put together. Oh, and see if I can finish cleaning the last two blaster parts, since I completely forgot about them yesterday!

Helmet Painting WIP1.JPG Helmet Painting WIP2.JPG Helmet Painting WIP3.JPG
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Less than a week until FanExpo, eek! I'm really concerned I won't get the blasters done in time. :(

I did some more work on the helmet today. I have some boring progress that I won't bother showing pics of yet (putting together all the details for the tubes on the sides), but tonight I worked on the lenses. I put window tint on one pair of lenses that I had a friend cut out of an acrylic sheet, and installed them in the eye openings.

Helmet WIP13.JPG

Visibility/fit test. The visibility is great with the window tint - it's just like wearing dark sunglasses.
Helmet WIP14.JPG

I also installed a second (smaller) set of lenses. These have the red gift bag film on them. The visibility on these ones isn't quite as good, but they're only a little blurry. I can always take the helmet off for breaks if it bothers me. They're not quite symmetrical, which is probably going to bug me, but we're leaving on Wednesday morning so I have to work with what I've got. :p
Helmet WIP15.JPG

And here's how they'll look once they're installed. Any advice? Will hot glue work on top of painted foam? (It's craft paint, not spray paint, if that makes a difference!)
Helmet WIP16.JPG
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Wow looking great! Can't wait to see it altogether :)

Thank you! I'm a little worried I'm going to run out of time, but hopefully I can get it all done! I don't think I'll have time for weathering before the con, but I can always add that later. It's really nice to see it finally coming together!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

LOL except for the fact that I'm afraid of my dremel. ;) This build is the first time I've used one, and it's slightly terrifying for someone who doesn't use power tools!

I'd recommend investing in a flex shaft for your Dremel if you don't already have one. It's a lot easier to handle and you get more precision with it.
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

I'd recommend investing in a flex shaft for your Dremel if you don't already have one. It's a lot easier to handle and you get more precision with it.

We have one, but my husband can't remember where he put it after the last time he used it. Because of course it's not with the Dremel, or the rest of the parts for it. That would just make too much sense! :p But if we can't find it soon, we'll probably go buy another one. I just don't think it's going to matter for this build since I'm done most of the stuff that would need the Dremel. And I only have until Tuesday to finish this costume, lol!
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Small update - I did get more done, but it's in the boring "prepping for painting" stage and isn't very photogenic. So here's the visible progress from today - I cut out vents in the side to install the braided tubes. The end pieces are the rubber caps you put on the ends of wire shelving, lol. Not perfect, but we're leaving on Wednesday morning so they'll do! I've also finished the painting on the helmet itself (other than weathering, which I may just not have time for before FanExpo!).

Helmet WIP17.JPG
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Looks great! I think with the braided tubes looking so good it takes attention away from the end caps. Can't wait to see pics of the whole look together!

I'm envious of everyone here who has space in their places for actual tools lol
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Helmet is finished! I even managed to get some weathering done. The visibility is pretty terrible, but hopefully it will be well-lit enough that I won't trip over anything. :p

Helmet Finished1.JPG Helmet Finished2.JPG

The blasters have also been spray-painted and reassembled, but I forgot to get a pic before I packed them. They're not how I'd like them (just plain silver), but I've run out of time - it's almost 10pm and I have to be up early tomorrow to head to FanExpo!

We also got my husband's costume finished. I know this is the wrong forum for it, but I'm not starting a whole thread in the DC forum for one pic, lol. We're not sure if anyone's going to recognize him, but we love how it turned out.

Onomatopoeia Test.JPG
Re: Star-Lord Costume (Female) WIP

Couple of quick pics of Star-Lord by ConArtists at FanExpo Toronto last weekend. It was great fun to wear, aside from the fact that I couldn't see anything through the helmet's lenses, lol. It was really dark and slightly blurry and fogged up super fast. Definitely things to consider for the next version! I also had problems with the hot glue not sticking to the paint for the stuff I added after the painting was done (outer lenses, bendy straw details). The glue was making the paint peel up from the foam, so I had to do some repair work at the con (huge thank you to League of Legends for their cosplay repair room!). With the problems I had at the con, and the fact that the helmet is just slightly too small for me (and too small to fit lights into it), I will be remaking it at some point.

The rest of the costume worked out well, though I need to figure out a better way to holster my blasters. My last-minute solution was industrial twist-ties from the hardware store (reuseable plastic ones, not the paper ones you get at grocery stores). They held really well, but were a pain to deal with for photo requests (especially since I had to keep them both holstered while walking around because I needed two hands to get my helmet on and off). So that's another thing to consider!

More photos to come as I go through what I've got on my camera, but I couldn't resist sharing a few. I also have a photo op with Dave Bautista to share soon too!

FanExpo 2014 day 3-6903.jpg FanExpo 2014 day 3-6905.jpg FanExpo 2014 day 3-6911.jpg FanExpo 2014 day 3-6920.jpg
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